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Created June 18, 2019 10:45
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Conteúdo Compartilhado do Curso de Hyperledger Prodesp 2019 06 10
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mkdir ~/Hyperledger
cd ~/Hyperldeger
git clone
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Curso Blockchain Prodesp 2019
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Criando participante
abstract participant Individual identified by id {
o String id
o String name
o Address address
concept Address {
o String addressLine
o String locality
o String postCode regex=/\d{4}[ ]?[A-Z]{2}/
participant Fisher extends Individual {
o String licenseNumber
participant RestaurantOwner extends Individual {
o String restaurantName
participant Regulator identified by id {
o String id
o String name
enum FishStatus {
asset Tuna identified by tunaId {
o String tunaId
o Integer weight range=[500, 1000000]
o FishStatus status default="CAUGHT"
o DateTime catchTime
--> Individual owner
transaction SellTuna {
--> Tuna tuna
--> RestaurantOwner restaurantOwner
event TunaSale {
o String tunaId
o String restaurantName
rule OnlyOwnerCanTransferTuna {
description: "Allow only Tuna owners to transfer the fish"
participant(p): "org.tuna.*"
operation: CREATE
resource(r): "org.tuna.SellTuna"
condition: (r.tuna.owner.getIdentifier() != p.getIdentifier())
action: DENY
mkdir ~/.npm-global
npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global'
export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
source ~/.profile
npm install -g nodemon
sudo -i
echo "Acquire::http::Proxy \"\";" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf
echo "Acquire::https::Proxy \"\";" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential
# npm install -g yo@latest
Em: Hyperledger/hyperledger-tuna-composer/infrastructure, execute
Antes do próximo passo, configure o proxy para realizar acesso do servidores Docker
# Fonte:
sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker.service
Em seguida, execute o script ./
----Voltando ao código
rule GrantReadOnlyAccessRegulator {
description: "Grant Read permissions to Regulator"
participant: "org.tuna.Regulator"
resource: "**"
action: DENY
'use strict';
* Defining the namespace for the business network
const NS = 'org.tuna';
* Transfer tuna from one owner to another
* @param {org.tuna.SellTuna} tx - The transferTuna transaction
* @transaction
async function sellTuna(tx) {
// Get asset registry for Tuna
const tunaRegistry = await getAssetRegistry(NS + '.Tuna');
// Get participant registry for Individuals
const restaurantOwnerRegistry = await getParticipantRegistry(NS + '.RestaurantOwner');
const tuna = await tunaRegistry.get(tx.tuna.getIdentifier());
if (!tuna) {
throw new Error(`Tuna with id ${tx.tuna.getIdentifier()} does not exist`);
// Make sure the tuna status is CAUGHT and not PURCHASED
if (tuna.status !== 'CAUGHT') {
throw new Error(`Tuna with id ${tx.tuna.getIdentifier()} is not in CAUGHT status`);
const restaurantOwnerId = tx.restaurantOwner.getIdentifier();
// Make sure that restaurantOwner exists
const restaurantOwner = await restaurantOwnerRegistry.get(restaurantOwnerId);
if (!restaurantOwner) {
throw new Error(`RestaurantOwner with id ${restaurantOwnerId} does not exist`);
tx.tuna.owner = tx.restaurantOwner;
tx.tuna.status = 'PURCHASED';
await tunaRegistry.update(tx.tuna);
let tunaSaleEvent = getFactory().newEvent(NS, 'TunaSale');
tunaSaleEvent.tunaId = tx.tuna.tunaId;
tunaSaleEvent.restaurantName = tx.restaurantOwner.restaurantName;
// Emit the Event
Query File
query getTunaByParticipant {
description: "List tuna owned by specific 'owner'"
SELECT org.tuna.Tuna
WHERE (owner == _$owner)
ORDER BY [catchTime ASC]
rule Default {
description: "Grant all access by default"
participant: "org.hyperledger.composer.system.Participant"
operation: ALL
resource: "**"
action: ALLOW
(obs: incluir no .profile para não perder quando rebootar a maquina)
export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH
Em infrastructure: execute "./"
Em "hyperledger-composer-tuna" vá em "composer
cd ../composer
composer archive create -t dir -n . -a mytuna@0.0.1.bna
composer network install --card PeerAdmin@hlfv1 --archiveFile mytuna@0.0.1.bna
#Inicializar o chaincode no Hyperledger Fabric peers
composer network start --card PeerAdmin@hlfv1 --networkAdmin admin --networkAdminEnrollSecret adminpw --networkName tuna-network --networkVersion 0.0.1
#Isto vai criar um card, que deve ser importado:
composer card import --file admin@tuna-network.card
#Este card é utilizado no projeto / business network.
#Para testa-lo:
composer network ping --card admin@tuna-network
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