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Created January 25, 2024 23:21
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import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone, tzinfo
from math import acos, asin, ceil, cos, degrees, fmod, radians, sin, sqrt
from time import time
log = logging.getLogger()
def _ts2human(ts: int | float, debugtz: tzinfo | None) -> str:
return str(datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, debugtz))
def j2ts(j: float | int) -> float:
return (j - 2440587.5) * 86400
def ts2j(ts: float | int) -> float:
return ts / 86400.0 + 2440587.5
def _j2human(j: float | int, debugtz: tzinfo | None) -> str:
ts = j2ts(j)
return f'{ts} = {_ts2human(ts, debugtz)}'
def _deg2human(deg: float | int) -> str:
x = int(deg * 3600.0)
num = f'∠{deg:.3f}°'
rad = f'∠{radians(deg):.3f}rad'
human = f'∠{x // 3600}°{x // 60 % 60}′{x % 60}″'
return f'{rad} = {human} = {num}'
def calc(
current_timestamp: float,
f: float,
l_w: float,
elevation: float = 0.0,
debugtz: tzinfo | None = None,
) -> tuple[float, float, None] | tuple[None, None, bool]:
log.debug(f'Latitude f = {_deg2human(f)}')
log.debug(f'Longitude l_w = {_deg2human(l_w)}')
log.debug(f'Now ts = {_ts2human(current_timestamp, debugtz)}')
J_date = ts2j(current_timestamp)
log.debug(f'Julian date j_date = {J_date:.3f} days')
# Julian day
# TODO: ceil ?
n = ceil(J_date - (2451545.0 + 0.0009) + 69.184 / 86400.0)
log.debug(f'Julian day n = {n:.3f} days')
# Mean solar time
J_ = n + 0.0009 - l_w / 360.0
log.debug(f'Mean solar time J_ = {J_:.9f} days')
# Solar mean anomaly
# M_degrees = 357.5291 + 0.98560028 * J_ # Same, but looks ugly
M_degrees = fmod(357.5291 + 0.98560028 * J_, 360)
M_radians = radians(M_degrees)
log.debug(f'Solar mean anomaly M = {_deg2human(M_degrees)}')
# Equation of the center
C_degrees = 1.9148 * sin(M_radians) + 0.02 * sin(2 * M_radians) + 0.0003 * sin(3 * M_radians)
# The difference for final program result is few milliseconds
# e = 0.01671
# C_degrees = \
# degrees(2 * e - (1 / 4) * e ** 3 + (5 / 96) * e ** 5) * sin(M_radians) \
# + degrees(5 / 4 * e ** 2 - (11 / 24) * e ** 4 + (17 / 192) * e ** 6) * sin(2 * M_radians) \
# + degrees(13 / 12 * e ** 3 - (43 / 64) * e ** 5) * sin(3 * M_radians) \
# + degrees((103 / 96) * e ** 4 - (451 / 480) * e ** 6) * sin(4 * M_radians) \
# + degrees((1097 / 960) * e ** 5) * sin(5 * M_radians) \
# + degrees((1223 / 960) * e ** 6) * sin(6 * M_radians)
log.debug(f'Equation of the center C = {_deg2human(C_degrees)}')
# Ecliptic longitude
# L_degrees = M_degrees + C_degrees + 180.0 + 102.9372 # Same, but looks ugly
L_degrees = fmod(M_degrees + C_degrees + 180.0 + 102.9372, 360)
log.debug(f'Ecliptic longitude L = {_deg2human(L_degrees)}')
Lambda_radians = radians(L_degrees)
# Solar transit (julian date)
J_transit = 2451545.0 + J_ + 0.0053 * sin(M_radians) - 0.0069 * sin(2 * Lambda_radians)
log.debug(f'Solar transit time J_trans = {_j2human(J_transit, debugtz)}')
# Declination of the Sun
sin_d = sin(Lambda_radians) * sin(radians(23.4397))
# cos_d = sqrt(1-sin_d**2) # exactly the same precision, but 1.5 times slower
cos_d = cos(asin(sin_d))
# Hour angle
some_cos = (sin(radians(-0.833 - 2.076 * sqrt(elevation) / 60.0)) - sin(radians(f)) * sin_d) / (cos(radians(f)) * cos_d)
w0_radians = acos(some_cos)
except ValueError:
return None, None, some_cos > 0.0
w0_degrees = degrees(w0_radians) # 0...180
log.debug(f'Hour angle w0 = {_deg2human(w0_degrees)}')
j_rise = J_transit - w0_degrees / 360
j_set = J_transit + w0_degrees / 360
log.debug(f'Sunrise j_rise = {_j2human(j_rise, debugtz)}')
log.debug(f'Sunset j_set = {_j2human(j_set, debugtz)}')
log.debug(f'Day length {w0_degrees / (180 / 24):.3f} hours')
return j2ts(j_rise), j2ts(j_set), None
def main():
latitude = 33.00801
longitude = 35.08794
elevation = 0
print(calc(time(), latitude, longitude, elevation, debugtz=timezone(timedelta(hours=3), 'fake-zone')))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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