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Last active January 3, 2019 18:30
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Workaround for lack of null-coalescing operator
interface NullSigil {
[k: string]: NullSigil;
// phantom property to recover T from NullSafe<T>
type OriginalTypeKey = "***originalType***"
type IsNullable<T, Y, N> = null extends T ? Y :
undefined extends T ? Y : N;
type NullSafe<T, N = NullSigil> = Record<OriginalTypeKey, T> & (
T extends object ? {
[K in keyof T]-?: NullSafe<T[K], N>
} : IsNullable<T, NonNullable<T> | N, T>
type NullUnsafe<T> =
T extends Record<OriginalTypeKey, infer U> ? U :
T extends NullSigil ? null :
function nullSafe<T, U>(
val: T,
fn: <N extends NullSigil>(nullSafeVal: NullSafe<T, N>) => U
): NullUnsafe<U>;
function nullSafe(val: any, fn: (nullSafeVal: any) => any): any {
const nullSigil: NullSigil = new Proxy({} as NullSigil, { get(t, p, r) { return r } });
const deproxify = Symbol("deproxify");
function ns<T>(obj: T): NullSafe<T>;
function ns(obj: any) {
if ((typeof obj === "undefined") || (obj === null)) return nullSigil;
if (typeof obj !== "object") return obj;
return new Proxy(obj, { get(t, p, r) { return (p === deproxify) ? t : (p in t) ? ns(t[p]) : nullSigil } });
const ret: any = fn(ns(val));
if (ret === nullSigil) return null;
if (typeof ret !== "object") return ret;
return ret[deproxify];
interface WhoKnows {
a?: string,
b?: {
c?: string,
d?: number,
e?: boolean
f?: {
g?: {
h?: 12345
i: string
const w: WhoKnows = {
a: "a",
b: { d: 2 },
f: { g: { h: 12345 } },
i: "howdy"
const wbc = nullSafe(w, w => w.b.c);
const wa = nullSafe(w, w => w.a);
const wfgh = nullSafe(w, w => w.f.g.h) || 100;
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