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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Idea for separating react and react/addons while sharing interfaces
// Type definitions for React 0.13.0
// Project:
// Definitions by: Asana <>, AssureSign <>
// Definitions:
declare module React {
// React Elements
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
type ReactType = ComponentClass<any, any, any> | string;
interface ReactElement<P> {
type: ComponentClass<P, any, any> | string;
props: P;
key: number | string;
ref: string;
interface ReactClassicElement<P> extends ReactElement<P> {
interface ReactHTMLElement extends ReactElement<HTMLAttributes> {}
interface ReactSVGElement extends ReactElement<SVGAttributes> {}
// React Nodes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
type ReactText = string | number;
type ReactChild = ReactElement<any> | ReactText;
// Should be Array<ReactNode> but type aliases cannot be recursive
type ReactFragment = Array<ReactChild | any[] | boolean>;
type ReactNode = ReactChild | ReactFragment | boolean;
// React Components
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface ComponentLifecycle<P, S, C> {
componentWillMount?(): void;
componentDidMount?(): void;
componentWillReceiveProps?(nextProps: P, nextContext: C): void;
shouldComponentUpdate?(nextProps: P, nextState: S, nextContext: C): boolean;
componentWillUpdate?(nextProps: P, nextState: S, nextContext: C): void;
componentDidUpdate?(prevProps: P, prevState: S, prevContext: C): void;
componentWillUnmount?(): void;
// "modern" ES6 classes
class Component<P, S, C> implements ComponentLifecycle<P, S, C> {
constructor(props: P, context: C);
// static members can't be type checked with generics. However, see ComponentClass<P, S, C>
static defaultProps: any;
static propTypes: ValidationMap<any>;
static contextTypes: ValidationMap<any>;
static childContextTypes: ValidationMap<any>;
static displayName: string;
setState(state: S, callback?: () => any): void;
forceUpdate(): void;
props: P;
state: S;
context: C;
refs: {
[key: string]: Component<any, any, any>
interface ComponentClass<P, S, C> {
new (props: P, context: C): Component<P, S, C>;
// can cast to get type checking for generics if desired
defaultProps: P;
getDefaultProps?(): P;
propTypes: ValidationMap<P>;
contextTypes: ValidationMap<C>;
childContextTypes: ValidationMap<any>;
displayName: string;
// "classic" createClass
class ClassicComponent<P, S, C> extends Component<P, S, C> {
replaceState(nextState: S, callback?: () => any): void;
getDOMNode<TElement extends Element>(): TElement;
getDOMNode(): Element;
isMounted(): boolean;
getInitialState(): S;
setProps(nextProps: P, callback?: () => any): void;
replaceProps(nextProps: P, callback?: () => any): void;
interface ClassicComponentClass<P, S, C> extends ComponentClass<P, S, C> {
new (props: P, context: C): ClassicComponent<P, S, C>;
interface ChildContextProvider<C> {
getChildContext: () => C;
// ReactElement Factories
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface ComponentFactory<P> {
(props?: P, ...children: ReactNode[]): ReactElement<P>;
interface HTMLFactory extends ComponentFactory<HTMLAttributes> {}
interface SVGFactory extends ComponentFactory<SVGAttributes> {}
// Top-Level API
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
function createClass<P, S, C>(spec: ComponentSpec<P, S, C>): ClassicComponentClass<P, S, C>;
function createElement<P>(type: ClassicComponentClass<P, any, any>, props: P, ...children: ReactNode[]): ReactClassicElement<P>;
function createElement<P>(type: ComponentClass<P, any, any> | string, props: P, ...children: ReactNode[]): ReactElement<P>;
function createFactory<P>(type: ComponentClass<P, any, any> | string): ComponentFactory<P>;
function render<P, S>(element: ReactClassicElement<P>, container: Element, callback?: () => any): ClassicComponent<P, S, any>;
function render<P, S>(element: ReactElement<P>, container: Element, callback?: () => any): Component<P, S, any>;
