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Created November 15, 2023 13:54
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The script creates an HTML map showcasing images from a chosen directory.
from folium import Map, Marker, Popup
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile
from piexif import load
from PIL import Image
from PIL.ExifTags import GPSTAGS, TAGS
from pillow_heif import read_heif
EXTENSIONS = {'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jfif', 'gif', 'png', 'webp', 'heic'}
PATH = 'your/path/here'
def main():
map = Map()
for file in listdir(PATH):
file = PATH + file
if not isfile(file) or file.rsplit('.', 1)[-1].lower() not in EXTENSIONS: continue
latlon = get_lat_lon(file)
except Exception as e:
print(file, e)
latlon = 0, 0
popup=Popup(html='<a href="file:///%s" target="_blank"><img src="file:///%s" width="100"></a>' % (file, file), show=False)
def get_lat_lon(path):
gps = get_exif_gps(path)
assert gps is not None, 'No EXIF/GPS data found'
lat = dms_to_decimal(*gps.get('GPSLatitude'))
lon = dms_to_decimal(*gps.get('GPSLongitude'))
if gps.get('GPSLatitudeRef') == 'S': lat *= -1
if gps.get('GPSLongitudeRef') == 'W': lon *= -1
return lat, lon
def get_exif_gps(path):
if path.lower().endswith('.heic'):
res = load(read_heif(path)[0].info['exif'])['GPS']
if len(res): return {
'GPSLatitude': tuple(a / b for a, b in res[2]),
'GPSLongitude': tuple(a / b for a, b in res[4]),
'GPSLatitudeRef': res[1],
'GPSLongitudeRef': res[3]
image =
res = image._getexif()
if res:
res = {TAGS.get(k, k): v for k, v in res.items()}
if 'GPSInfo' in res:
return {GPSTAGS.get(k, k): v for k, v in res['GPSInfo'].items()}
def dms_to_decimal(degrees, minutes=0, seconds=0):
return degrees + minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600
if __name__ == '__main__':
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