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Created January 13, 2012 02:22
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Save jbuedel/1604281 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Risk board assignment in F#
// Type defs and helper methods - basic oo stuffs
type State =
| State of string * State seq
and User =
| User of string * int
let getContigs state =
match state with
| State(_,contigs) -> contigs
let getName state =
match state with
| State(name, _) -> name
let getUserName user=
match user with
| User(name, _) -> name
let stateTaken state takenStates =
let matches s =
match s with
| (s, u) when s = state -> true
| _ -> false
Seq.exists matches takenStates
let printUser user =
match user with
| User(name, weight) -> printfn "User: %s %d" name weight
printfn "Initializing"
// Set up the data
let rec mo = State("mo", seq { yield il; yield ia;yield ne; yield ks; yield ok; yield ar; yield tn;yield ky })
and ne = State("ne", seq {yield ia; yield ks; yield mo})
and ok = State("ok", seq {yield ks;yield ar;yield mo})
and ar = State("ar", seq {yield ok; yield mo; yield tn})
and tn = State("tn", seq {yield ar; yield mo;yield ky})
and ky = State("ky", seq { yield tn; yield il; yield mo})
and ks = State("ks", seq {yield ne; yield ok; yield mo})
and il = State("il", seq { yield mo; yield ia; yield ky })
and ia = State("ia", seq { yield mo; yield il; yield ne;yield ks })
let allStates = [mo; ne;ok;ar;tn;ky;ks;il; ia]
let users = [User("josh", 2); User("nick" , 3); User("mark", 2)]
// Implementation
let rec placeNextUser (state:State) (users:User list) takenStates =
match users with
| [] -> printStates takenStates
| user :: remainingusers -> placeUserOnState user state remainingusers takenStates
and placeUserOnState user state remainingusers takenStates =
let takenStates = (state, user) :: takenStates
match user with
| User(_, weight) when weight = 1 -> nextOpenState state remainingusers takenStates
| User(name, weight) -> nextOpenState state (User(name, weight-1) :: remainingusers) takenStates
and nextOpenState state (users:User list ) takenStates =
let contigs = getContigs state
let state = Seq.tryFind (fun state-> (stateTaken state takenStates) = false) contigs
match state with
| Some(state) -> placeNextUser state users takenStates
| None -> let state = Seq.find (fun state -> (stateTaken state takenStates) = false) allStates
placeNextUser state users takenStates
and printStates takenStates : unit =
match takenStates with
| (state, user)::rest -> printfn "%s was taken by %s" (getName state) (getUserName user)
printStates rest
| [] -> ()
placeNextUser mo users []
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