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Forked from anonymous/ArbitrationTest.sol
Last active April 23, 2018 20:10
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Starter code for Solidity programming assignment.

Designed for use with the Remix web IDE

pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import "./TestFramework.sol";
import "./Bidders.sol";
contract SimpleAuction is Auction {
// constructor
function SimpleAuction(address _sellerAddress,
address _judgeAddress,
address _timerAddress,
address _winner) public
Auction (_sellerAddress, _judgeAddress, _timerAddress) {
if (_winner != 0)
function declareWinner(address _winner) public {
winnerAddress = _winner;
//can receive money
function() public payable {}
contract ArbitrationTest {
SimpleAuction testAuction;
// Adjust this to change the test code's initial balance
uint public initialBalance = 1000000000 wei;
Participant judge;
Participant seller;
Participant winner;
Participant other;
//can receive money
function() public payable {}
function setupContracts(bool winnerDeclared, bool hasJudge) public {
judge = new Participant(Auction(0));
winner = new Participant(Auction(0));
seller = new Participant(Auction(0));
other = new Participant(Auction(0));
if (hasJudge)
testAuction = new SimpleAuction(seller, judge, 0, 0);
testAuction = new SimpleAuction(seller, 0, 0, 0);
testAuction.transfer(100 wei);
if (winnerDeclared)
function testCreateContracts() public {
setupContracts(false, true);
Assert.isFalse(false, "this test should not fail");
Assert.isTrue(true, "this test should never fail");
Assert.equal(uint(7), uint(7), "this test should never fail");
Assert.equal(bytes32(7), bytes32(7), "this test should never fail");
function testEarlyFinalize() public {
setupContracts(false, true);
Assert.isFalse(judge.callFinalize(), "finalize with no declared winner should be rejected");
function testEarlyRefund() public {
setupContracts(false, true);
Assert.isFalse(judge.callRefund(), "refund with no declared winner should be rejected");
function testUnauthorizedRefund() public {
setupContracts(true, true);
Assert.isFalse(winner.callRefund(), "unauthorized refund call should be rejected");
Assert.isFalse(other.callRefund(), "unauthorized refund call should be rejected");
setupContracts(true, false);
Assert.isFalse(judge.callRefund(), "unauthorized refund call should be rejected");
function testUnauthorizedFinalize() public {
setupContracts(true, true);
Assert.isFalse(seller.callFinalize(), "unauthorized finalize call should be rejected");
Assert.isFalse(other.callFinalize(), "unauthorized finalize call should be rejected");
function testJudgeFinalize() public {
setupContracts(true, true);
Assert.isTrue(judge.callFinalize(), "judge finalize call should succeed");
Assert.equal(seller.balance, 100, "seller should receive funds after finalize");
function testWinnerFinalize() public {
setupContracts(true, true);
Assert.isTrue(winner.callFinalize(), "winner finalize call should succeed");
Assert.equal(seller.balance, 100, "seller should receive funds after finalize");
function testPublicFinalize() public {
setupContracts(true, false);
Assert.isTrue(other.callFinalize(), "public finalize call should succeed");
Assert.equal(seller.balance, 100, "seller should receive funds after finalize");
function testJudgeRefund() public {
setupContracts(true, true);
Assert.isTrue(judge.callRefund(), "judge refund call should succeed");
Assert.equal(winner.balance, 100, "winner should receive funds after refund");
function testSellerRefund() public {
setupContracts(true, false);
Assert.isTrue(seller.callRefund(), "seller refund call should succeed");
Assert.equal(winner.balance, 100, "winner should receive funds after refund");
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import "./Timer.sol";
contract Auction {
address internal judgeAddress;
address internal timerAddress;
address internal sellerAddress;
address internal winnerAddress;
// constructor
function Auction(address _sellerAddress,
address _judgeAddress,
address _timerAddress) public {
judgeAddress = _judgeAddress;
timerAddress = _timerAddress;
sellerAddress = _sellerAddress;
if (sellerAddress == 0)
sellerAddress = msg.sender;
// This is provided for testing
// You should use this instead of block.number directly
// You should not modify this function.
function time() public view returns (uint) {
if (timerAddress != 0)
return Timer(timerAddress).getTime();
return block.number;
// If no judge is specified, anybody can call this.