function unmountComponentAtNode(container: Element): boolean;
function renderToString(element: ReactElement<any>): string;
function renderToStaticMarkup(element: ReactElement<any>): string;
function isValidElement(object: {}): boolean;
function initializeTouchEvents(shouldUseTouch: boolean): void;
function findDOMNode(component: Component<any, any, any>): Element;
function findDOMNode<TElement extends Element>(component: Component<any, any, any>): TElement;
// Component API
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class DOMComponent<P> extends ClassicComponent<P, any, any> {
tagName: string;
interface HTMLComponent extends DOMComponent<HTMLAttributes> {}
interface SVGComponent extends DOMComponent<SVGAttributes> {}
// Component Specs and Lifecycle
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface Mixin<P, S, C> extends ComponentLifecycle<P, S, C> {
mixins?: Mixin<P, S, C>;
statics?: {
[key: string]: any;
displayName?: string;
propTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
contextTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
childContextTypes?: ValidationMap<any>
getInitialState?(): S;
getDefaultProps?(): P;
interface ComponentSpec<P, S, C> extends Mixin<P, S, C> {
render(): ReactElement<any>;
// Event System
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface SyntheticEvent {
bubbles: boolean;
cancelable: boolean;
currentTarget: EventTarget;
defaultPrevented: boolean;
eventPhase: number;
isTrusted: boolean;
nativeEvent: Event;
preventDefault(): void;
stopPropagation(): void;
target: EventTarget;
timeStamp: Date;
type: string;
interface ClipboardEvent extends SyntheticEvent {
clipboardData: DataTransfer;
interface KeyboardEvent extends SyntheticEvent {
altKey: boolean;
charCode: number;
ctrlKey: boolean;
getModifierState(key: string): boolean;
key: string;
keyCode: number;
locale: string;
location: number;
metaKey: boolean;
repeat: boolean;
shiftKey: boolean;
which: number;
interface FocusEvent extends SyntheticEvent {
relatedTarget: EventTarget;
interface FormEvent extends SyntheticEvent {
interface MouseEvent extends SyntheticEvent {
altKey: boolean;
button: number;
buttons: number;
clientX: number;
clientY: number;
ctrlKey: boolean;
getModifierState(key: string): boolean;
metaKey: boolean;
pageX: number;
pageY: number;
relatedTarget: EventTarget;
screenX: number;
screenY: number;
shiftKey: boolean;
interface TouchEvent extends SyntheticEvent {
altKey: boolean;
changedTouches: TouchList;
ctrlKey: boolean;
getModifierState(key: string): boolean;
metaKey: boolean;
shiftKey: boolean;
targetTouches: TouchList;
touches: TouchList;
interface UIEvent extends SyntheticEvent {
detail: number;
view: AbstractView;
interface WheelEvent extends SyntheticEvent {
deltaMode: number;
deltaX: number;
deltaY: number;
deltaZ: number;
// Event Handler Types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface EventHandler<E extends SyntheticEvent> {
(event: E): void;
interface ClipboardEventHandler extends EventHandler<ClipboardEvent> {}
interface KeyboardEventHandler extends EventHandler<KeyboardEvent> {}
interface FocusEventHandler extends EventHandler<FocusEvent> {}
interface FormEventHandler extends EventHandler<FormEvent> {}
interface MouseEventHandler extends EventHandler<MouseEvent> {}
interface TouchEventHandler extends EventHandler<TouchEvent> {}
interface UIEventHandler extends EventHandler<UIEvent> {}
interface WheelEventHandler extends EventHandler<WheelEvent> {}
// Attributes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface ReactAttributes {
children?: ReactNode;
key?: number | string;
ref?: string;
// Event Attributes
onCopy?: ClipboardEventHandler;
onCut?: ClipboardEventHandler;
onPaste?: ClipboardEventHandler;
onKeyDown?: KeyboardEventHandler;
onKeyPress?: KeyboardEventHandler;
onKeyUp?: KeyboardEventHandler;
onFocus?: FocusEventHandler;
onBlur?: FocusEventHandler;
