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Last active January 5, 2022 09:51
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function Get-SPOHubSiteNavigation{
Exports the hub navigation for the SPO site provided to CSV.
This custom function gets the Hub site navigation links for the provided SPO site.
It then iterates through each of the links and builds a collection to export to CSV.
This collection can also be integrated using pipe functions.
Specifies the Url for the SPO site where the navigation should be exported from.
Specifies whether the navigation should be exported or not. The export is saved to the current directory.
PS C:\>Get-SPOHubNavigation -Identity https://[tenant][site] -Export:$true
[string] $Identity,
[boolean] $Export
$exportNavCol = @()
# This counter is used in order to maintain the order of the navigation.
# The navigation is returned in the order it appears.
$counter = 1
Write-Debug "$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) Get-SPOHubNavigation function started."
# Connect to the hub site with the navigation to base all the other sites on
$connection = Connect-PnPOnline -Url $identity -UseWebLogin -ReturnConnection
$site = Get-PnPSite
Write-Debug "$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) Exporting navigation from $($site.Url)..."
# Get the master navigation
$navigationNodes = Get-PnPNavigationNode -Location TopNavigationBar -Connection $connection
# Iterate through the navigation and capture all the nodes on all 3 levels
foreach($navigationNode in $navigationNodes){
$parentNode = Get-PnPNavigationNode -id $navigationNode.Id
$navInfo = New-Object PSObject -property @{
Level = "Level 1"
Id = $navigationNode.Id
Title = $navigationNode.Title
Url = $navigationNode.Url
ParentId = "0"
ParentTitle = ""
Visible = $navigationNode.IsVisible
Order = $counter
# Add the navInfo collection to the collection we're going to export.
$exportNavCol += $navInfo
# Get the second level navigation
$navigation = Get-PnPNavigationNode -Id $navigationNode.Id
$children = $navigation.Children
# If children exist proceed
foreach($child in $children){
# Get the node and further information about the link
$childNode = Get-PnPNavigationNode -Id $child.Id
$navInfo = New-Object PSObject -property @{
Level = "Level 2"
Id = $childNode.Id
Title = $childNode.Title
Url = $childNode.Url
ParentId = $parentNode.Id
ParentTitle = $parentNode.Title
Visible = $childNode.IsVisible
Order = $counter
# Add the navInfo collection to the collection we're going to export.
$exportNavCol += $navInfo
# Get the third level navigation
$subChildren = $childNode.Children
# if children exist proceed
if($subChildren) {
foreach($subChild in $subChildren) {
# Get the node and further information about the link
$subChildNode = Get-PnPNavigationNode -Id $subChild.Id
$navInfo = New-Object PSObject -property @{
Level = "Level 3"
Id = $subChildNode.Id
Title = $subChildNode.Title
Url = $subChildNode.Url
ParentId = $childNode.Id
ParentTitle = $childNode.Title
Visible = $childNode.IsVisible
Order = $counter
# Add the navInfo collection to the collection we're going to export.
$exportNavCol += $navInfo
Disconnect-PnPOnline -Connection $connection
# Rebuild collection with sort
$returnCol = @()
$returnCol = $exportNavCol | Sort-Object Order
# Export the navigation to a CSV file if the switch is enabled
if($Export -eq $true){
#$exportFile = ".\Output-HubNavigation-$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyymmddhhss")).csv"
$exportFile = ".\Output-HubNavigation.csv"
Write-Debug "$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) Navigation exported to '$($exportFile)'."
$returnCol | Export-Csv $exportFile -NoTypeInformation -Append:$false -Force:$true
Write-Debug "$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) Get-SPOHubNavigation finished."
return $returnCol
function Copy-SPOHubSiteNavigation {
Imports the hub navigation to the SPO site provided..
This custom function imports the Hub site navigation provided in the CSV file to the provided SPO site.
It then iterates through each of the links and adds them using the Add-PnPNavigationNode.
Specifies the Url for the SPO site where the navigation should be imported to.
.PARAMETER importCsv
Specifies the path to the CSV where the hub navigation was exported to.