// If a judge is specified, then only the judge or winning bidder may call.
function finalize() public {
//TODO: place your code here
// This can ONLY be called by seller or the judge (if a judge exists).
// Money should only be refunded to the winner.
function refund() public {
//TODO: place your code here
function getWinner() public returns (address winner){
return winnerAddress;
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import "./TestFramework.sol";
contract Bidders {}
contract Participant {
Auction auction;
function Participant(Auction _auction) public {
function setAuction(Auction _auction) public {
auction = _auction;
//wrapped call
function callFinalize() public returns (bool success) {
success = (keccak256("finalize()")));
//wrapped call
function callRefund() public returns (bool success) {
success = (keccak256("refund()")));
//can receive money
function() public payable {}
contract DutchAuctionBidder {
DutchAuction auction;
function DutchAuctionBidder(DutchAuction _auction) public {
auction = _auction;
//wrapped call
function bid(uint bidValue) public returns (bool success){
success = (keccak256("bid()")));
//can receive money
function() public payable{}
contract EnglishAuctionBidder {
EnglishAuction auction;
function EnglishAuctionBidder(EnglishAuction _auction) public {
auction = _auction;
//wrapped call
function bid(uint bidValue) public returns (bool success){
success = (keccak256("bid()")));
//can receive money
function() public payable{}
contract VickreyAuctionBidder {
VickreyAuction auction;
bytes32 nonce;
function VickreyAuctionBidder(VickreyAuction _auction, bytes32 _nonce) public {
auction = _auction;
nonce = _nonce;
function setNonce(bytes32 _newNonce) public {
nonce = _newNonce;
//wrapped call
function commitBid(uint _bidValue) public returns (bool success) {
success = commitBid(_bidValue, auction.bidDepositAmount());
//wrapped call
function commitBid(uint _bidValue, uint _depositValue) public returns (bool success) {
bytes32 commitment = keccak256(_bidValue, nonce);
success = (keccak256("commitBid(bytes32)")), commitment);
//wrapped call
function revealBid(uint _bidValue) public returns (bool success) {
success = (keccak256("revealBid(bytes32)")), nonce);
//can receive money
function() public payable{}
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import "./Auction.sol";
contract DutchAuction is Auction {
uint public initialPrice;
uint public biddingPeriod;
uint public offerPriceDecrement;
//TODO: place your code here
// constructor
function DutchAuction(address _sellerAddress,
address _judgeAddress,
address _timerAddress,
uint _initialPrice,
uint _biddingPeriod,
uint _offerPriceDecrement) public
Auction (_sellerAddress, _judgeAddress, _timerAddress) {
initialPrice = _initialPrice;
biddingPeriod = _biddingPeriod;
offerPriceDecrement = _offerPriceDecrement;
//TODO: place your code here
function bid() public payable{
//TODO: place your code here
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import "./TestFramework.sol";
import "./Bidders.sol";
contract DutchAuctionTest {
DutchAuction testAuction;
Timer t;
// Adjust this to change the test code's initial balance
uint public initialBalance = 1000000000 wei;
//can receive money
function() public payable {}
function setupContracts() public {
t = new Timer(0);
testAuction = new DutchAuction(this, 0, t, 300, 10, 20);
function makeBid(uint bidValue,
uint bidTime,
uint expectedPrice,
bool expectedResult,
string message) internal {
DutchAuctionBidder bidder = new DutchAuctionBidder(testAuction);
uint oldTime = t.getTime();
uint initialAuctionBalance = testAuction.balance;
address currentWinner = testAuction.getWinner();
bool result =;
if (expectedResult == false) {
Assert.isFalse(result, message);
Assert.equal(currentWinner, testAuction.getWinner(), "no winner should be declared after invalid bid");
Assert.isTrue(result, message);
Assert.equal(testAuction.balance, initialAuctionBalance + expectedPrice, "auction should retain final price");
Assert.equal(bidder.balance, bidValue - expectedPrice, "bidder should be refunded excess bid amount");
Assert.equal(testAuction.getWinner(), bidder, "bidder should be declared the winner");
