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Created August 4, 2019 11:00
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Get AWS Assumed-Role Credentials in a Windows-Environment-Variable-friendly format
REM %1 - AWS credential profile for the AssumRole API call
REM %2 - The ARN of the role to assume
REM %3 - The name of the newly created role session
aws --profile %1 sts assume-role --role-arn %2 --role-session-name %3 | python -c "import sys,json;;creds=json.loads(data);print(f'set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={creds[""Credentials""][""AccessKeyId""]}');print(f'set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={creds[""Credentials""][""SecretAccessKey""]}');print(f'set AWS_SESSION_TOKEN={creds[""Credentials""][""SessionToken""]}')"
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