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Last active August 23, 2020 20:50
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One Shot 2020-08-28

Player Characters

These character options were built to be generally optimized and provide some basic "characteristics". Feel free to flesh out your chosen characters characteristics as you see fit.


The Knights of the Order have long been considered the protectors of the realm of Faerun. There are many different Knights of the Order locals, and the local for Baldur's gate is well known for it's adventurer apprentice program.

Local Adventurer's Party 1277 has been working together for sometime and is one of the premier adventuring parties of the Sword Coast. Their primary specialization is solving weird problems for small towns and villages.

Blath Hornraven - Half-Orc - Cleric - Grave - Investigator

Blath grew up in TOWN orphanage after his mother died during child birth and his extended family wouldn't take him in.

Learned a strong sense of community from the orphanage and when the director was killed pushed the investigation forward.

Based on this taken in as an apprentice by the knights of the order.

General Characteristics

  • Highly skilled investigator always aware of his surroundings

How to play notes

  • If you heal someone with 0 hit points they regain the max possible hp with no dice rolls.
  • Spare the Dying has a 30 yard range.
  • 4 times per long rest you can know the location of any undead within 60 ft which isn't protected from divination magic
  • 2 timers per long rest use channel divity.
    • turn undead - make undead run away
    • path to the grave - curse creature until end of your next turn. next time you or an ally hits the creatre has vulnerability to the damage.
  • as a reaction cancel crits on creatures within 30 ft. 4 times per long rest (wis mod)
  • add wis modifier to any damage done with cantrips

Garrett Hilltopple - Halfling - Fighter - Champion - Knight

After an uninspired childhood Garrett joined the military. After mastering the ways of the great weapon he quickly rose through the ranks due to his skill and leadership.

He was responible for saving the Knight-Champion of XXX life during a skirmish and impressed her so that she took him on as her apprentice.

Currently he is assigned a travelling duty which led him to group with the party somehow....

General Characteristics

  • Highly charismatic
  • Generally likes to be in charge of situations
  • Always the first one into a fight

How to play notes

  • Garrett wears chainmail which imposes disadvantage on stealth checks.

  • Halflings are lucky! When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

  • Get that second wind! Once per short or long rest as a bonus action roll 1d10 + your fighter level and regain that many hit points.

  • Surge into battle! Once per short or long rest use a great surge of energy to gain an extra attack!

  • You are a champion in battle! You critically hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

  • When you take the attack action you can attack twice.

Sam Cherrycheeks - Halfling - Wizard - Evocation Savant - Sage

Always the smartest in his class Sam was the first in his family to go to university. There he realized his ability to handle arcane powers. Due to his high standing he was taken on as an apprentice sage in the knights of the first order.

General Characteristics

  • highly intelligent
  • more sturdy than h e looks, especially while drinking at the tavern

How to play notes

  • Halflings are lucky! When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
  • Wizards can change their prepared spells once per long rest, preparing intelligence mod + wizard level number of spells. e.g. int mod 4 + level 8 = 12 spells
  • Arcane Recovery! - Once per day when you finish a short rest you can recover spell slots equal to half your wizard level rounded up. No spots can be 6th or higher. At 8 recover 4 levels of spells e.g. 4 level 1, 2 level 2, 1 level 4.
  • Spell Sculpting - When you cast an evocation spell which will affect other creatures you can choose a number equal to 1 + spell level. The chosen will auto save and take no damage. For example cast fireball on your group and exlude the party from damage.
  • Potent Cantrip - When a creature succeeds on a saving throw against your cantrip, the creature takes half the cantrip’s damage (if any) but suffers no additional effect from the cantrip.

Akna - Human - Paladin - Oath of Vengeance - Gladiator

Akna grew up in a hosuehold of bounty hunters who worshipped at the altar of Hoar. He parents did many jobs for the Knights of the Order but ultimatley lost their lives in a job that was trying to take down a group of Gladiator people trafficers. Akna was taken in by the Knights and trained as a warrior, and eventually ran away and joined the group of Gladiator's responsible for her parents death. Prayers to her god Hoar to provide the strength she needed to avenge her parents death were answered and she wiped the operation from the face of the realm.