function testCreateDutchAuction() public {
//do nothing, just verify that the constructor actually ran
function testLowBids() public {
makeBid(299, 0, 0, false, "low bid should be rejected");
makeBid(240, 2, 0, false, "low bid should be rejected");
makeBid(100, 5, 0, false, "low bid should be rejected");
function testExactBid() public {
makeBid(300, 0, 300, true, "exact bid should be accepted");
makeBid(280, 1, 280, true, "exact bid should be accepted");
makeBid(120, 9, 120, true, "exact bid should be accepted");
function testValidBidAfterInvalid() public {
makeBid(299, 0, 0, false, "low bid should be rejected");
makeBid(300, 0, 300, true, "valid bid after failed bid should succeed");
function testLateBid() public {
makeBid(300, 10, 0, false, "late bid should be rejected");
function testSecondValidBid() public {
makeBid(280, 1, 280, true, "exact bid should be accepted");
makeBid(300, 0, 0, false, "second bid should be rejected");
function testRefundHighBid() public {
makeBid(300, 2, 260, true, "high bid should be accepted");
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import "./Auction.sol";
contract EnglishAuction is Auction {
uint public initialPrice;
uint public biddingPeriod;
uint public minimumPriceIncrement;
//TODO: place your code here
// constructor
function EnglishAuction(address _sellerAddress,
address _judgeAddress,
address _timerAddress,
uint _initialPrice,
uint _biddingPeriod,
uint _minimumPriceIncrement) public
Auction (_sellerAddress, _judgeAddress, _timerAddress) {
initialPrice = _initialPrice;
biddingPeriod = _biddingPeriod;
minimumPriceIncrement = _minimumPriceIncrement;
//TODO: place your code here
function bid() public payable{
//TODO: place your code here
//TODO: place your code here
//Need to override the default implementation
function getWinner() public returns (address winner){
return 0;
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import "./TestFramework.sol";
import "./Bidders.sol";
contract EnglishAuctionTest {
EnglishAuction testAuction;
EnglishAuctionBidder alice;
EnglishAuctionBidder bob;
EnglishAuctionBidder carol;
Timer t;
// Adjust this to change the test code's initial balance
uint public initialBalance = 1000000000 wei;
//can receive money
function() public payable {}
function setupContracts() public {
t = new Timer(0);
testAuction = new EnglishAuction(this, 0, t, 300, 10, 20);
alice = new EnglishAuctionBidder(testAuction);
bob = new EnglishAuctionBidder(testAuction);
carol = new EnglishAuctionBidder(testAuction);
function makeBid(EnglishAuctionBidder bidder,
uint bidValue,
uint bidTime,
bool expectedResult,
string message) internal {
uint oldTime = t.getTime();
bool result =;
if (expectedResult == false) {
Assert.isFalse(result, message);
else {
Assert.isTrue(result, message);
Assert.equal(testAuction.balance, bidValue, "auction should retain bid amount");
function testCreateEnglishAuction() public {
//do nothing, just verify that the constructor actually ran
function testLowInitialBids() public {
makeBid(alice, 0, 0, false, "low bid should be rejected");
makeBid(alice, 299, 9, false, "low bid should be rejected");
function testSingleValidBid() public {
makeBid(alice, 300, 0, true, "valid bid should be accepted");
Assert.equal(testAuction.getWinner(), address(alice), "single bidder should be declared the winner");
function testEarlyWinner() public {
makeBid(alice, 300, 0, true, "valid bid should be accepted");
Assert.equal(testAuction.getWinner(), 0, "no bidder should be declared before deadline");
function testLowFollowupBids() public {
makeBid(alice, 300, 0, true, "valid bid should be accepted");
makeBid(bob, 319, 9, false, "low bid should be rejected");
makeBid(bob, 250, 7, false, "low bid should be rejected");
function testRefundAfterOutbid() public {
makeBid(alice, 300, 0, true, "valid bid should be accepted");
makeBid(bob, 320, 8, true, "valid bid should be accepted");
Assert.equal(bob.balance, 0, "bidder should not retain funds");
Assert.equal(testAuction.balance, 320, "auction should retain bidder's funds in escrow");
Assert.equal(alice.balance, 300, "outbid bidder should receive refund");
function testLateBids() public {