onChange?: FormEventHandler;
onInput?: FormEventHandler;
onSubmit?: FormEventHandler;
onClick?: MouseEventHandler;
onDoubleClick?: MouseEventHandler;
onDrag?: MouseEventHandler;
onDragEnd?: MouseEventHandler;
onDragEnter?: MouseEventHandler;
onDragExit?: MouseEventHandler;
onDragLeave?: MouseEventHandler;
onDragOver?: MouseEventHandler;
onDragStart?: MouseEventHandler;
onDrop?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseDown?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseEnter?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseLeave?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseMove?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseOut?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseOver?: MouseEventHandler;
onMouseUp?: MouseEventHandler;
onTouchCancel?: TouchEventHandler;
onTouchEnd?: TouchEventHandler;
onTouchMove?: TouchEventHandler;
onTouchStart?: TouchEventHandler;
onScroll?: UIEventHandler;
onWheel?: WheelEventHandler;
dangerouslySetInnerHTML?: {
__html: string;
interface CSSProperties {
columnCount?: number;
flex?: number | string;
flexGrow?: number;
flexShrink?: number;
fontWeight?: number;
lineClamp?: number;
lineHeight?: number;
opacity?: number;
order?: number;
orphans?: number;
widows?: number;
zIndex?: number;
zoom?: number;
// SVG-related properties
fillOpacity?: number;
strokeOpacity?: number;
interface HTMLAttributes extends ReactAttributes {
accept?: string;
acceptCharset?: string;
accessKey?: string;
action?: string;
allowFullScreen?: boolean;
allowTransparency?: boolean;
alt?: string;
async?: boolean;
autoComplete?: boolean;
autoFocus?: boolean;
autoPlay?: boolean;
cellPadding?: number | string;
cellSpacing?: number | string;
charSet?: string;
checked?: boolean;
classID?: string;
className?: string;
cols?: number;
colSpan?: number;
content?: string;
contentEditable?: boolean;
contextMenu?: string;
controls?: any;
coords?: string;
crossOrigin?: string;
data?: string;
dateTime?: string;
defer?: boolean;
dir?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
download?: any;
draggable?: boolean;
encType?: string;
form?: string;
formNoValidate?: boolean;
frameBorder?: number | string;
height?: number | string;
hidden?: boolean;
href?: string;
hrefLang?: string;
htmlFor?: string;
httpEquiv?: string;
icon?: string;
id?: string;
label?: string;
lang?: string;
list?: string;
loop?: boolean;
manifest?: string;
max?: number | string;
maxLength?: number;
media?: string;
mediaGroup?: string;
method?: string;
min?: number | string;
multiple?: boolean;
muted?: boolean;
name?: string;
noValidate?: boolean;
open?: boolean;
pattern?: string;
placeholder?: string;
poster?: string;
preload?: string;
radioGroup?: string;
readOnly?: boolean;
rel?: string;
required?: boolean;
role?: string;
rows?: number;
rowSpan?: number;
sandbox?: string;
scope?: string;
scrollLeft?: number;
scrolling?: string;
scrollTop?: number;
seamless?: boolean;
selected?: boolean;
shape?: string;
size?: number;
sizes?: string;
span?: number;
spellCheck?: boolean;
src?: string;
srcDoc?: string;
srcSet?: string;
start?: number;
step?: number | string;
style?: CSSProperties;
tabIndex?: number;
target?: string;
title?: string;
type?: string;
useMap?: string;
value?: string;
width?: number | string;
wmode?: string;
// Non-standard Attributes
autoCapitalize?: boolean;
autoCorrect?: boolean;
property?: string;
itemProp?: string;
itemScope?: boolean;
itemType?: string;
interface SVGAttributes extends ReactAttributes {
cx?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
cy?: any;
d?: string;
dx?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
dy?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
fill?: any; // SVGPaint | string
fillOpacity?: number | string;
fontFamily?: string;
fontSize?: number | string;
fx?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
fy?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
gradientTransform?: SVGTransformList | SVGAnimatedTransformList;
