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Last active June 16, 2016 03:07
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My User Model script
// nah
use Gregwar\Captcha\CaptchaBuilder;
class UserModel
public function __construct($db)
try {
// replace $this->db with your database connection
$this->db = $db;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
$ERROR = "The database was either unable to connect or doesn't exists.<hr /><b>DEBUG:</b> " . $e . "<hr />";
require_once '_fb/error.html';
public function getAllUsers()
//$sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_users NATURAL JOIN tb_branch WHERE user_id != 1";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE user_id != 1";
$query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$fetch = $query->fetchAll();
if (empty($fetch)) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_NO_USERS;
return false;
return $fetch;
public function getAmountOfPendUsers($i)
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS pending_users FROM tb_users WHERE user_active = 0 AND user_activation_hash IS NOT NULL";
$query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
// fetch() is the PDO method that get exactly one result
$i = $query->fetch()->pending_users;
return $i;
public function countPendUsers()
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS pending_users FROM tb_users WHERE user_active = 0 AND user_activation_hash IS NOT NULL";
$query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
// fetch() is the PDO method that get exactly one result
return $query->fetch()->pending_users;
public function countUsers()
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS user_count FROM tb_users WHERE user_id != 1";
$query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
// fetch() is the PDO method that get exactly one result
return $query->fetch()->user_count;
public function getUser($user_id)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_users NATURAL JOIN tb_branch WHERE user_id = :user_id LIMIT 1";
$query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$parameters = array(':user_id' => $user_id);
// useful for debugging: you can see the SQL behind above construction by using:
// echo '[ PDO DEBUG ]: ' . Helper::debugPDO($sql, $parameters); exit();
// fetch() is the PDO method that get exactly one result
return $query->fetch();
public function getUsertype()
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tb_usertype";
$query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
return $query->fetchAll();
public function checkUsers()
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT user_id, user_creation_timestamp FROM tb_users");
// get result row (as an object)
$result_user_row = $query->fetch();
$countdown = time() - 3600;
// 3600 seconds are 1 hour
if ($result_user_row->user_creation_timestamp > $countdown) {
// OKAY :D
return false;
} else {
$sth = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM tb_users
WHERE user_active = 0 AND user_activation_hash IS NULL");
$count = $sth->rowCount();
if ($count == 1) {
$_SESSION["feedback_positive"][] = FEEDBACK_USER_CLEANED;
return true;
public function updateUser()
// perform all necessary form checks
if (empty($_POST['user_name'])) {
} elseif (strlen($_POST['user_name']) > 64 OR strlen($_POST['user_name']) < 6) {
} elseif (!preg_match("/^(?=.{2,64}$)[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*(?: [a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$/", $_POST['user_name'])) {
} elseif (empty($_POST['user_email'])) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_EMAIL_FIELD_EMPTY;
} elseif (strlen($_POST['user_email']) > 64) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_EMAIL_TOO_LONG;
} elseif (!filter_var($_POST['user_email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
} elseif (!empty($_POST['user_name'])
AND strlen($_POST['user_name']) <= 64
AND strlen($_POST['user_name']) >= 6
AND preg_match('/^[a-z\d]{2,64}$/i', $_POST['user_name'])
AND !empty($_POST['user_email'])
AND strlen($_POST['user_email']) <= 64
AND filter_var($_POST['user_email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
// clean the input
$user_name = substr(strip_tags($_POST['user_name']), 0, 64);
$user_email = strip_tags($_POST['user_email']);
// write new users data into database
$sql = "UPDATE tb_users
SET user_name = :user_name,
branch_id = :branch_id,
user_email = :user_email,
first_name = :first_name,
last_name = :last_name,
middle_name = :middle_name,
user_provider_type = :user_provider_type
WHERE user_id = :user_id";
$query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$query->execute(array(':user_name' => $user_name,
':branch_id' => $_POST['branch_id'],
':user_email' => $user_email,
':first_name' => strtoupper($_POST['first_name']),
':last_name' => strtoupper($_POST['last_name']),
':middle_name' => strtoupper($_POST['middle_name']),
':user_provider_type' => $_POST['user_provider_type'],
':user_id' => $_POST['user_id']));
if ($query->rowCount() != 1) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_USER_ACTION_FAILED;
return false;
} else {
$_SESSION["feedback_positive"][] = CRUD_UPDATED;
return true;
} else {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
// default return, returns only true of really successful (see above)
return false;
* Edit the user's name, provided in the editing form
* @return bool success status
public function editUserName($user_id)
// new username provided ?
