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Jonas Drewsen jcd

  • Unity Technologies
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
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# UnityYAMLMerge fallback file
# Modify the next two lines if scene or prefab files should fallback
# on other that the default fallbacks listed below.
# %l is replaced with the path of you local version
# %r is replaced with the path of the incoming remote version
# %b is replaced with the common base version
// From std.path with changes:
// * changes meaning to match all characters except '/'
// ** added to take over the old meaning of *
bool globMatchEditorConfig(CaseSensitive cs = CaseSensitive.osDefault, C, Range)
(Range path, const(C)[] pattern)
@safe pure nothrow
if (isForwardRange!Range && isSomeChar!(ElementEncodingType!Range) &&
isSomeChar!C && is(Unqual!C == Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range)))