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Last active February 18, 2025 21:53
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NetworkManager Wi-Fi powersaving configuration

NetworkManager WiFi Power Saving

NetworkManager supports WiFi powersaving but the function is rather undocumented.

From the source code: wifi.powersave can have the following value:

  • NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_POWERSAVE_DEFAULT (0): use the default value
  • NM_SETTING_WIRELESS_POWERSAVE_IGNORE (1): don't touch existing setting

Then I propose 2 files, only one of them needs to be put under /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/.
One is forcing to disable powersaving, while the other one enable it.

Once you have put the file in the right folder, simply restart NetworkManager:

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
# File to be place under /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d
# Values are 0 (use default), 1 (ignore/don't touch), 2 (disable) or 3 (enable).
wifi.powersave = 2
# File to be place under /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d
# Values are 0 (use default), 1 (ignore/don't touch), 2 (disable) or 3 (enable).
wifi.powersave = 3
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YuChuXi commented Jul 20, 2024


我尝试禁用 wifi 省电功能:

> cat /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/wifi-powersave-off.conf
wifi.powersave = 2

> sudo systemcl restart NetworkManager

但是 nmcli 没有显示任何变化:

> nmcli con show MIWIFI_FAC2_5G | grep save
802-11-wireless.powersave:              0 (default)


Jun 27 15:54:31 think NetworkManager[6030]: <info>  [1719496471.3339] Read config: /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf (lib: 20-connectivity-fedora.conf, 22-wifi-mac-addr.conf) (etc: wifi-powersave-off.conf)

Me too.


is useful

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@josecastillolema try the following

❯ nmcli con show

NAME                UUID                                  TYPE   

Name 4G     wifi   

❯ nmcli con show "Name 4G" | grep save

802-11-wireless.powersave:              0 (default)

❯ nmcli connection modify "Name 4G" 802-11-wireless.powersave 2

❯ nmcli connection up "Name 4G"

Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/21)

❯ nmcli con show "Name 4G" | grep save

802-11-wireless.powersave:              2 (disable)

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