gradientUnits?: string;
markerEnd?: string;
markerMid?: string;
markerStart?: string;
offset?: number | string;
opacity?: number | string;
patternContentUnits?: string;
patternUnits?: string;
points?: string;
preserveAspectRatio?: string;
r?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
rx?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
ry?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
spreadMethod?: string;
stopColor?: any; // SVGColor | string
stopOpacity?: number | string;
stroke?: any; // SVGPaint
strokeDasharray?: string;
strokeLinecap?: string;
strokeOpacity?: number | string;
strokeWidth?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
textAnchor?: string;
transform?: SVGTransformList | SVGAnimatedTransformList;
version?: string;
viewBox?: string;
x1?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
x2?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
x?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
y1?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
y2?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength
y?: SVGLength | SVGAnimatedLength;
// React.DOM
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface ReactDOM {
a: HTMLFactory;
abbr: HTMLFactory;
address: HTMLFactory;
area: HTMLFactory;
article: HTMLFactory;
aside: HTMLFactory;
audio: HTMLFactory;
b: HTMLFactory;
base: HTMLFactory;
bdi: HTMLFactory;
bdo: HTMLFactory;
big: HTMLFactory;
blockquote: HTMLFactory;
body: HTMLFactory;
br: HTMLFactory;
button: HTMLFactory;
canvas: HTMLFactory;
caption: HTMLFactory;
cite: HTMLFactory;
code: HTMLFactory;
col: HTMLFactory;
colgroup: HTMLFactory;
data: HTMLFactory;
datalist: HTMLFactory;
dd: HTMLFactory;
del: HTMLFactory;
details: HTMLFactory;
dfn: HTMLFactory;
dialog: HTMLFactory;
div: HTMLFactory;
dl: HTMLFactory;
dt: HTMLFactory;
em: HTMLFactory;
embed: HTMLFactory;
fieldset: HTMLFactory;
figcaption: HTMLFactory;
figure: HTMLFactory;
footer: HTMLFactory;
form: HTMLFactory;
h1: HTMLFactory;
h2: HTMLFactory;
h3: HTMLFactory;
h4: HTMLFactory;
h5: HTMLFactory;
h6: HTMLFactory;
head: HTMLFactory;
header: HTMLFactory;
hr: HTMLFactory;
html: HTMLFactory;
i: HTMLFactory;
iframe: HTMLFactory;
img: HTMLFactory;
input: HTMLFactory;
ins: HTMLFactory;
kbd: HTMLFactory;
keygen: HTMLFactory;
label: HTMLFactory;
legend: HTMLFactory;
li: HTMLFactory;
link: HTMLFactory;
main: HTMLFactory;
map: HTMLFactory;
mark: HTMLFactory;
menu: HTMLFactory;
menuitem: HTMLFactory;
meta: HTMLFactory;
meter: HTMLFactory;
nav: HTMLFactory;
noscript: HTMLFactory;
object: HTMLFactory;
ol: HTMLFactory;
optgroup: HTMLFactory;
option: HTMLFactory;
output: HTMLFactory;
p: HTMLFactory;
param: HTMLFactory;
picture: HTMLFactory;
pre: HTMLFactory;
progress: HTMLFactory;
q: HTMLFactory;
rp: HTMLFactory;
rt: HTMLFactory;
ruby: HTMLFactory;
s: HTMLFactory;
samp: HTMLFactory;
script: HTMLFactory;
section: HTMLFactory;
select: HTMLFactory;
small: HTMLFactory;
source: HTMLFactory;
span: HTMLFactory;
strong: HTMLFactory;
style: HTMLFactory;
sub: HTMLFactory;
summary: HTMLFactory;
sup: HTMLFactory;
table: HTMLFactory;
tbody: HTMLFactory;
td: HTMLFactory;
textarea: HTMLFactory;
tfoot: HTMLFactory;
th: HTMLFactory;
thead: HTMLFactory;
time: HTMLFactory;
title: HTMLFactory;
tr: HTMLFactory;
track: HTMLFactory;
u: HTMLFactory;
ul: HTMLFactory;
"var": HTMLFactory;
video: HTMLFactory;
wbr: HTMLFactory;
// SVG
circle: SVGFactory;
defs: SVGFactory;
ellipse: SVGFactory;
g: SVGFactory;
line: SVGFactory;
linearGradient: SVGFactory;
mask: SVGFactory;
path: SVGFactory;
pattern: SVGFactory;
polygon: SVGFactory;
polyline: SVGFactory;
radialGradient: SVGFactory;
rect: SVGFactory;
stop: SVGFactory;
svg: SVGFactory;
text: SVGFactory;
tspan: SVGFactory;
// React.PropTypes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface Validator<T> {
(object: T, key: string, componentName: string): Error;
interface Requireable<T> extends Validator<T> {
isRequired: Validator<T>;
