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Created July 31, 2019 12:54
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% Crop TMA ome.tif into the already detected cores
% Quantify with already computed masks.
% /casado
basePath = 'D:\path\to\the\project\';
maskPath = 'segmentation';
maskFileName = 'cellRingMask.tif';
omePath = 'registration';
omeSuffix = '.ome.tif';
cropCoordsPath = 'dearray';
cropCoordsFileName = '*_cropCoords.mat';
channelNames = readtable( [basePath filesep 'channel_list.csv'], 'ReadVariableNames', false);
numChannelNames = size(channelNames, 1); % this is only to allocate memory before loops
% Quantification features
% - The eccentricity is the ratio of the distance between the foci of
% the ellipse and its major axis length. (0 = circle, 1 = segment).
% - Solidity: Proportion of the pixels in the convex hull that are also in the region
% . Computed as Area/ConvexArea. Solidity is useful to quantify the
% amount and size of concavities in an object boundary. Holes are also
% often included. For example, it distinguishes a star from a circle,
% but doesn?t distinguish a triangle from a circle.
% - Roundness: C = 4 * pi Area / Perimeter^2 (to replace Solidity in the
% next datasets.
featureNames = {'Area', 'Eccentricity', 'Perimeter', 'Solidity', 'MajorAxisLength', 'MinorAxisLength'};
XYnames = {'X_position','Y_position'};
% List of samples
sampleList = dir( [ basePath 'TMA*' ] );
parfor sample = 1:length(sampleList)
sampleName = sampleList(sample).name;
% Read large ome.tif
sampleImage = bfGetReader( [ basePath sampleName filesep omePath filesep sampleName omeSuffix ] );
numChannels = sampleImage.getImageCount();
if numChannelNames ~= numChannels
disp('ERROR: number of channel names and actual channels do not match');
% List available coordinate files
cropCoordsFiles = dir( [ basePath filesep sampleName filesep cropCoordsPath filesep cropCoordsFileName ] );
% Create a folder for output core ome.tif files in dearray folder
coresFolder = [ basePath filesep sampleName filesep cropCoordsPath filesep 'cores' ];
% Create a folder for quantification step
outputFolder = [basePath filesep sampleName filesep 'quantification'];
% init alldata table to store all cores together, 'cellid channels
% morphFeatures roundness x y'
alldata = [];
mkdir([ outputFolder filesep 'cores'] );
for coreCoords = 1:length(cropCoordsFiles)
coreCoordsName = cropCoordsFiles(coreCoords).name;
splitName = strsplit(coreCoordsName, '_');
iCore = splitName{1};
fprintf('Sample: %s - core %s Started', sampleName, iCore);
% Coordinate .mat files must contain a 'rect' object
croppingdata = load( [ cropCoordsFiles(coreCoords).folder filesep coreCoordsName ] );
rect = croppingdata.rect;
boundingBox = [rect(1:2), rect(3:4) - rect(1:2)];
core = zeros(boundingBox(4), boundingBox(3), numChannels);
if(boundingBox(3) ~= boundingBox(4))
disp('First edge core, check it out')
box = num2cell(uint16(boundingBox));
% Parfor doesn't allow initializing the bioformats reader out of
% the loop
%sampleImage = bfGetReader( [ basePath sampleName filesep omePath filesep sampleName omeSuffix ] );
% Load mask
mask = imread( [ basePath sampleName filesep maskPath filesep iCore filesep maskFileName ] );
% Iterate over channels
for iChan=1:numChannelNames
% Crop core from ome.tif
core(:,:,iChan) = bfGetPlane(sampleImage, iChan, box{:});
% save core ome.tif
bfsave(core,char(strcat(coresFolder, filesep, 'core', iCore, '.tif')),'BigTiff',true);
% Quantify channels
getMeanFunction = @(iChan) struct2array(regionprops(mask, core(:,:,iChan), 'MeanIntensity'))';
meanIntensities = cell2mat(arrayfun(getMeanFunction,1:numChannelNames, 'UniformOutput',0));
% Calculate morphological features
shapeFeatures = regionprops(mask, featureNames);
roundness = (4 * pi * [shapeFeatures.Area]') ./ [shapeFeatures.Perimeter]'.^2;
% Calculate X and Y positions
xystruct = regionprops(mask, 'Centroid');
xytemp = cat(1, xystruct.Centroid);
% Write all variables as CSV file
lenIDs = unique(mask);
CellId = array2table(double(lenIDs(lenIDs ~= 0)), 'VariableNames', {'CellId'});
CoreId = array2table( repmat(string(iCore), size(CellId,1), 1), 'VariableNames', {'CoreId'});
meanData = array2table(meanIntensities,'VariableNames', table2cell(channelNames) );
morphData = struct2table(shapeFeatures);
roundData = array2table(roundness, 'VariableNames',{'Roundness'} );
xyData = array2table( [xytemp(:,1) xytemp(:,2) ], 'VariableNames', XYnames);
output = [ CoreId, CellId, meanData, morphData, roundData, xyData ];
writetable( output, [ outputFolder filesep 'cores' filesep iCore] , 'Delimiter', '\t');
alldata = [alldata ; output ];
writetable(alldata, [outputFolder filesep sampleName '.csv'], 'Delimiter', '\t');
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