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# this plus in the same folder
# allow for relative symlinking in such a way that docker audiobookshelf
# can scan and utilize a logical library system instead of a hardlinked one
# can support any number of account nicknames
#!/usr/bin/env python
# python script to search a folder for directories beginning with a string pattern
# and create a symlink, I use this for splitting out my Libation audible accounts
# for different libraries on AudioBookShelf
# can be used standalone or from the companion shell script
import os
import sys
import subprocess
# My raspberry pi 5 is constantly disconnecting the USB hardrive after a few hours with nothing really showing in the logs
# so i created this script to check to see if it's still showing, and if not reset the hub and authorization and then remount all drives
#You need to use lsusb or usb-devices to find the Vendor and prod ids usually like 152d:0580 or Vendor=152d ProdID=0580
#You'll also need uhubctl installed to to toggle power to the hubs
## use this command to download it, set it and add it to the crontab
jcarletto27 / OBJExporter.js
Last active September 25, 2023 16:34
Three.js OBJExporter, updated to work with bufferGeometry. Adds support for bones and morph data.
THREE.OBJExporter = function () {};
THREE.OBJExporter.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.OBJExporter,
parse: function (object) {
var output = '';
jcarletto27 / STLExporter.js
Last active September 23, 2020 13:09
updated Three.js STLExporter to export model including morphTargets
* Based on
* Tested on r68 and r70
* @author jcarletto /
* @author kjlubick /
* @author kovacsv /
* @author mrdoob /
THREE.STLExporter = function () {};