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Last active February 28, 2022 15:51
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Framework for running Shiny Applications from R packages with parameters passed to the application. See this blog post for more information:
# Run the App on a Shiny Server
shiny::shinyApp(ui = shiny_ui,
server = shiny_server)
# Define the Shiny App UI.
shiny_ui <- function() {
titlePanel('Shiny Parameter Test'),
# Define the Shiny App Server.
shiny_server <- function(input, output, session) {
envir_vars <- ls(envir = parent.env(environment()))
if(!exists('thedata', envir = parent.env(environment()), inherits = FALSE)) {
message('thedata not available, using default faithful...')
data(faithful, envir = environment())
thedata <- faithful
output$environment <- renderPrint(
output$thedata <- renderTable({
# Run the Shiny app passing in the optional parameters.
runShinyApp <- function(thedata, ...) {
shiny_env <- new.env()
# Set names parameters
if(!missing(thedata)) {
print('Setting thedata parameter')
assign('thedata', thedata, shiny_env)
# Set other parameters from the ... operator
params <- list(...)
for(i in seq_len(length(params))) {
assign(names(params[i]), params[[i]], shiny_env)
environment(shiny_ui) <- shiny_env
environment(shiny_server) <- shiny_env
app <- shiny::shinyApp(
ui = shiny_ui,
server = shiny_server
environment(app) <- shiny_env
#' Save the Shiny App to an app.R file.
#' This function will create three files in the \code{out_dir}: \code{server.R},
#' \code{ui.R}, and \code{global.R}. The contents of \code{server.R} and
#' \code{ui.R} will be the source code of the \code{server_function} and
#' \code{ui_function}, respectively. The \code{global.R} file will only contain
#' \code{library} calls for \code{shiny} and any other packages specified in
#' the \code{pkgs} parameter.
#' If \code{run_app = TRUE} the function will start the Shiny app once the
#' files are written. This is recommended to ensure all the necessary packages
#' are loaded for the Shiny app to run.
#' @param ui_function the function for the UI.
#' @param server_function the function for the server.
#' @param pkgs any packages that need to be loaded for the app to work. At
#' minimum the package containing the shiny app should be included.
#' @param out_dir the directory to save the shiny app files.
#' @param run_app whether to run the app once the files are saved.
save_shiny_app <- function(ui_function,
out_dir = 'shiny',
run_app = interactive()) {
server_txt <- capture.output(server_function)
ui_txt <- capture.output(ui_function)
# Remove the bytecode and environment info
server_txt <- server_txt[1:(length(server_txt)-2)]
ui_txt <- ui_txt[3:(length(ui_txt)-3)]
# Fix the function assignment
server_txt[1] <- 'shinyServer(function(input, output, session)'
server_txt[length(server_txt)] <- '})'
global_txt <- c("library('shiny')")
if(!missing(pkgs)) {
global_txt <- c(global_txt, paste0("library('", pkgs, "')"))
# Save the shiny app files
cat(server_txt, sep = '\n', file = paste0(out_dir, '/server.R'))
cat(ui_txt, sep = '\n', file = paste0(out_dir, '/ui.R'))
cat(global_txt, sep = '\n', file = paste0(out_dir, '/global.R'))
# Start the app
if(run_app) {
runApp(appDir = out_dir)
if(FALSE) { # Test the Shiny App
runShinyApp(thedata = iris)
runShinyApp(thedata = mtcars)
runShinyApp(Param1 = 'Should be in the environment')
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