if (!isset($_POST['user_name']) OR empty($_POST['user_name'])) {
return false;
// new username same as old one ?
if ($_POST['user_name'] == $_SESSION["user_name"]) {
return false;
// username cannot be empty and must be azAZ09 and 2-64 characters
if (!preg_match("/^(?=.{2,64}$)[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*(?: [a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$/", $_POST['user_name'])) {
return false;
// clean the input
$user_name = substr(strip_tags($_POST['user_name']), 0, 64);
// check if new username already exists
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT user_id FROM tb_users WHERE user_name = :user_name");
$query->execute(array(':user_name' => $user_name));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count == 1) {
return false;
$query = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE tb_users SET user_name = :user_name WHERE user_id = :user_id");
$query->execute(array(':user_name' => $user_name, ':user_id' => $user_id));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count == 1) {
if (isset($_SESSION['admin_logged_in'])) {
return true;
} else {
Session::set('user_name', $user_name);
return true;
} else {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
return false;
* Edit the user's email, provided in the editing form
* @return bool success status
public function editUserEmail($user_id)
// email provided ?
if (!isset($_POST['user_email']) OR empty($_POST['user_email'])) {
return false;
// check if new email is same like the old one
if ($_POST['user_email'] == $_SESSION["user_email"]) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_EMAIL_SAME_AS_OLD_ONE;
return false;
// user's email must be in valid email format
if (!filter_var($_POST['user_email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
return false;
// check if user's email already exists
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE user_email = :user_email");
$query->execute(array(':user_email' => $_POST['user_email']));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count == 1) {
return false;
// cleaning and write new email to database
$user_email = substr(strip_tags($_POST['user_email']), 0, 64);
$query = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE tb_users SET user_email = :user_email WHERE user_id = :user_id");
$query->execute(array(':user_email' => $user_email, ':user_id' => $user_id));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count != 1) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
return false;
Session::set('user_email', $user_email);
// call the setGravatarImageUrl() method which writes gravatar URLs into the session
$this->setGravatarImageUrl($user_email, AVATAR_SIZE);
return false;
* checks the email/verification code combination and set the user's activation status to true in the database
* @param int $user_id user id
* @param string $user_activation_verification_code verification token
* @return bool success status
public function verifyNewUser($user_id, $user_activation_verification_code)
$sth = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE tb_users
SET user_active = 1, user_activation_hash = NULL
WHERE user_id = :user_id AND user_activation_hash = :user_activation_hash");
$sth->execute(array(':user_id' => $user_id, ':user_activation_hash' => $user_activation_verification_code));
if ($sth->rowCount() == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function deactivateUser($user_id)
$sth = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE tb_users
SET user_active = 0
WHERE user_id = :user_id");
$sth->execute(array(':user_id' => $user_id));
$count = $sth->rowCount();
if ($count == 1) {
return true;
} else {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_USER_ACTION_FAILED;
return false;
public function acceptNewUser()
$sth = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE tb_users
SET user_active = 1, user_activation_hash = NULL
WHERE user_id = :user_id");
$sth->execute(array(':user_id' => $_POST['user_id']));
$count = $sth->rowCount();
if ($count == 1) {
return true;
} else {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_USER_ACTION_FAILED;
return false;
public function rejectNewUser()
$sth = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM tb_users
WHERE user_id = :user_id");
$sth->execute(array(':user_id' => $_POST['user_id']));
$count = $sth->rowCount();
if ($count == 1) {
return true;
} else {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_USER_ACTION_FAILED;
return false;
public function deleteUser($user_id)
if ($user_id == 1) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = CRUD_NOT_FOUND;
return false;
} else {
