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Last active January 28, 2018 20:49
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Autosplitter for The Talos Principle
state("Talos") {}
// TODO: Splitter doesn't restart when resetting from a terminal? Confirmed, but what to do about it?
// TODO: "Split when returning to nexus" triggered in A5?
startup {
// Commonly used, defaults to true
settings.Add("Don't start the run if cheats are active", true);
settings.Add("Split on return to Nexus or DLC Hub", true);
settings.Add("Split on tetromino tower doors", true);
settings.Add("Split on item unlocks", true);
settings.Add("Split on star collection in the Nexus", true);
// Less commonly used, but still sees some use
settings.Add("Split on tetromino collection or DLC robot collection", false);
settings.Add("Split on star collection", false);
settings.Add("Split on tetromino world doors", false);
settings.Add("Split on exiting any terminal", false);
// Rarely used
settings.Add("Split on tetromino star doors", false); // (mostly) unused by the community
settings.Add("Split on Community% ending", false); // Community% completion -- mostly unused
settings.Add("Split when exiting Floor 5", false);
settings.Add("Don't split on tetromino collection in A6", false);
settings.Add("Don't split on tetromino collection in B4", false);
settings.Add("Don't split on tetromino collection in B6", false);
settings.Add("Don't split on tetromino collection in B8", false);
settings.Add("Start the run in any world", false);
settings.Add("(Custom/DLC) Split when solving any arranger", false);
settings.Add("(Custom/DLC) Split on any world transition", false);
init {
var gameDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(modules.First().FileName);
var logPath = "";
var page = modules.First();
var scanner = new SignatureScanner(game, page.BaseAddress, page.ModuleMemorySize);
var ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
vars.foundPointers = false;
if (game.Is64Bit()) {
logPath = gameDir.TrimEnd("\\Bin\\x64".ToCharArray()) + "\\Log\\Talos.log";
ptr = scanner.Scan(new SigScanTarget(3, // Targeting byte 3
"44 39 25 ????????", // cmp [Talos.exe+target], r12d
"48 8B F9" // mov rdi, rcx
if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero) {
print("Could not find x64 cheatFlags!");
return false;
int relativePosition = (int)((long)ptr - (long)page.BaseAddress) + 4;
vars.cheatFlags = new MemoryWatcher<int>(new DeepPointer(
game.ReadValue<int>(ptr) + relativePosition
ptr = scanner.Scan(new SigScanTarget(3, // Targeting byte 3
"48 8B 0D ????????", // mov rcx, [Talos.exe+offset]
"48 8B 11", // mov rdx, [rcx]
"FF 92 B0000000" // call qword ptr [rdx+B0]
if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero) {
print("Could not find x64 isLoading!");
return false;
relativePosition = (int)((long)ptr - (long)page.BaseAddress) + 4;
vars.isLoading = new MemoryWatcher<int>(new DeepPointer(
game.ReadValue<int>(ptr) + relativePosition,
0x10, 0x208 // Doesn't seem to change
} else { // game.Is64Bit() == false
logPath = gameDir.TrimEnd("\\Bin".ToCharArray()) + "\\Log\\Talos.log";
ptr = scanner.Scan(new SigScanTarget(2, // Targeting byte 2
"83 3D ???????? 00", // cmp dword ptr [Talos.exe+target]
"53", // push ebx
"56", // push esi
"8B D9 C7", // mov ebx, ecx
"45 FC 00000000" // mov [ebp-04], 0
if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero) {
print("Could not find x86 cheatFlags!");
return false;
vars.cheatFlags = new MemoryWatcher<int>(new DeepPointer(
game.ReadValue<int>(ptr) - (int)page.BaseAddress
ptr = scanner.Scan(new SigScanTarget(2, // Taregetting byte 2
"8B 0D ????????", // mov ecx,[Talos.exe+target]
"8B 11", // mov edx,[ecx]
"FF 52 58" // call dword ptr [edx+58]
if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero) {
print("Could not find x86 isLoading!");
return false;
vars.isLoading = new MemoryWatcher<int>(new DeepPointer(
game.ReadValue<int>(ptr) - (int)page.BaseAddress,
0x08, 0x1C8 // Doesn't seem to change
// x86 settings change pointer:
// 5E 5D C2 0400 C7 05 ???????? 01000000
vars.foundPointers = true;
try { // Wipe the log file to clear out messages from last time
FileStream fs = new FileStream(logPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite);
} catch {} // May fail if file doesn't exist.
