Gist deleted. Use instead
In Github, click on Fork. For example, if you go to and click on Fork, I'll get my own copy on
Clone your copy of the repo
$ git clone
Now you have a master branch
$ git branch
- master
Every now and then I have to reinstall a system from scratch, putting the contents on the side. Before I used to go through the system and decide what to manually copy. Nowadays it's so much easier and relatively cheap to copy the whole thing.
In order to copy the partition /dev/sda1 to an image file:
sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=image-file.ddimg bs=4M
(The bs size depends on the hardware)
This will probably work gzipping the image on the fly:
Copy to *
buffer, with for example gg"*yG
. You will be able to paste with the mouse middle button) From
Copy ftdetect/scala.vim
and syntax/scala.vim
from to ~/.vim
Add syntax on
to ~/.vimrc
#Getting the fingerprints
The one associated to the server's ECDSA public key (the one that's normally shown when ssh-ing for the first time):
$ ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/
Or, if RSA is negociated, the RSA public key
$ ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/
Basically, follow the instructions in the Ubuntu site
They have a link to a patched version of the broken official package. Alternatively, download the official one and fix as follows:
Extract control.tar.gz:
$ mkdir fiddle
$ cd fiddle
$ ar x ../icaclient_12.1.0_amd64.deb control.tar.gz
#Create bitbucket branch
##Create local branch
$ git checkout -b sync
Switched to a new branch 'sync'
$ git branch
* sync