$sth = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM tb_users
WHERE user_id = :user_id");
$sth->execute(array(':user_id' => $user_id));
$count = $sth->rowCount();
if ($count == 1) {
return true;
} else {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_USER_ACTION_FAILED;
return false;
* Perform the necessary actions to send a password reset mail
* @return bool success status
public function requestPasswordReset()
// perform all necessary form checks
if (!$this->checkCaptcha()) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_CAPTCHA_WRONG;
} elseif (empty($_POST['user_provider_type'])) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
} elseif (empty($_POST['user_name'])) {
} elseif (strlen($_POST['user_name']) > 64 OR strlen($_POST['user_name']) < 5) {
} else {
// generate integer-timestamp (to see when exactly the user (or an attacker) requested the password reset mail)
$temporary_timestamp = time();
// generate random hash for email password reset verification (40 char string)
$user_password_reset_hash = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
// clean user input
$user_name = strip_tags($_POST['user_name']);
$user_provider_type = $_POST['user_provider_type'];
// check if that username exists
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT user_id, user_email FROM tb_users
WHERE (user_name = :user_name OR user_email = :user_name) AND user_provider_type = :provider_type");
$query->execute(array(':user_name' => $user_name, ':provider_type' => $user_provider_type));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count != 1) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST;
return false;
// get result
$result_user_row = $result = $query->fetch();
$user_email = $result_user_row->user_email;
// set token (= a random hash string and a timestamp) into database
if ($this->setPasswordResetDatabaseToken($user_name, $user_provider_type, $user_password_reset_hash, $temporary_timestamp) == true) {
if (Auth::isInternetAvailible(CHECK_URL, 80) == true) {
if ($this->sendPasswordResetMail($user_name, $user_password_reset_hash, $user_email)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// default return
return false;
* Set password reset token in database (for DEFAULT user accounts)
* @param string $user_name username
* @param string $user_password_reset_hash password reset hash
* @param int $temporary_timestamp timestamp
* @return bool success status
public function setPasswordResetDatabaseToken($user_name, $user_provider_type, $user_password_reset_hash, $temporary_timestamp)
$query_two = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE tb_users
SET user_password_reset_hash = :user_password_reset_hash,
user_password_reset_timestamp = :user_password_reset_timestamp
WHERE user_name = :user_name AND user_provider_type = :provider_type");
$query_two->execute(array(':user_password_reset_hash' => $user_password_reset_hash,
':user_password_reset_timestamp' => $temporary_timestamp,
':user_name' => $user_name,
':provider_type' => $user_provider_type));
// check if exactly one row was successfully changed
$count = $query_two->rowCount();
if ($count == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Verifies the password reset request via the verification hash token (that's only valid for one hour)
* @param string $user_name Username
* @param string $verification_code Hash token
* @return bool Success status
public function verifyPasswordReset($user_name, $verification_code)
// check if user-provided username + verification code combination exists
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT user_id, user_password_reset_timestamp
FROM tb_users
WHERE user_name = :user_name
AND user_password_reset_hash = :user_password_reset_hash");
$query->execute(array(':user_password_reset_hash' => $verification_code,
':user_name' => $user_name));
// if this user with exactly this verification hash code exists
if ($query->rowCount() != 1) {
return false;
// get result row (as an object)
$result_user_row = $query->fetch();
// 3600 seconds are 1 hour
$timestamp_one_hour_ago = time() - 3600;
// if password reset request was sent within the last hour (this timeout is for security reasons)
if ($result_user_row->user_password_reset_timestamp > $timestamp_one_hour_ago) {
// verification was successful
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Set the new password (for DEFAULT user, FACEBOOK-users don't have a password)
* Please note: At this point the user has already pre-verified via verifyPasswordReset() (within one hour),
* so we don't need to check again for the 60min-limit here. In this method we authenticate
* via username & password-reset-hash from (hidden) form fields.
