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Last active April 10, 2018 10:49
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Save jbspeakr/6563922 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ArangoDB: Transform GTFS to Vertices and Edges for ArangoDB Importer
import csv
collectionName = 'vertices'
gtfsStopTimes = 'gtfs/stop_times.txt'
edgesFile = 'graph/edges.json'
def readAsJson(filePath):
i = open(filePath, 'r')
return csv.DictReader(i)
def writeAsJson(filePath, data):
o = open(filePath, 'w')
def calculateDuration(departure, arrival):
departure = int(departure.replace(":", ""))
arrival = int(arrival.replace(":", ""))
return (arrival - departure) / 100
def makeEdges(data):
tmp = ''
for item in data:
next =
if int(next['stop_sequence']) == int(item['stop_sequence']) + 1:
edge = {}
edge['_from'] = collectionName + '/' + item['stop_id']
edge['_to'] = collectionName + '/' + next['stop_id']
edge['duration'] = calculateDuration(
tmp = tmp + ('%s\n' % edge)
except StopIteration:
tmp = tmp.replace("'", '"')
return tmp
data = readAsJson(gtfsStopTimes)
edges = makeEdges(data)
writeAsJson(edgesFile, edges)
import csv
exampleVertex = {
"_id": "stops/201477134", # ArangoDB specific
"_rev": "201477134", # ArangoDB specific
"_key": "201477134", # ArangoDB specific
"stop_code": "",
"parent_station": "",
"stop_url": "",
"stop_desc": "",
"location_type": "0",
"zone_id": "",
"stop_lat": "52.4413430",
"stop_lon": "13.6996390",
"stop_id": "9183504",
"stop_name": "Petershagener Weg (Berlin)"
collectionName = 'vertices'
gtfsStops = 'gtfs/stops.txt'
verticesFile = 'graph/vertices.json'
def readAsJson(filePath):
i = open(filePath, 'r')
return csv.DictReader(i)
def writeAsJson(filePath, data):
o = open(filePath, 'w')
def makeVertices(data):
tmp = ''
for item in data:
item['_id'] = collectionName + '/' + item['stop_id']
item['_rev'] = item['stop_id']
item['_key'] = item['stop_id']
tmp = tmp + ('%s\n' % item)
tmp = tmp.replace("'", '"')
return tmp
data = readAsJson(gtfsStops)
vertices = makeVertices(data)
writeAsJson(verticesFile, vertices)
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