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Last active August 22, 2021 22:34
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OSD removal workaround
Remove node from Rook orchestration
delete OSD replica set, this will also stop/kill the OSD pod
kubectl -n rook delete replicaset
remove entry for node from the orchestration status map
kubectl -n rook edit cm rook-ceph-osd-orchestration-status
delete all node's OSD config maps: rook-ceph-osd-XX-fs-backup (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101). example:
kubectl -n rook delete cm rook-ceph-osd-93-fs-backup
delete node's config map:
kubectl -n rook delete cm
In rook toolbox, purge all OSDs for node from ceph book-keeping too (93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101)
- purge OSDs: remove from crush map (osd crush rm), auth delete (auth del), remove osd (osd rm)
ceph osd crush rm osd.93
ceph auth del osd.93
ceph osd rm 93
In toolbox, remove entire node from crush map
ceph osd crush rm k8s-nvme-01-acme-org
- clean up any local host data path folders on node
rm -fr /var/lib/rook/osdXX
Edit cluster CRD to add node and its disks back in
Restart Rook operator, make sure cluster orchestration gets to fully completed
Wait for node to be fully added to cluster, cluster healthy and rebalanced
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chrisjsimpson commented Aug 22, 2021

Restart Rook operator, make sure cluster orchestration gets to fully completed

# Restart the operator to ensure devices are configured. A new pod will automatically be started when the current operator pod is deleted.
kubectl -n rook-ceph delete pod -l app=rook-ceph-operator

[...] see ceph common issues

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