* @return bool success state of the password reset
public function setNewPassword()
// basic checks
if (!isset($_POST['user_name']) OR empty($_POST['user_name'])) {
return false;
if (!isset($_POST['user_password_reset_hash']) OR empty($_POST['user_password_reset_hash'])) {
return false;
if (!isset($_POST['reset_input_password']) OR empty($_POST['reset_input_password'])) {
return false;
if (!isset($_POST['reset_input_password_repeat']) OR empty($_POST['reset_input_password_repeat'])) {
return false;
// password does not match password repeat
if ($_POST['reset_input_password'] !== $_POST['reset_input_password_repeat']) {
return false;
// password too short
if (strlen($_POST['reset_input_password']) < 5) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT;
return false;
$user_password_hash = sha1($_POST['reset_input_password']);
// write users new password hash into database, reset user_password_reset_hash
$query = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE tb_users
SET user_password = :user_password_hash,
user_password_reset_hash = NULL,
user_password_reset_timestamp = NULL
WHERE user_name = :user_name
AND user_password_reset_hash = :user_password_reset_hash");
$query->execute(array(':user_password_hash' => $user_password_hash,
':user_name' => $_POST['user_name'],
':user_password_reset_hash' => $_POST['user_password_reset_hash']));
// check if exactly one row was successfully changed:
if ($query->rowCount() == 1) {
// successful password change!
return true;
// default return
return false;
* Upgrades/downgrades the user's account (for DEFAULT and FACEBOOK users)
* Currently it's just the field user_account_type in the database that
* can be 1 or 2 (maybe "basic" or "premium"). In this basic method we
* simply increase or decrease this value to emulate an account upgrade/downgrade.
* Put some more complex stuff in here, maybe a pay-process or whatever you like.
public function changeAccountType()
if (isset($_POST["user_account_upgrade"]) AND !empty($_POST["user_account_upgrade"])) {
// do whatever you want to upgrade the account here (pay-process etc)
// ...
// ... myPayProcess();
// ...
// upgrade account type
$query = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE users SET user_account_type = 2 WHERE user_id = :user_id");
$query->execute(array(':user_id' => $_SESSION["user_id"]));
if ($query->rowCount() == 1) {
// set account type in session to 2
Session::set('user_account_type', 2);
} else {
} elseif (isset($_POST["user_account_downgrade"]) AND !empty($_POST["user_account_downgrade"])) {
// do whatever you want to downgrade the account here (pay-process etc)
// ...
// ... myWhateverProcess();
// ...
$query = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE users SET user_account_type = 1 WHERE user_id = :user_id");
$query->execute(array(':user_id' => $_SESSION["user_id"]));
if ($query->rowCount() == 1) {
// set account type in session to 1
Session::set('user_account_type', 1);
} else {
* Generates the captcha, "returns" a real image,
* this is why there is header('Content-type: image/jpeg')
* Note: This is a very special method, as this is echoes out binary data.
* Eventually this is something to refactor
public function generateCaptcha()
// create a captcha with the CaptchaBuilder lib
$builder = new CaptchaBuilder;
// write the captcha character into session
$_SESSION['captcha'] = $builder->getPhrase();
// render an image showing the characters (=the captcha)
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
* Checks if the entered captcha is the same like the one from the rendered image which has been saved in session
* @return bool success of captcha check
private function checkCaptcha()
if (isset($_POST["captcha"]) AND ($_POST["captcha"] == $_SESSION['captcha'])) {
return true;
// default return
return false;
public function login() {
// we do negative-first checks here
if (empty($_POST['user_name']) AND empty($_POST['user_password'])) {
return false;
if (!isset($_POST['user_name']) OR empty($_POST['user_name'])) {
return false;
if (!isset($_POST['user_password']) OR empty($_POST['user_password'])) {
return false;
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT tb_users.*
FROM tb_users
WHERE tb_users.user_provider_type != '' AND (user_name = :user_name OR user_email = :user_name)");
$query->execute(array(':user_name' => $_POST['user_name']));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count != 1) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_INCORRECT_LOGIN;
return false;
// fetch one row (we only have one result)
$result = $query->fetch();
// check if hash of provided password matches the hash in the database
if (sha1($_POST['user_password']) == $result->user_password) {