vars.reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(logPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite));
exit {
timer.IsGameTimePaused = true;
update {
if (vars.foundPointers == null) return false;
vars.line = vars.reader.ReadLine();
if (vars.line == null) return false; // If no line was read, don't run any other blocks.
vars.line = vars.line.Substring(16); // Removes the date and log level from the line
start {
if (settings["Don't start the run if cheats are active"] &&
vars.cheatFlags.Current != 0) {
print("Not starting the run because of cheat flags: "+vars.cheatFlags.Current);
return false;
// Only start for A1 / Gehenna Intro, since restore backup / continue should mostly be on other worlds.
if (vars.line.StartsWith("Started simulation on 'Content/Talos/Levels/Cloud_1_01.wld'") ||
vars.line.StartsWith("Started simulation on 'Content/Talos/Levels/DLC_01_Intro.wld'")) {
print("Started a new run from a normal starting world.");
vars.currentWorld = "[Initial World]"; // Not parsing this because it's hard
vars.lastSigil = "";
vars.lastLines = 0;
vars.adminEnding = false;
vars.introCutscene = true;
timer.IsGameTimePaused = true;
return true;
if (settings["Start the run in any world"] &&
vars.line.StartsWith("Started simulation on '")) {
print("Started a new run from a non-normal starting world.");
vars.currentWorld = "[Initial World]"; // Not parsing this because it's hard
vars.lastSigil = "";
vars.lastLines = 0;
vars.adminEnding = false;
vars.introCutscene = false; // Don't wait for an intro cutscene for custom starts
timer.IsGameTimePaused = true;
return true;
reset {
if (vars.line == "Saving talos progress upon game stop.") {
print("Stopped run because the game was exited.");
return true; // Unique line printed only when you stop the game
isLoading {
if (vars.introCutscene && vars.line == "Save Talos Progress: delayed request") {
print("Intro cutscene was skipped or ended normally, starting timer.");
vars.introCutscene = false;
// Pause the timer during the intro cutscene
if (vars.introCutscene) return true;
// Game is loading (restart checkpoint, level transition)
if (vars.isLoading.Current != 0) return true;
return false;
split {
if (vars.line.StartsWith("Changing over to")) { // Map changes
var mapName = vars.line.Substring(17);
if (mapName == vars.currentWorld) {
return false; // Ensure 'restart checkpoint' doesn't trigger map change
print("Changed worlds from "+vars.currentWorld+" to "+mapName);
vars.currentWorld = mapName;
if (settings["Split on return to Nexus or DLC Hub"] &&
(mapName == "Content/Talos/Levels/Nexus.wld" ||
mapName == "Content/Talos/Levels/DLC_01_Hub.wld")) {
return true;
if (mapName == "Content/Talos/Levels/Cloud_3_08.wld") {
vars.cStarSigils = 0;
if (settings["(Custom/DLC) Split on any world transition"]) {
return true;
if (vars.line.StartsWith("Picked:")) { // Sigil/Robot and star collection
var sigil = vars.line.Substring(8);
if (sigil == vars.lastSigil) {
return false; // DLC Double-split prevention
} else {
vars.lastSigil = sigil;
print("Collected sigil " + sigil + " in world " + vars.currentWorld);
if (vars.currentWorld == "Content/Talos/Levels/Cloud_3_08.wld") {
print("Collected " + vars.cStarSigils + " in C*");
if (vars.cStarSigils == 3 && settings["Split on Community% ending"]) {
return true;
if (sigil.StartsWith("**")) {
if (settings["Split on star collection"]) {
return true;
} else {
if (vars.currentWorld == "Content/Talos/Levels/Nexus.wld") {
return settings["Split on star collection in the Nexus"];
} else {
if (settings["Don't split on tetromino collection in A6"] &&
vars.currentWorld == "Content/Talos/Levels/Cloud_1_06.wld") {