makeBid(alice, 300, 0, true, "valid bid should be accepted");
makeBid(bob, 320, 10, false, "late bid should be rejected");
makeBid(carol, 500, 12, false, "late bid should be rejected");
function testIncreaseBid() public {
makeBid(alice, 300, 0, true, "valid bid should be accepted");
makeBid(alice, 350, 5, true, "second valid bid should be accepted");
Assert.equal(testAuction.getWinner(), 0, "no bidder should be declared before deadline");
Assert.equal(testAuction.getWinner(), address(alice), "repeat bidder should be declared the winner");
Assert.equal(alice.balance, 300, "bidder should not retain funds");
Assert.equal(testAuction.balance, 350, "auction should retain bidder's funds in escrow");
function testExtendedBidding() public {
makeBid(alice, 300, 0, true, "valid bid should be accepted");
makeBid(bob, 310, 4, false, "invalid bid should be rejected");
makeBid(carol, 400, 8, true, "valid bid should be accepted");
makeBid(bob, 450, 12, true, "valid bid should be accepted");
makeBid(alice, 650, 15, true, "valid bid should be accepted");
makeBid(bob, 660, 16, false, "invalid bid should be rejected");
makeBid(alice, 750, 20, true, "valid bid should be accepted");
makeBid(carol, 1337, 29, true, "valid bid should be accepted");
Assert.equal(testAuction.getWinner(), 0, "no bidder should be declared before deadline");
Assert.equal(testAuction.getWinner(), address(carol), "final bidder should be declared the winner");
Assert.equal(carol.balance, 400, "bidders should get valid refunds");
Assert.equal(bob.balance, 1420, "bidders should get valid refunds");
Assert.equal(alice.balance, 1700, "bidders should get valid refunds");
Assert.equal(testAuction.balance, 1337, "auction should retain bidder's funds in escrow");
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import "./Timer.sol";
import "./Auction.sol";
import "./DutchAuction.sol";
import "./EnglishAuction.sol";
import "./VickreyAuction.sol";
library Assert {
function isFalse(bool value, string message) public {
if (value)
function isTrue(bool value, string message) public {
if (!value)
function equal(uint value1, uint value2, string message) public {
if (value1 != value2)
function equal(bytes32 value1, bytes32 value2, string message) public {
if (value1 != value2)
function equal(address value1, address value2, string message) public {
if (value1 != value2)
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
// Simple contract to store time. You should not need to be modify this contract.
contract Timer {
uint time;
uint startTime;
address owner;
// constructor
function Timer(uint _startTime) public {
owner = msg.sender;
time = _startTime;
startTime = _startTime;
function getTime() public view returns (uint) {
return time;
function resetTime() public ownerOnly {
time = startTime;
function setTime(uint _newTime) public ownerOnly {
time = _newTime;
function offsetTime(uint _offset) public ownerOnly {
time += _offset;
modifier ownerOnly {
if (msg.sender != owner)
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import "./Auction.sol";
contract VickreyAuction is Auction {
uint public minimumPrice;
uint public biddingDeadline;
uint public revealDeadline;
uint public bidDepositAmount;
//TODO: place your code here
// constructor
function VickreyAuction(address _sellerAddress,
address _judgeAddress,
address _timerAddress,
uint _minimumPrice,
uint _biddingPeriod,
uint _revealPeriod,
uint _bidDepositAmount)
Auction (_sellerAddress, _judgeAddress, _timerAddress) {
minimumPrice = _minimumPrice;
bidDepositAmount = _bidDepositAmount;
biddingDeadline = time() + _biddingPeriod;
revealDeadline = time() + _biddingPeriod + _revealPeriod;
//TODO: place your code here
// Record the player's bid commitment
// Make sure at least bidDepositAmount is provided (for new bids)
// Bidders can update their previous bid for free if desired.
// Only allow commitments before biddingDeadline
function commitBid(bytes32 bidCommitment) public payable {
// TODO: place your code here
// Check that the bid (msg.value) matches the commitment
// If the bid is below the minimum price, it is ignored but the deposit is returned.
// If the bid is below the current highest known bid, the bid value and deposit are returned.
