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Last active March 5, 2024 12:30
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Power BI Workspace Members Report

Power BI Workspace Members Script

This PowerShell script lists all Power BI workspaces (1) in your organization, along with the access/membership list (2). The members User Principal Name (UPN) and their permission are listed and includes users, groups and app identities.


How it works

  • The script starts by importing the MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt module, which provides the cmdlets needed to interact with Power BI.
  • It then logs into Power BI and connects to the Power BI service account.
  • The script retrieves all workspaces in the organization using the Get-PowerBIWorkspace cmdlet.
  • It creates an empty array to store the results.
  • The script then iterates over each workspace, and for each workspace, it iterates over each user.
  • For each user, it creates a new PowerShell object with the properties we're interested in: WorkspaceName, WorkspaceId, WorkspaceType, WorkspaceState, MemberUserIdentifier, MemberPrincipleType, MemberUserPrincipalName, and MemberAccessRight.
  • It adds this object to the results array.
  • Finally, the script exports the results to a CSV file named PowerBIWorkspaceUsers.csv. The CSV file includes headers for each property, and each row in the CSV file represents a user in a workspace.

How to run the script

  1. Open PowerShell.
  2. Navigate to the directory where the script is located.
  3. Run the script by typing .\PowerBI-Workspaces.ps1 and pressing Enter.
  4. The script will prompt you to log into Power BI. Enter your credentials.
  5. The script will run and create a CSV file named PowerBIWorkspaceUsers.csv in the current directory.


  • PowerShell
  • The MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt PowerShell module. You can install it by running Install-Module -Name MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt in PowerShell.
  • A Power BI account with the necessary permissions to list workspaces and their users.
# Install the PowerBI module
# Install-Module -Name MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt
# Import the PowerBI module
Import-Module MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt
# Login to Power BI
# Connect to Power BI (Optional -UserName "")
# Get all workspaces in the organization and include all workspaces
$workspaces = Get-PowerBIWorkspace -Scope Organization -Include All
# Create an empty array to store the results
$results = @()
# Iterate over each workspace
foreach ($workspace in $workspaces) {
# Iterate over each user in the workspace
foreach ($user in $workspace.users) {
# Create a new PSObject with the properties we want to display
$result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
WorkspaceName = $workspace.Name
WorkspaceId = $workspace.Id
WorkspaceType = $workspace.Type
WorkspaceState = $workspace.State
MemberUserIdentifier = $user.Identifier
MemberPrincipleType = $user.PrincipalType
MemberUserPrincipalName = $user.UserPrincipalName
MemberAccessRight = $user.AccessRight
# Add the result to the results array
$results += $result
# Output the results in a table
# $results | Select-Object WorkspaceName, WorkspaceId, WorkspaceType, WorkspaceState, MemberUserIdentifier, MemberPrincipleType, MemberUserPrincipalName, MemberAccessRight | Format-Table
# Output the results to a CSV file
$results |
Select-Object @{name='WorkspaceName';expression={$_.WorkspaceName}},
@{name='WorkspaceMemberUserPrincipalName';expression={$_.MemberUserPrincipalName}} |
Export-Csv -Path PowerBIWorkspaceUsers.csv -NoTypeInformation
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