PS C:\>Copy-SPOHubNavigation -Identity https://[tenant][targetsite] -importCsv ".\Output-HubNavigation.csv"
param (
[string] $Identity,
[string] $importCsv
$newNavigationArray = @()
Write-Debug "$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) Copy-SPOHubNavigation function started."
# Connect to the target site with where the navigation will be added
$connection = Connect-PnPOnline -Url $identity -UseWebLogin -ReturnConnection
$site = Get-PnPSite
$currentLevel = 1
$parentId = 0
# Import navigation CSV
$navigationCol = Import-Csv $importCsv
Write-Debug "$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) Removing existing navigation."
# Remove existing hub navigation
Remove-PnPNavigationNode -All -Force
# Remove any remaining nodes. Experienced instances where the RemovePnpNavigationNode -All hasn't worked.
$navNodes = Get-PnPNavigationNode -Location TopNavigationBar -Connection $connection
foreach($navNode in $navNodes) {
Remove-PnPNavigationNode -Identity $navNode.Id -Force -Connection $connection
Write-Debug "$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) Importing navigation from $($importCsv) to $($site.Url)..."
foreach($navigationObject in $navigationCol){
Write-Debug "$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")) Adding navigation node: $($navigationObject.Title)"
#Write-Debug "$($navigationObject.ParentId) $($navigationObject.Title)"
# If the parent is 0 then it is a top-level navigation node
if($navigationObject.ParentId -eq 0) {
$parentId = 0
$level = 1
if($navigationObject.Url.Length -gt 0) {
# Navigation node has a Url so create it as a top level menu item
$addedNav = Add-PnPNavigationNode -Url $navigationObject.Url -Title $navigationObject.Title -Location TopNavigationBar
# Navigation node hasn't a Url so create it as a top level header item
$addedNav = Add-PnPNavigationNode -Title $navigationObject.Title -Location TopNavigationBar
# Get the parent for the child node from the master navigation array
$parentNav = $navigationCol | Where-Object{$_.Id -eq $navigationObject.ParentId}
if($parentNav.Url.Length -gt 0) {
# Navigation node has a Url so get the newly created navigation node from the new array
# via the Title and Url to get the new Id for the parent item and add it to the navigation
$newNav = $newNavigationArray | Where-Object {$_.Title -eq $parentNav.Title -and $_.Url -eq $parentNav.Url}
if($currentLevel -ne $navigationObject.Level){
$parentId = $newNav.Id
$level = $navigationObject.Level
$addedNav = Add-PnPNavigationNode -Url $navigationObject.Url -Title $navigationObject.Title -Location TopNavigationBar -Parent $parentId
# Navigation node does not have a Url so get the newly created navigation node from the new array
# via the Title only to get the new Id for the parent item and add it to the navigation
$newNav = $newNavigationArray | Where-Object{$_.Title -eq $parentNav.Title}
if($currentLevel -ne $navigationObject.Level){
$parentId = $newNav.Id
$level = $navigationObject.Level
$addedNav = Add-PnPNavigationNode -Title $navigationObject.Title -Location TopNavigationBar -Parent $parentId
$parentNav = $null
$currentLevel = $navigationObject.Level
# Capture the navigation node created to store their IDs
$navigationObject = New-Object PSObject -property @{
Id = $addedNav.Id
Url = $addedNav.Url
Title = $addedNav.Title
Level = $level
ParentId = $parentId
# Add the recently added navigation to the new navigation array
$newNavigationArray += $navigationObject
Disconnect-PnPOnline -Connection $connection
$DebugPreference = "Continue" #Continue; SilentlyContinue
$masterHubNavUrl = "https://[tenant]"
$exportFile = ".\Output-HubNavigation.csv"
$nav = Get-SPOHubSiteNavigation -identity $masterHubNavUrl -Export:$true
$nav | Format-Table
$siteUrl = "https://[tenant]"
Copy-SPOHubSiteNavigation -identity $siteUrl -importCsv $exportFile
# Example how this could work with a collection of other sites.
$sites = @("https://[tenant][site]","https://[tenant][site]")
foreach($site in $sites){
Copy-SPOHubSiteNavigation -identity $siteUrl -importCsv $exportFile
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