if ($result->user_active != 1) {
return false;
// IDK if this is still required
if (empty($result->user_provider_type)) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_INCORRECT_LOGIN . ' Cause : NO USER TYPE DEFINED';
return false;
// if user has checked the "remember me" checkbox, then write cookie
if (isset($_POST['user_rememberme'])) {
// generate 64 char random string
$random_token_string = hash('sha256', mt_rand());
// write that token into database
$sql = "UPDATE tb_users SET user_rememberme_token = :user_rememberme_token WHERE user_id = :user_id";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(array(':user_rememberme_token' => $random_token_string, ':user_id' => $result->user_id));
// generate cookie string that consists of user id, random string and combined hash of both
$cookie_string_first_part = $result->user_id . ':' . $random_token_string;
$cookie_string_hash = hash('sha256', $cookie_string_first_part);
$cookie_string = $cookie_string_first_part . ':' . $cookie_string_hash;
// set cookie
setcookie('rememberme', $cookie_string, time() + COOKIE_RUNTIME, "/", COOKIE_DOMAIN);
// login process, write the user data into session
$type = $result->user_account_type;
Session::set('user_id', $result->user_id);
Session::set('user_name', $result->user_name);
Session::set('user_email', $result->user_email);
Session::set('first_name', $result->first_name);
Session::set('last_name', $result->last_name);
Session::set('user_account_type', $result->user_account_type);
Session::set('user_provider_type', $result->user_provider_type);
// reset the failed login counter for that user (if necessary)
if ($result->user_last_failed_login > 0) {
$sql = "UPDATE tb_users SET user_failed_logins = 0, user_last_failed_login = NULL
WHERE user_id = :user_id AND user_failed_logins != 0";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(array(':user_id' => $result->user_id));
// generate integer-timestamp for saving of last-login date
$user_last_login_timestamp = time();
// write timestamp of this login into database (we only write "real" logins via login form into the
// database, not the session-login on every page request
$sql = "UPDATE tb_users SET user_last_login_timestamp = :user_last_login_timestamp WHERE user_id = :user_id";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(array(':user_id' => $result->user_id, ':user_last_login_timestamp' => $user_last_login_timestamp));
// return true to make clear the login was successful
return true;
} else {
// increment the failed login counter for that user
$sql = "UPDATE tb_users
SET user_failed_logins = user_failed_logins+1, user_last_failed_login = :user_last_failed_login
WHERE user_name = :user_name OR user_email = :user_name";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(array(':user_name' => $_POST['user_name'], ':user_last_failed_login' => time() ));
// feedback message
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_PASSWORD_WRONG;
return false;
// default return
return false;
* performs the login via cookie (for DEFAULT user account, FACEBOOK-accounts are handled differently)
* @return bool success state
public function loginWithCookie()
$cookie = isset($_COOKIE['rememberme']) ? $_COOKIE['rememberme'] : '';
// do we have a cookie var ?
if (!$cookie) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_COOKIE_MISSING;
return false;
// check cookie's contents, check if cookie contents belong together
list ($user_id, $token, $hash) = explode(':', $cookie);
if ($hash !== hash('sha256', $user_id . ':' . $token)) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_COOKIE_INVALID;
return false;
// do not log in when token is empty
if (empty($token)) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_COOKIE_INVALID;
return false;
// get real token from database (and all other data)
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT user_id, user_name, user_email, user_password, user_active,
user_account_type, user_has_avatar, user_failed_logins, user_last_failed_login
FROM tb_users
WHERE user_id = :user_id
AND user_rememberme_token = :user_rememberme_token
AND user_rememberme_token IS NOT NULL
AND user_provider_type = :provider_type");
$query->execute(array(':user_id' => $user_id, ':user_rememberme_token' => $token, ':provider_type' => 'ADMIN'));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count == 1) {
// fetch one row (we only have one result)
$result = $query->fetch();
// TODO: this block is same/similar to the one from login(), maybe we should put this in a method
// write data into session
Session::set('admin_logged_in', true);
Session::set('user_id', $result->user_id);
Session::set('user_name', $result->user_name);
