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Created February 28, 2012 17:31
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Scenario Outline: Make an API request from a different domain
When I ask if a <http-method> request to <api-path> from a different domain is supported
Then I should receive a successful response
And the <http-method> request should be allowed
Scenarios: Available APIs
| http-method | api-path |
| GET | /api/v1/samples |
| GET | /api/v1/samples/1 |
| PUT | /api/v1/samples/1 |
When /^I ask if a (.+) request to (.+) from a different domain is supported$/ do |http_method, api_path|
header 'Accept', 'application/json'
header 'Content-Type', 'application/json'
header 'Origin', ''
header 'Access-Control-Request-Method', http_method
header 'Access-Control-Request-Headers', 'Origin, Content-Type, Accept'
options api_path
Then /^I should receive a successful response$/ do
last_response.status.should == 200
Then /^the (.+) request should be allowed$/ do |http_method|
last_response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'].should == '*'
last_response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'].should include(http_method)
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