interface ValidationMap<T> {
[key: string]: Validator<T>;
interface ReactPropTypes {
any: Requireable<any>;
array: Requireable<any>;
bool: Requireable<any>;
func: Requireable<any>;
number: Requireable<any>;
object: Requireable<any>;
string: Requireable<any>;
node: Requireable<any>;
element: Requireable<any>;
instanceOf(expectedClass: {}): Requireable<any>;
oneOf(types: any[]): Requireable<any>;
oneOfType(types: Validator<any>[]): Requireable<any>;
arrayOf(type: Validator<any>): Requireable<any>;
objectOf(type: Validator<any>): Requireable<any>;
shape(type: ValidationMap<any>): Requireable<any>;
// React.Children
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface ReactChildren {
map<T>(children: ReactNode, fn: (child: ReactChild) => T): { [key:string]: T };
forEach(children: ReactNode, fn: (child: ReactChild) => any): void;
count(children: ReactNode): number;
only(children: ReactNode): ReactChild;
// React.addons
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface ClassSet {
[key: string]: boolean;
// React.addons (Transitions)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface TransitionGroupProps {
component?: ReactType;
childFactory?: (child: ReactElement<any>) => ReactElement<any>;
interface CSSTransitionGroupProps extends TransitionGroupProps {
transitionName: string;
transitionAppear?: boolean;
transitionEnter?: boolean;
transitionLeave?: boolean;
interface CSSTransitionGroup extends ComponentClass<CSSTransitionGroupProps, any, any> {}
interface TransitionGroup extends ComponentClass<TransitionGroupProps, any, any> {}
// React.addons (Mixins)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface ReactLink<T> {
value: T;
requestChange(newValue: T): void;
interface LinkedStateMixin extends Mixin<any, any, any> {
linkState<T>(key: string): ReactLink<T>;
interface PureRenderMixin extends Mixin<any, any, any> {
// Reat.addons.update
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface UpdateSpec {
$set: any;
$merge: {};
$apply(value: any): any;
// [key: string]: UpdateSpec;
interface UpdateArraySpec extends UpdateSpec {
$push?: any[];
$unshift?: any[];
$splice?: any[][];
// React.addons.Perf
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface ComponentPerfContext {
current: string;
owner: string;
interface NumericPerfContext {
[key: string]: number;
interface Measurements {
exclusive: NumericPerfContext;
inclusive: NumericPerfContext;
render: NumericPerfContext;
counts: NumericPerfContext;
writes: NumericPerfContext;
displayNames: {
[key: string]: ComponentPerfContext;
totalTime: number;
interface ReactPerf {
start(): void;
stop(): void;
printInclusive(measurements: Measurements[]): void;
printExclusive(measurements: Measurements[]): void;
printWasted(measurements: Measurements[]): void;
printDOM(measurements: Measurements[]): void;
getLastMeasurements(): Measurements[];
// React.addons.TestUtils
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface MockedComponentClass {
new(): any;
interface ReactTestUtils {
Simulate: Simulate;
renderIntoDocument<P>(element: ReactElement<P>): Component<P, any, any>;
renderIntoDocument<C extends Component<any, any, any>>(element: ReactElement<any>): C;
mockComponent(mocked: MockedComponentClass, mockTagName?: string): ReactTestUtils;
isElementOfType(element: ReactElement<any>, type: ReactType): boolean;
isDOMComponent(instance: Component<any, any, any>): boolean;
isCompositeComponent(instance: Component<any, any, any>): boolean;
isCompositeComponentWithType(instance: Component<any, any, any>, type: ComponentClass<any, any, any>): boolean;
isTextComponent(instance: Component<any, any, any>): boolean;
findAllInRenderedTree(tree: Component<any, any, any>, fn: (i: Component<any, any, any>) => boolean): Component<any, any, any>;
scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass(tree: Component<any, any, any>, className: string): DOMComponent<any>[];
findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(tree: Component<any, any, any>, className: string): DOMComponent<any>;
scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag(tree: Component<any, any, any>, tagName: string): DOMComponent<any>[];
findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(tree: Component<any, any, any>, tagName: string): DOMComponent<any>;
scryRenderedComponentsWithType<P, S, C>(
tree: Component<any, any, any>, type: ComponentClass<P, S, C>): Component<P, S, C>[];
scryRenderedComponentsWithType<C extends Component<any, any, any>>(
tree: Component<any, any, any>, type: ComponentClass<any, any, any>): C[];
findRenderedComponentWithType<P, S, C>(
tree: Component<any, any, any>, type: ComponentClass<P, S, C>): Component<P, S, C>;
findRenderedComponentWithType<C extends Component<any, any, any>>(
tree: Component<any, any, any>, type: ComponentClass<any, any, any>): C;
interface SyntheticEventData {
altKey?: boolean;
button?: number;
buttons?: number;
clientX?: number;
clientY?: number;
changedTouches?: TouchList;
charCode?: boolean;
clipboardData?: DataTransfer;
ctrlKey?: boolean;
deltaMode?: number;
deltaX?: number;
deltaY?: number;
deltaZ?: number;
detail?: number;
getModifierState?(key: string): boolean;
key?: string;
keyCode?: number;
locale?: string;
location?: number;
metaKey?: boolean;
pageX?: number;
pageY?: number;
relatedTarget?: EventTarget;
repeat?: boolean;
screenX?: number;
screenY?: number;
shiftKey?: boolean;
targetTouches?: TouchList;
touches?: TouchList;
view?: AbstractView;
which?: number;
interface EventSimulator {
(element: Element, eventData?: SyntheticEventData): void;
(descriptor: Component<any, any, any>, eventData?: SyntheticEventData): void;
interface Simulate {
blur: EventSimulator;
change: EventSimulator;
click: EventSimulator;
cut: EventSimulator;
doubleClick: EventSimulator;
drag: EventSimulator;
dragEnd: EventSimulator;
dragEnter: EventSimulator;
dragExit: EventSimulator;
dragLeave: EventSimulator;
dragOver: EventSimulator;
dragStart: EventSimulator;
drop: EventSimulator;
focus: EventSimulator;
input: EventSimulator;
keyDown: EventSimulator;
keyPress: EventSimulator;
keyUp: EventSimulator;
mouseDown: EventSimulator;
mouseEnter: EventSimulator;
mouseLeave: EventSimulator;
mouseMove: EventSimulator;
mouseOut: EventSimulator;
mouseOver: EventSimulator;
mouseUp: EventSimulator;
paste: EventSimulator;
scroll: EventSimulator;
submit: EventSimulator;
touchCancel: EventSimulator;
touchEnd: EventSimulator;
touchMove: EventSimulator;
touchStart: EventSimulator;
wheel: EventSimulator;
// react Exports
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
var DOM: ReactDOM;
var PropTypes: ReactPropTypes;
var Children: ReactChildren;
// Browser Interfaces
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface AbstractView {
styleMedia: StyleMedia;
document: Document;
interface Touch {
identifier: number;
target: EventTarget;
screenX: number;
screenY: number;
clientX: number;
clientY: number;
pageX: number;
pageY: number;
interface TouchList {
[index: number]: Touch;
length: number;
item(index: number): Touch;
identifiedTouch(identifier: number): Touch;
declare module "react" {
export = React;
/// <reference path="react-0.13.0.d.ts" />
declare module React {
interface Addons {
CSSTransitionGroup: CSSTransitionGroup;
LinkedStateMixin: LinkedStateMixin;
PureRenderMixin: PureRenderMixin;
TransitionGroup: TransitionGroup;
batchedUpdates<A, B>(callback: (a: A, b: B) => any, a: A, b: B): void;
batchedUpdates<A>(callback: (a: A) => any, a: A): void;
batchedUpdates(callback: () => any): void;
classSet(cx: ClassSet): string;
cloneWithProps<P>(element: ReactElement<P>, props: P): ReactElement<P>;
update(value: any[], spec: UpdateArraySpec): any[];
update(value: {}, spec: UpdateSpec): any;
// Development tools
Perf: ReactPerf;
TestUtils: ReactTestUtils;
var addons: Addons;
declare module "react/addons" {
export = React;
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