Today she practices her skills as a paladin with Local Adventurer's Party 1277 providing vengeance and retribution for those in need.

General Characteristics

  • skilled fighter
  • short temper
  • her sense of morality overrides general logic sometimes

How to play notes

  • shield master
    • if you attack on your turn use your bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5 ft with your shield
    • if you aren't incapacitated add your shields ac bonus to any dex save that targets only you
    • if you are subject to an effect that allows a dex save for half damage, use your reaction to use your shield to take no damage
  • divine sense - know location of celestial, fiend, or undead within 60ft 3 times
  • lay on hands - heal wounds by touch. restore total hit points of paladin level x 5. 40 hp per long rest
  • dueling - +2 to damage roles when only weilding a weapon in one hand and no other weapons
  • set your spell list at the end of each long rest
  • divine smite - when you hit with a spell attack you can spend a spell slot to deal radiant damage. 2d8 for lvl 1, 1d8 for each extra level up to 5d8
  • divine health - immune to disease
  • vow of emnity - bonus action utter a vow of emnity against a creature within 10ft. you gain advantage on attack rolls for 1m against that creature
  • oath of vengeance spells 3rd bane, s mark 5th hold person, misty step
  • hit two times per attack.
  • aura of protection - whenever you or a friendly withint 10 ft make a save gain a bonus equal to your charisma mod
  • relentless avenger - when you hit with an opportunity attack you can move up to half your speed after the attack as part of this reaction. this won't invoke opportunity attacks.

Chena - Human - Bard - College of Lore - Inheritor

Chena is the child of royalty, her only problem is she has 7 siblings and her eldest sibling has 5 children and his oldest son is about to have a child of his own.

So even though she stands to inherit a large sum of money, and could even be queen someday it's not damn likely. Rebelling against her family she ran away from home as a teen and hid her backstory as she set out for a life of adventure. Years later the Knights of the Order found her performing in a local tavern and convinced her to apply her talents in their local and show her family what's she is made of.

^^ this needs some work

General Characteristics

  • skilled performer
  • skilled arcanist
  • can command the room if needed, but can blend in as well

How to play notes

  • magic initiate warlock
    • eldritch blast cantrip
    • booming blade cantrip
    • hex spell
  • bardic inspiration - through stirring words or music inspire a create within 60ft. They gain a d8 which can add to ability check attack roll or saving throw. 5 times per short/long rest
  • song of rest - use soothing music or words during a short rest to add 1d6
  • cutting words - use your wit to distract or confuse. expend one bardic inspiration to subtract from a roll
  • countercharm - as an action start a performance to give creatures within 30ft advantage on saving throws against frighten and charm
  • magic secrets
    • Find Familiar -
    • Spirit Guardians -

Yuldra Drazlad - Half-Elf - Rogue - Scout - Criminal

Yuldra grew up on the streets and entered a life of crime early being the look out for a theif crew. Eventually her crew was caught by a Knights of the Order local, but she was too young to be prosecuted. Instead the Knights trained her formally to be a scout an eventually she joined in with the 1277 as part of studies.

General Characteristics

  • highly skilled criminal
  • her street smarts make up for her lack of formal education
  • leathal from range

How to play notes

  • sneak attack - deal an extra 4d6 following the rules of sneak attack
  • thieves' cant - secret coded langauge good for hiding messages in normal conversation or plain sight
  • cunning action - use your bonus action to dash, disengage, or hide
  • skirmisher - you can move up to half your speed as a reaction when an enemy ends it's turn within 5ft. this won't provke an opportunity attack
  • uncanny dodge - use your reaction to have the damage of an attack against you. only works if you can see the attacker and the attack is from an attack roll
  • evasion - when subject to an affect that allows you to make a dex save take only half damage if you fail and none if you succeed.
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