print("Not splitting for a collection in A6, per setting.");
return false;
if (settings["Don't split on tetromino collection in B4"] &&
vars.currentWorld == "Content/Talos/Levels/Cloud_2_04.wld") {
print("Not splitting for a collection in B4, per setting.");
return false;
if (settings["Don't split on tetromino collection in B6"] &&
vars.currentWorld == "Content/Talos/Levels/Cloud_2_06.wld") {
print("Not splitting for a collection in B6, per setting.");
return false;
if (settings["Don't split on tetromino collection in B8"] &&
vars.currentWorld == "Content/Talos/Levels/Cloud_2_08.wld") {
print("Not splitting for a collection in B8, per setting.");
return false;
return settings["Split on tetromino collection or DLC robot collection"];
// Arranger puzzles
if (vars.line.StartsWith("Puzzle \"") && vars.line.Contains("\" solved")) {
var puzzle = vars.line.Substring(8);
print("Solved puzzle: " + puzzle);
if (puzzle.StartsWith("Mechanic")) {
return settings["Split on item unlocks"];
if (puzzle.StartsWith("Door") && settings["Split on tetromino world doors"]) {
return true; // Working around a custom arranger called 'Door_Dome'
if (puzzle.StartsWith("SecretDoor")) {
return settings["Split on tetromino star doors"];
if (puzzle.StartsWith("Nexus")) {
return settings["Split on tetromino tower doors"];
if (puzzle.StartsWith("DLC_01_Secret")) {
return settings["(Custom/DLC) Split when solving any arranger"];
if (puzzle.StartsWith("DLC_01_Hub")) {
vars.adminEnding = true; // Admin puzzle door solved, so the Admin is saved.
return settings["(Custom/DLC) Split when solving any arranger"];
// If it's not one of the main game/DLC strings, then it must be a custom campaign
return settings["(Custom/DLC) Split when solving any arranger"];
// Miscellaneous
if (vars.line == "Save Talos Progress: exited terminal") {
print("User exited terminal");
return settings["Split on exiting any terminal"];
if (vars.currentWorld == "Content/Talos/Levels/Islands_03.wld") {
if (vars.line.StartsWith("USER:")) { // Line differs in languages, not the prefix
print("Game completed via Messenger ending.");
return true;
if (vars.currentWorld == "Content/Talos/Levels/Nexus.wld") {
if (vars.line == "Elohim speaks: Elohim-063_Nexus_Ascent_01") {
print("User exits floor 5 and starts ascending the tower");
return settings["Split when exiting Floor 5"];
if (vars.line == "USER: /transcend") {
print("Game completed via Transcendence ending.");
return true;
if (vars.line == "USER: /eternalize") {
print("Game completed via Eternalize ending.");
return true;
if (vars.currentWorld == "Content/Talos/Levels/DLC_01_Hub.wld") {
if (vars.line == "Save Talos Progress: entered terminal") {
vars.lastLines = 0;
if (vars.line.StartsWith("USER:")) {
if (vars.adminEnding) {
// If admin is saved, it takes 5 lines to end the game
return (vars.lastLines == 5);
} else {
// In all other endings, game ends on the 4th dialogue
return (vars.lastLines == 4);
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Hello, thank you for doing this but i wanted to let you know that this version doesnt work for me:
the settings page stays blank after selecting this version, is there any information i can provide to fix this? (its no major problem because i can just use the older one)

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You shouldn't use the Scriptable Autosplitter component, instead set your game to 'The Talos Principle' and it'll be available there.

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so i wasnt bad at life and it was actually a syntax error that prevented this version from working?

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