Session::set('user_email', $result->user_email);
Session::set('first_name', $result->first_name);
Session::set('last_name', $result->last_name);
Session::set('user_account_type', $result->user_account_type);
Session::set('user_provider_type', $result->user_provider_type);
// generate integer-timestamp for saving of last-login date
$user_last_login_timestamp = time();
// write timestamp of this login into database (we only write "real" logins via login form into the
// database, not the session-login on every page request
$sql = "UPDATE tb_users SET user_last_login_timestamp = :user_last_login_timestamp WHERE user_id = :user_id";
$sth = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute(array(':user_id' => $user_id, ':user_last_login_timestamp' => $user_last_login_timestamp));
// NOTE: we don't set another rememberme-cookie here as the current cookie should always
// be invalid after a certain amount of time, so the user has to login with username/password
// again from time to time. This is good and safe ! ;)
return true;
} else {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_COOKIE_INVALID;
return false;
public function logout($session) {
if (isset($session)) {
$_SESSION["feedback_positive"][] = FEEDBACK_LOGGED_OUT;
return true;
* registerNewUser()
* @param $activate Activate Immediately
public function registerNewUser($activate = false) {
// perform all necessary form checks
if (empty($_POST['user_provider_type'])) {
} elseif (empty($_POST['user_name'])) {
} elseif (empty($_POST['branch_id'])) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_BRANCH_FIELD_EMPTY;
} elseif (empty($_POST['user_password_new']) OR empty($_POST['user_password_repeat'])) {
} elseif ($_POST['user_password_new'] !== $_POST['user_password_repeat']) {
} elseif (strlen($_POST['user_password_new']) < 6) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT;
} elseif (strlen($_POST['user_name']) > 64 OR strlen($_POST['user_name']) < 2) {
} elseif (!preg_match('/^[a-z\d]{2,64}$/i', $_POST['user_name'])) {
} elseif (empty($_POST['user_email'])) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_EMAIL_FIELD_EMPTY;
} elseif (strlen($_POST['user_email']) > 64) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_EMAIL_TOO_LONG;
} elseif (!filter_var($_POST['user_email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
} elseif (!empty($_POST['user_name'])
AND strlen($_POST['user_name']) <= 64
AND strlen($_POST['user_name']) >= 2
AND preg_match('/^[a-z\d]{2,64}$/i', $_POST['user_name'])
AND !empty($_POST['user_email'])
AND strlen($_POST['user_email']) <= 64
AND filter_var($_POST['user_email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)
AND !empty($_POST['user_password_new'])
AND !empty($_POST['user_password_repeat'])
AND ($_POST['user_password_new'] === $_POST['user_password_repeat'])) {
// clean the input
$user_name = strip_tags($_POST['user_name']);
$user_email = strip_tags($_POST['user_email']);
// crypt the user's password with the PHP 5.5's password_hash() function, results in a 60 character
// hash string. the PASSWORD_DEFAULT constant is defined by the PHP 5.5, or if you are using PHP 5.3/5.4,
// by the password hashing compatibility library. the third parameter looks a little bit shitty, but that's
// how those PHP 5.5 functions want the parameter: as an array with, currently only used with 'cost' => XX
// $hash_cost_factor = (defined('HASH_COST_FACTOR') ? HASH_COST_FACTOR : null);
// $user_password_hash = password_hash($_POST['user_password_new'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT, array('cost' => $hash_cost_factor));
// Using SHA1 now
$user_password_hash = sha1($_POST['user_password_new']);
// check if username already exists
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE user_name = :user_name");
$query->execute(array(':user_name' => $user_name));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count == 1) {
return false;
// check if email already exists
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT user_id FROM tb_users WHERE user_email = :user_email");
$query->execute(array(':user_email' => $user_email));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count == 1) {
return false;
// generate unique user id
$new_user_id = rand(1, 999999);
// generate random hash for email verification (40 char string)
$user_activation_hash = sha1(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
// generate integer-timestamp for saving of account-creating date
$user_creation_timestamp = time();
// write new users data into database
$sql = "INSERT INTO tb_users (user_id, user_name, user_password, user_email, first_name, last_name, middle_name, branch_id, user_creation_timestamp, user_activation_hash, user_provider_type)
