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Last active June 12, 2021 08:10
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Wrapper for php uopz library's functions. Very useful for unit testing for changing function's behaviour in runtime.
* Trait UopzTrait
* Useful wrapper for uopz library's functions
trait UopzTrait
* Hook non-return third-party-called function to get return from it
* Simple example:
* public function foo($data) {
* return Database::insert($data);
* }
* public function bar() {
* $data = ['field' => 'value'];
* foo($data);
* }
* Sometime when you testing bar() you may want to know what happend in foo()
* public function testBar() {
* $this->uopzFunctionHook(
* 'foo',
* function ($data) {
* return $data;
* },
* $fooResult
* );
* bar();
* $this->assertEqual(['field' => 'value'], $fooResult);
* }
* @param string|array $function Function/method name
* @param Closure $closure Closure
* @param mixed $return Referenced return
* @param bool $backup Backup
public function uopzFunctionHook($function, Closure $closure, &$return, $backup = false)
function () use (&$return, $closure) {
$return = call_user_func_array($closure, func_get_args());
return $return;
* Replace function's return value using list of conditions.
* Source function cant be redefined or defined as closure before using this method.
* Example:
* public function selectAll($table) {
* return $db->select()->from($table)->fetchAll();
* }
* public function foo() {
* $result1 = $this->selectAll('user');
* // do something
* $result2 = $this->selectAll('article');
* // do something
* $result3 = $this->selectAll('post');
* }
* You can mock all calls just doing:
* public function testFoo() {
* $this->uopzFunctionConditionReturn(
* 'selectAll',
* [
* ['table', 'user', [0 => 'user1', 2 => 'user3']],
* ['table', 'post', function () { return 'some other result here'; }],
* ],
* null // for all other queries
* );
* }
* @param string|array $function Function/method name
* @param array $conditionList Conditions
* @param bool $backup Backup
* @param mixed $default Default return
* @throws Exception
public function uopzFunctionConditionReturn($function, array $conditionList, $default = null, $backup = false)
if (is_array($function)) {
$replacement = new ReflectionMethod($function[0], $function[1]);
} else {
$replacement = new ReflectionFunction($function);
if ('{closure}' == $replacement->getName() || $replacement->isClosure()) {
throw new Exception('Cant apply conditions to closure or replaced function. Try to restore function before.');
$parameters = array_map(
function ($parameter) {
return $parameter->getName();
function () use ($parameters, $conditionList, $default) {
$returnConvert = function ($return) {
if ($return instanceof Closure) {
return $return();
} elseif (is_object($return)) {
return clone $return;
} else {
return $return;
foreach ($conditionList as list($parameterName, $needle, $return)) {
$key = in_array($parameterName, $parameters);
if (false !== $key && func_get_arg($key) === $needle) {
return $returnConvert($return);
return $returnConvert($default);
* Consistent return
* @param string|array $function Function name
* @param array $return Return
* @param bool $backup Backup
public function uopzFunctionConsistentReturn($function, array $return, $backup = false)
function () use ($return) {
static $callNumber = 0;
$return = $return[$callNumber++];
if ($return instanceof Closure) {
return $return();
} elseif (is_object($return)) {
return clone $return;
} else {
return $return;
* Replace one function with another
* Example:
* $this->uopzFunctionReplace(['mysqli', 'query'], 'mysql_query'); // downgrade :)
* @param string|array $function Target function name
* @param string|array $replace Source function name
* @param bool $backup Backup
public function uopzFunctionReplace($function, $replace, $backup = false)
function () use ($replace) {
if (is_array($replace)) {
if (is_object($replace[0])) {
$className = get_class($replace[0]);
$object = $replace[0];
} else {
$className = $replace[0];
$object = null;
$replacement = new ReflectionMethod($className, $replace[1]);
return $replacement->invokeArgs($object, func_get_args());
} else {
$replacement = new ReflectionFunction($replace);
return $replacement->invokeArgs(func_get_args());
* Just return something, nothing more
* @param string|array $function Function name
* @param mixed $return Return
* @param bool $backup Backup
public function uopzFunctionSimpleReturn($function, $return, $backup = false)
function () use ($return) {
if ($return instanceof Closure) {
return $return();
} elseif (is_object($return)) {
return clone $return;
} else {
return $return;
* Backup function
* @param string|array $function Function name
public function uopzBackup($function)
$this->uopzInvoke('backup', $function);
* @param string|array $function Restore function
public function uopzRestore($function)
$this->uopzInvoke('restore', $function);
* Ask function to do nothing :)
* @param string|array $function Function name
* @param bool $backup Backup
public function uopzMuteFunction($function, $backup = false)
function () {
return ;
* Check docs for uops_function ;)
* @param string|array $function
* @param Closure $closure
* @param bool $backup
public function uopzFunction($function, Closure $closure, $backup = false)
if ($backup) {
$this->uopzInvoke('function', $function, [$closure]);
* Check docs for uops_redefine ;)
* @param string|array $constant
* @param mixed $value
public function uopzRedefine($constant, $value)
$this->uopzInvoke('redefine', $constant, [$value]);
* Check docs for uops_flags ;)
* My favourite useful example:
* public function testMyPrivateMethod() {
* // make private method public
* $this->uopzFlags(['MyClass', 'myPrivateMethod'], ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC);
* $myClassObject = new MyClass();
* $this->assertTrue($myClassObject->myPrivateMethod());
* }
* @param string|array $function
* @param int $flags
public function uopzFlags($function, $flags)
$this->uopzInvoke('flags', $function, [$flags]);
* Call native functions, never mind
* @param string $name
* @param string|array $functionName
* @param array $params
private function uopzInvoke($name, $functionName, array $params = [])
$replacement = new ReflectionFunction('uopz_' . $name);
if (!is_array($functionName)) {
$functionName = [$functionName];
$replacement->invokeArgs(array_merge($functionName, $params));
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Хорошая идея!
composer require jced-artem/uopz

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