// If the bid is the new highest known bid, the deposit is returned and the previous high bidder's bid is returned.
function revealBid(bytes32 nonce) public payable returns(bool isHighestBidder) {
// TODO: place your code here
// finalize() must be extended here to provide a refund to the winner
function finalize() public {
//TODO: place your code here
// call the general finalize() logic
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import "./TestFramework.sol";
import "./Bidders.sol";
contract VickreyAuctionTestAdvanced {
VickreyAuction testAuction;
VickreyAuctionBidder alice;
VickreyAuctionBidder bob;
VickreyAuctionBidder carol;
uint bidderCounter;
Timer t;
// Adjust this to change the test code's initial balance
uint public initialBalance = 1000000000 wei;
//can receive money
function() public payable {}
function VickreyAuctionTestAdvanced() public payable {}
function setupContracts() public {
t = new Timer(0);
testAuction = new VickreyAuction(this, 0, t, 300, 10, 10, 1000);
bidderCounter += 1;
alice = new VickreyAuctionBidder(testAuction, bytes32(bidderCounter));
bob = new VickreyAuctionBidder(testAuction, bytes32(bidderCounter));
carol = new VickreyAuctionBidder(testAuction, bytes32(bidderCounter));
function commitBid(VickreyAuctionBidder bidder,
uint bidValue,
uint bidTime,
bool expectedResult,
string message) internal {
uint oldTime = t.getTime();
uint initialAuctionBalance = testAuction.balance;
bool result = bidder.commitBid(bidValue);
if (expectedResult == false) {
Assert.isFalse(result, message);
else {
Assert.isTrue(result, message);
Assert.equal(testAuction.balance, initialAuctionBalance + testAuction.bidDepositAmount(), "auction should retain deposit");
function revealBid(VickreyAuctionBidder bidder,
uint bidValue,
uint bidTime,
bool expectedResult,
string message) internal {
uint oldTime = t.getTime();
bool result = bidder.revealBid(bidValue);
if (expectedResult == false) {
Assert.isFalse(result, message);
else {
Assert.isTrue(result, message);
function testMinimalBidder() public {
commitBid(bob, 300, 9, true, "valid bid commitment should be accepted");
revealBid(bob, 300, 19, true, "valid bid reveal should be accepted");
Assert.equal(address(bob), testAuction.getWinner(), "winner should be declared after auction end");
Assert.equal(bob.balance, 1000, "winner should received partial refund");
function testRevealChangedBid() public {
Assert.isTrue(alice.commitBid(500, 1000), "valid bid should be accepted");
Assert.isTrue(alice.commitBid(550, 1097), "valid bid change should be accepted");
revealBid(alice, 500, 14, false, "incorrect bid reveal should be rejected");
revealBid(alice, 550, 14, true, "correct bid reveal should be accepted");
Assert.equal(address(alice), testAuction.getWinner(), "winner should be declared after auction end");
Assert.equal(alice.balance, 3298, "winner should received partial refund");
function testMultipleBiddersOne() public {
commitBid(alice, 500, 1, true, "correct bid should be accepted");
commitBid(bob, 617, 2, true, "correct bid should be accepted");
commitBid(carol, 650, 3, true, "correct bid should be accepted");
revealBid(alice, 500, 14, true, "correct bid reveal should be accepted");
revealBid(bob, 617, 15, true, "correct bid reveal should be accepted");
revealBid(carol, 650, 16, true, "correct bid reveal should be accepted");
Assert.equal(address(carol), testAuction.getWinner(), "winner should be declared after auction end");
Assert.equal(alice.balance, 1500, "loser should received full refund");
Assert.equal(bob.balance, 1617, "loser should received full refund");
Assert.equal(carol.balance, 1033, "winner should received partial refund");
function testMultipleBiddersTwo() public {
commitBid(alice, 500, 1, true, "correct bid should be accepted");
commitBid(bob, 617, 2, true, "correct bid should be accepted");
commitBid(carol, 650, 3, true, "correct bid reveal should be accepted");
revealBid(carol, 650, 14, true, "correct bid reveal should be accepted");
revealBid(alice, 500, 15, true, "correct bid reveal should be accepted");
revealBid(bob, 617, 16, true, "correct bid reveal should be accepted");
