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Last active June 26, 2019 11:14
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Git History
package git
How to use it
- save into your
`/usr/local/bin/git-format-patch-follow` (not .sh suffix) & make it executable
- take following code
- update `patchesFolder`, `libNetworkSource`, `target` accordingly to your case
- have new branch selected in your target git repo (preferably very empty, to avoid any potential conflicts with your actual files)
- create new file $target/ with content `git am --3way ~/tmp/patches/\*.patch` or update the `runCommand` script to unwrap *.patch
- if result != 0, you have to manually fix the conflict and continue, so put BP there, fix it when hit and just continue
- this script is EVERYTHING BUT NOT GOOD, always run it with DEBUGGER attached and understand what it's doing,
blind run will most likely format your hard drive, destroy your mac and kill some kittens!
//Copy this script into `/usr/local/bin/`
val patchesFolder = File("/Users/a9508890/tmp/patches")
val libNetworkSource = File("/Users/a9508890/work/nga-mobile-3-android/business/src/")
val target = File("/Users/a9508890/work/nga-mobile-network-android")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
"git am --abort".runCommand(target)
val files = libNetworkSource
.filter { it.isFile && !it.isHidden }
// .filter { it.absolutePath.contains("/src/qa/java/com/cryptomathic/securecore/") }
files.forEachIndexed { i, file ->
println("${i + 1}/${files.size} ${file.absolutePath}")
val createPath = "git format-patch-follow -B -M -o $patchesFolder --root --follow -- ${file.absolutePath}"
val applyPatch = "$target/"//content is just => git am --3way ~/tmp/patches/*.patch
// if (i <= 10) {
// return@forEachIndexed
// }
val result = applyPatch.runCommand(target)
val x = true
if(x) {
if (result != 0) {
"git am --skip".runCommand(target)
fun String.runCommand(workingDir: File): Int {
val process = ProcessBuilder(*split(" ").toTypedArray())
// val output = process.inputStream.bufferedReader().readText()
// val err = process.errorStream.bufferedReader().readText()
return process.exitValue()
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