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Created October 16, 2020 19:23
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Subroutine TEST_DSBFS_EXEC_SQL( connection_name )
** Sample program showing how to use the DSBFS_EXEC_SQL program to
** send a update statement
** Send a select, get results
** Send a parameterized select, get results
** Call a stored procedure
** Call a stored procedures, passing in paramters
** The example SQL statements were created using on MSSQL 2008 using the pubs database
** Notes about DSBFS_EXEC_SQL:
** You can send any SQL statement, including call stored procedures
** You can use straight SQL statements or parameterized statements
** You can call stored procedures with parameters, out params will be returned
** You can send scripts to create or alter tables or stored procedures (DDL)
** If the select statement returns multiple rows, the result will be a dynamic array
** The default delimiters are @vm columns, @fm rows, but you can get @rm/@fm or @vm/svm
** You can use this to create calculated fields which return mutilvalues
dsbfs_exec_sql(connection, sql, demote_levels, result, param_names, param_vals, param_types)
* Parameters
* connection (In) - the name of the dsbfs connection.
* sql (In) - a valid SQL DML statement e.g "Select Count(*) From authors" Or "SELECT * FROM TITLES"
* demote_levels (In) - Optional, defaults to 1
* result (out) - A delimited string containing the results. Default is @rm For rows, @fm For columns
* param_names (In) - Optional, defaults to "". List of parameter names, @rm delimited
* param_vals (In) - Optional, defaults to "". List of parameter values, @rm delimited
* param_types (In) - Optional, defaults to "". List of parameter values, @rm delimited
* 03-01-12 rjc Created
$Insert msg_Equates
$Insert logical
$Insert vol_table_equates
$Insert Microsoft_ado_equates
Equ crlf$ To \0D0A\
Declare Function Msg, DSBFS_exec_SQL, dsbfs_connection, dsbfs_recordsethelper, GET_STATUS
call Set_Status(0)
err_detail = ''
* Edit the volume id and program name to suit your needs
* The volume id is the connection name in the DSBFS_CONNECTION_DETAILS window
* If not passed in, search for an existing connection
If Assigned(connection_name) Else connection_name = ''
If connection_name # '' Then
Call Attach_table(connection_name, '', '')
End else
Locate 'DSBFS' In @volumes(vol_file_sys$) Using @fm Setting pos Then
connection_name = @volumes(vol_location$)<pos,1>
If connection_name = '' Then
Msg( @window, "Unable to determine the connection to use, terminating")
Return ''
* Update some records
sql_statement = "update authors"
sql_statement := " set state = 'TN'"
sql_statement := " where state = 'UT'"
result = '' ; * result of any select
demote_levels = '' ; * result will come back as rm rows / fm cols, demote levels will change to fm/vm or vm/svm,
; * Pass 0 for rm/fm, 1 or null for fm/vm, 2 for vm/@svm
param_names = '' ; * Stored proc or param query? this is an fm delimited array of parameter names
param_vals = '' ; * associated array of parameter values
param_types = '' ; * associated array of parameter data types
result_code = dsbfs_exec_sql(connection_name, sql_statement, demote_levels, result, param_names, param_vals, param_types)
If result_code eq -1 Then
Msg(@window, 'Unable to execute command ' : Quote(sql_statement) )
Return ''
** Run a select. If the select returns multiple rows they will become multvalues
** Look at result in the debugger
sql_statement = "select"
sql_statement := " au_id, city, state"
sql_statement := " from authors"
sql_statement := " where state = 'TN'"
result = ''
Swap @fm With crlf$ In SQL_STATEMENT
result_code = dsbfs_exec_sql(connection_name, sql_statement, demote_levels, result, param_names, param_vals, param_types)
If result_code eq -1 Then
Msg(@window, 'Unable to execute command ' : Quote(sql_statement) )
Return ''
** Parameterized Query Example
** Here we use a parameterized query which has ? in place of actual values
** You can use this approach to pass values that would be difficult to embed in an sql statement
** Especially for calling stored procedures.
** See Microsoft_Ado_Equates for a list of data types
au_id = '172-32-1176'
sql_statement = "select"
sql_statement := " title_id"
sql_statement := " from titleauthor"
sql_statement := " where au_id = ?"
param_names = ''
param_vals = au_id
param_types = adVarChar
result = ''
Swap @fm With crlf$ In SQL_STATEMENT
result_code = dsbfs_exec_sql(connection_name, sql_statement, demote_levels, result, param_names, param_vals, param_types)
If result_code eq -1 Then
Msg(@window, 'Unable to execute command ' : Quote(sql_statement) )
Return ''
* Call A stored procedure Using dsbfs_exec_sql, text sql statement rather than parameters
ids = ''
param_names = ''
param_vals = ''
param_types = adVarChar
sql_statement = 'exec byroyalty @percentage = 100'
result_code = dsbfs_exec_sql(connection_name, sql_statement, demote_levels, ids, param_names, param_vals, param_types)
If result_code eq -1 Then
Msg(@window, 'Unable to execute command ' : Quote(sql_statement) )
Return ''
* Call A stored procedure Using dsbfs_exec_sql, using parameters
* Note that in/out parameters will be returned
ids = ''
param_names = '@percentage' ; * @RM delimite list of parameter names
param_vals = '100' ; * Associated @RM delimited list of parameter values
param_types = adInteger ; * types are ignored, we use ADO params.Refresh() to get the parameters
sql_statement = 'exec byroyalty'
Swap @fm With crlf$ In SQL_STATEMENT
result_code = dsbfs_exec_sql(connection_name, sql_statement, demote_levels, ids, param_names, param_vals, param_types)
If result_code eq -1 Then
Msg(@window, 'Unable to execute command ' : Quote(sql_statement) )
Return ''
Return result
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