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Created September 23, 2012 22:58
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Grid generator as SASS mixin (part of PlainPage 2.0 framework)
// @mixin grid($columnCount:12, $unitRatio: 3, $width: 100%) {
// @param $columnCount
// Qty of columns. Defaults to 12.
// @param $unitRatio
// Column to gutter ratio. All grids are ususally build around grid units. Defaults to 3.
// @param $width
// Grid width. If specified in %, grid automatically becomes fluid.
// @return
// CSS markup for fluid or fixed grid.
@mixin grid($columnCount:12, $unitRatio: 3, $width: 100%) {
$gridType: '.row-fluid';
@if unit($width) != '%' {
$gridType: '.row';
$gutterWidth: $width/($columnCount*$unitRatio + $columnCount - 1);
//$gutterWidth: 2.08333333%;
$columnWidth: $unitRatio*$gutterWidth;
#{$gridType} {
width: 100%;
@include clearfix;
[class*="span"] {
display: block;
width: 100%;
@include box-sizing(border-box);
float: left;
margin-left: $gutterWidth;
//*margin-left: $gutterWidth - (.5 / $gridRowWidth * 100px * 1%);
// Reset left margin for the first item without offset.
[class*="span"]:not([class*="offset"]):first-child {
margin-left: 0;
// Hack for IE8 asit does notwork with attribute selector 'contains' (*).
>*:first-child {
margin-left: 0\9;
// Generate spans
$i: $columnCount;
@while $i > 0 {
.span#{$i} {
width: ($columnWidth * $i) + ($gutterWidth * ($i - 1));
margin-left: ($columnWidth * $i) + ($gutterWidth * $i);
div + div[class*="offset#{$i}"]{
margin-left: ($columnWidth * $i) + ($gutterWidth * ($i+1));
margin-left: ($columnWidth * $i) + ($gutterWidth * $i);
$i: $i - 1;
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