Assert.equal(address(carol), testAuction.getWinner(), "winner should be declared after auction end");
Assert.equal(alice.balance, 1500, "loser should received full refund");
Assert.equal(bob.balance, 1617, "loser should received full refund");
Assert.equal(carol.balance, 1033, "winner should received partial refund");
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import "./TestFramework.sol";
import "./Bidders.sol";
contract VickreyAuctionTestBasic {
VickreyAuction testAuction;
VickreyAuctionBidder alice;
VickreyAuctionBidder bob;
VickreyAuctionBidder carol;
uint bidderCounter;
Timer t;
// Adjust this to change the test code's initial balance
uint public initialBalance = 1000000000 wei;
//can receive money
function() public payable {}
function VickreyAuctionTestAdvanced() public payable {}
function setupContracts() public {
t = new Timer(0);
testAuction = new VickreyAuction(this, 0, t, 300, 10, 10, 1000);
bidderCounter += 1;
alice = new VickreyAuctionBidder(testAuction, bytes32(bidderCounter));
bob = new VickreyAuctionBidder(testAuction, bytes32(bidderCounter));
carol = new VickreyAuctionBidder(testAuction, bytes32(bidderCounter));
function commitBid(VickreyAuctionBidder bidder,
uint bidValue,
uint bidTime,
bool expectedResult,
string message) internal {
uint oldTime = t.getTime();
uint initialAuctionBalance = testAuction.balance;
bool result = bidder.commitBid(bidValue);
if (expectedResult == false) {
Assert.isFalse(result, message);
else {
Assert.isTrue(result, message);
Assert.equal(testAuction.balance, initialAuctionBalance + testAuction.bidDepositAmount(), "auction should retain deposit");
function revealBid(VickreyAuctionBidder bidder,
uint bidValue,
uint bidTime,
bool expectedResult,
string message) internal {
uint oldTime = t.getTime();
bool result = bidder.revealBid(bidValue);
if (expectedResult == false) {
Assert.isFalse(result, message);
else {
Assert.isTrue(result, message);
function testCreateVickreyAuction() public {
//do nothing, just verify that the constructor actually ran
function testCommitBids() public {
commitBid(alice, 10, 1, true, "valid bid commitment should be accepted");
commitBid(bob, 1000, 2, true, "valid bid commitment should be accepted");
commitBid(carol, 340, 7, true, "valid bid commitment should be accepted");
function testLateBidCommitments() public {
commitBid(carol, 340, 7, true, "valid bid commitment should be accepted");
commitBid(alice, 300, 10, false, "late bid commitment should be rejected");
commitBid(bob, 3000, 100, false, "late bid commitment should be rejected");
function testExcessBidDeposit() public {
Assert.isTrue(alice.commitBid(1000, 1067), "bid with excess deposit should be accepted");
Assert.equal(alice.balance, 67, "bid with excess deposit should be partially refunded");
Assert.equal(testAuction.balance, 1000, "bid with excess deposit should be retain exact deposit");
function testChangeBidCommitmentRefund() public {
Assert.isTrue(alice.commitBid(500, 1000), "valid bid should be accepted");
Assert.isTrue(alice.commitBid(550, 1097), "valid bid change #1 should be accepted");
Assert.isTrue(alice.commitBid(450, 401), "valid bid #2 change should be accepted");
Assert.isTrue(alice.commitBid(600, 0), "valid bid #3 change should be accepted");
Assert.equal(testAuction.balance, 1000, "bid changes should still capture deposit");
Assert.equal(alice.balance, 1548, "bid changes should not capture additional deposit");
function testEarlyReveal() public {
commitBid(alice, 340, 7, true, "valid bid commitment should be accepted");
revealBid(alice, 340, 9, false, "early bid reveal should be rejected");
function testLateReveal() public {
commitBid(alice, 340, 7, true, "valid bid commitment should be accepted");
revealBid(alice, 340, 20, false, "early bid reveal should be rejected");
function testInvalidReveal() public {
commitBid(alice, 340, 7, true, "valid bid commitment should be accepted");
commitBid(bob, 380, 8, true, "valid bid commitment should be accepted");
revealBid(alice, 320, 14, false, "incorrect bid reveal should be rejected");
revealBid(bob, 380, 16, false, "incorrect bid reveal should be rejected");
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