VALUES (:user_id, :user_name, :user_password, :user_email, :first_name, :last_name, :middle_name, :branch_id, :user_creation_timestamp, :user_activation_hash, :user_provider_type)";
$query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
$query->execute(array(':user_id' => $new_user_id,
':user_name' => $user_name,
':user_password' => $user_password_hash,
':user_email' => $user_email,
':first_name' => strtoupper($_POST['first_name']),
':last_name' => strtoupper($_POST['last_name']),
':middle_name' => strtoupper($_POST['middle_name']),
':branch_id' => $_POST['branch_id'],
':user_creation_timestamp' => $user_creation_timestamp,
':user_activation_hash' => $user_activation_hash,
':user_provider_type' => $_POST['user_provider_type']));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count != 1) {
return false;
// get user_id of the user that has been created, to keep things clean we DON'T use lastInsertId() here
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT user_id FROM tb_users WHERE user_name = :user_name");
$query->execute(array(':user_name' => $user_name));
if ($query->rowCount() != 1) {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
return false;
$result_user_row = $query->fetch();
$user_id = $result_user_row->user_id;
// send verification email, if verification email sending failed: instantly delete the user
// send verification email, if verification email sending failed: sends to administrator instead
if (Auth::isInternetAvailible(CHECK_URL, 80) == true) {
$this->sendVerificationEmail($user_id, $user_email, $user_activation_hash);
return true;
} else {
return true;
} else {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
// default return, returns only true of really successful (see above)
return false;
* sends an email to the provided email address
* @param int $user_id user's id
* @param string $user_email user's email
* @param string $user_activation_hash user's mail verification hash string
* @return boolean gives back true if mail has been sent, gives back false if no mail could been sent
public function sendVerificationEmail($user_id, $user_email, $user_activation_hash)
// create PHPMailer object (this is easily possible as we auto-load the according class(es) via composer)
$mail = new PHPMailer;
// please look into the config/config.php for much more info on how to use this!
// set PHPMailer to use SMTP
// useful for debugging, shows full SMTP errors, config this in config/config.php
// enable SMTP authentication
// enable encryption, usually SSL/TLS
if (defined('EMAIL_SMTP_ENCRYPTION')) {
// set SMTP provider's credentials
$mail->Host = EMAIL_SMTP_HOST;
$mail->Username = EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME;
$mail->Password = EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD;
$mail->Port = EMAIL_SMTP_PORT;
} else {
// fill mail with data
$mail->Body = EMAIL_VERIFICATION_CONTENT . EMAIL_VERIFICATION_URL . '/' . urlencode($user_id) . '/' . urlencode($user_activation_hash);
// final sending and check
if($mail->Send()) {
return true;
} else {
//$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_VERIFICATION_MAIL_SENDING_ERROR . $mail->ErrorInfo;
return false;
* send the password reset mail
* @param string $user_name username
* @param string $user_password_reset_hash password reset hash
* @param string $user_email user email
* @return bool success status
public function sendPasswordResetMail($user_name, $user_password_reset_hash, $user_email)
// create PHPMailer object here. This is easily possible as we auto-load the according class(es) via composer
$mail = new PHPMailer;
// please look into the config/config.php for much more info on how to use this!
// Set mailer to use SMTP
//useful for debugging, shows full SMTP errors, config this in config/config.php
// Enable SMTP authentication
// Enable encryption, usually SSL/TLS
if (defined('EMAIL_SMTP_ENCRYPTION')) {
// Specify host server
$mail->Host = EMAIL_SMTP_HOST;
$mail->Username = EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME;
$mail->Password = EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD;
$mail->Port = EMAIL_SMTP_PORT;
} else {
// build the email
$link = EMAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_URL . '/' . urlencode($user_name) . '/' . urlencode($user_password_reset_hash);
$mail->Body = EMAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_CONTENT . ' ' . $link;
// send the mail
if($mail->Send()) {
return true;
} else {
$_SESSION["feedback_negative"][] = FEEDBACK_PASSWORD_RESET_MAIL_SENDING_ERROR . $mail->ErrorInfo;
return false;
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