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Created August 17, 2015 11:07
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Find All Roots For Type
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace EEHeap
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string dump, dac, type;
if (!TryParseArgs(args, out type, out dump, out dac))
var runtime = CreateRuntime(dump, dac);
var heap = runtime.GetHeap();
m_considered = new HashSet<ulong>();
Console.WriteLine("Finding objects of type...");
var found = false;
foreach (var item in heap.EnumerateObjects())
var t = heap.GetObjectType(item);
if (t.Name == type)
m_targets[item] = new Node(item, t);
found = true;
if (!found)
Console.WriteLine("Could not find any object of type {0}", type);
Console.WriteLine("Finding roots...");
var roots = FillRootDictionary(heap);
var seen = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<Node, int>>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
foreach (var root in roots)
if (m_completedRoots.Contains(root) || m_considered.Contains(root.Object))
var path = FindPathToTarget(heap, root);
if (path != null)
var key = KeyOnePath(path);
Tuple<Node, int> existing;
if (seen.TryGetValue(key, out existing))
seen[key] = Tuple.Create(existing.Item1, existing.Item2 + 1);
seen[key] = Tuple.Create(path, 1);
foreach (var item in seen.OrderBy(x => x.Value.Item2))
PrintOnePath(item.Value.Item1, item.Value.Item2);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Unhandled exception:");
private static Node FindPathToTarget(ClrHeap heap, ClrRoot root)
ClrType type = heap.GetObjectType(root.Object);
if (type == null)
return null;
List<ulong> refList = new List<ulong>();
List<int> offsetList = new List<int>();
Node curr = new Node(root.Object, type);
while (curr != null)
if (curr.Children == null)
curr.Type.EnumerateRefsOfObject(curr.Object, delegate(ulong child, int offset)
if (child != 0)
curr.Children = refList.ToArray();
curr.Offsets = offsetList.ToArray();
if (curr.Curr < curr.Children.Length)
ulong nextObj = curr.Children[curr.Curr];
int offset = curr.Offsets[curr.Curr];
if (!m_considered.Add(nextObj))
Node next = null;
if (m_targets.TryGetValue(nextObj, out next))
curr.Next = next;
next.Prev = curr;
next.Offset = offset;
while (curr.Prev != null)
m_targets[curr.Object] = curr;
curr = curr.Prev;
m_targets[curr.Object] = curr;
return curr;
type = heap.GetObjectType(nextObj);
if (type != null && type.ContainsPointers)
curr = new Node(nextObj, type, curr);
curr.Offset = offset;
curr = curr.Prev;
if (curr != null)
curr.Next = null;
return null;
private static string KeyOnePath(Node path)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
for (var node = path; node != null; node = node.Next)
List<ClrRoot> roots;
if (m_rootDict.TryGetValue(node.Object, out roots))
foreach (var root in roots)
if (root.Thread != null && root.Thread.StackTrace != null && root.Thread.StackTrace.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in root.Thread.StackTrace)
for (var node = path; node != null; node = node.Next)
return sb.ToString();
private static void PrintOnePath(Node path, int count)
Console.WriteLine("UNIQUE ROOT {0}:", count);
for (var node = path; node != null; node = node.Next)
List<ClrRoot> roots;
if (m_rootDict.TryGetValue(node.Object, out roots))
foreach (var root in roots)
string name;
if (root.Thread != null && root.Thread.StackTrace != null && root.Thread.StackTrace.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in root.Thread.StackTrace)
Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} -> {1,12:X} {2}", root.Address, root.Object, item.DisplayString);
Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} -> {1,12:X} {2}", root.Address, root.Object, root.Name);
for (var node = path; node != null; node = node.Next)
Console.WriteLine("-> {0,12:X} {1}", node.Object, node.Type.Name);
private static List<ClrRoot> FillRootDictionary(ClrHeap heap)
List<ClrRoot> roots = new List<ClrRoot>(heap.EnumerateRoots());
foreach (var root in roots)
List<ClrRoot> list;
if (!m_rootDict.TryGetValue(root.Object, out list))
list = new List<ClrRoot>();
m_rootDict[root.Object] = list;
return roots;
static HashSet<ClrRoot> m_completedRoots = new HashSet<ClrRoot>();
static Dictionary<ulong, List<ClrRoot>> m_rootDict = new Dictionary<ulong, List<ClrRoot>>();
static Dictionary<ulong, Node> m_targets = new Dictionary<ulong, Node>();
static HashSet<ulong> m_considered;
class Node
public Node Next;
public Node Prev;
public ulong Object;
public ClrType Type;
public int Offset;
public ulong[] Children;
public int[] Offsets;
public int Curr;
public Node(ulong obj, ClrType type, Node prev = null)
Object = obj;
Prev = prev;
Type = type;
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
if (prev != null)
prev.Next = this;
#region Helpers
public static bool TryParseArgs(string[] args, out string type, out string dump, out string dac)
dump = null;
dac = null;
type = null;
foreach (string arg in args)
if (type == null)
type = arg;
else if (dump == null)
dump = arg;
else if (dac == null)
dac = arg;
Console.WriteLine("Too many arguments.");
return false;
return dump != null;
private static ClrRuntime CreateRuntime(string dump, string dac)
// Create the data target. This tells us the versions of CLR loaded in the target process.
DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.LoadCrashDump(dump);
// Now check bitness of our program/target:
bool isTarget64Bit = dataTarget.PointerSize == 8;
if (Environment.Is64BitProcess != isTarget64Bit)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Architecture mismatch: Process is {0} but target is {1}", Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "64 bit" : "32 bit", isTarget64Bit ? "64 bit" : "32 bit"));
// Note I just take the first version of CLR in the process. You can loop over every loaded
// CLR to handle the SxS case where both v2 and v4 are loaded in the process.
var version = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0];
// Next, let's try to make sure we have the right Dac to load. CLRVersionInfo will actually
// have the full path to the right dac if you are debugging the a version of CLR you have installed.
// If they gave us a path (and not the actual filename of the dac), we'll try to handle that case too:
if (dac != null && Directory.Exists(dac))
dac = Path.Combine(dac, version.DacInfo.FileName);
else if (dac == null || !File.Exists(dac))
dac = version.TryGetDacLocation();
// Finally, check to see if the dac exists. If not, throw an exception.
if (dac == null || !File.Exists(dac))
throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find the specified dac.", dac);
// Now that we have the DataTarget, the version of CLR, and the right dac, we create and return a
// ClrRuntime instance.
return dataTarget.CreateRuntime(dac);
public static void Usage()
string fn = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
Console.WriteLine("Usage: {0} type crash.dmp [dac_file_name]", fn);
class ObjectSet
struct Entry
public ulong High;
public ulong Low;
public int Index;
public ObjectSet(ClrHeap heap)
m_shift = IntPtr.Size == 4 ? 3 : 4;
int count = heap.Segments.Count;
m_data = new BitArray[count];
m_entries = new Entry[count];
ulong last = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
var seg = heap.Segments[i];
Debug.Assert(last < seg.Start);
last = seg.Start;
m_data[i] = new BitArray(GetBitOffset(seg.Length));
m_entries[i].Low = seg.Start;
m_entries[i].High = seg.End;
m_entries[i].Index = i;
public void Add(ulong value)
if (value == 0)
m_zero = true;
int index = GetIndex(value);
if (index == -1)
int offset = GetBitOffset(value - m_entries[index].Low);
m_data[index].Set(offset, true);
public bool Contains(ulong value)
if (value == 0)
return m_zero;
int index = GetIndex(value);
if (index == -1)
return false;
int offset = GetBitOffset(value - m_entries[index].Low);
return m_data[index][offset];
public int Count
// todo, this is nasty.
int count = 0;
foreach (var set in m_data)
foreach (bool bit in set)
if (bit) count++;
return count;
private int GetBitOffset(ulong offset)
Debug.Assert(offset < int.MaxValue);
return GetBitOffset((int)offset);
private int GetBitOffset(int offset)
return offset >> m_shift;
private int GetIndex(ulong value)
int low = 0;
int high = m_entries.Length - 1;
while (low <= high)
int mid = (low + high) >> 1;
if (value < m_entries[mid].Low)
high = mid - 1;
else if (value > m_entries[mid].High)
low = mid + 1;
return mid;
// Outside of the heap.
return -1;
BitArray[] m_data;
Entry[] m_entries;
int m_shift;
bool m_zero;
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