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Last active December 30, 2023 18:34
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  • Save jcefoli/8a7c59e9a5ed3ce9840b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jcefoli/8a7c59e9a5ed3ce9840b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Copies the Windows Spotlight lock screen images in Windows 10 to a "Windows Spotlight" folder in My Pictures.
Copies the Windows Spotlight lock screen images in Windows 10 to a "Windows Spotlight" folder in My Pictures.
This script will intelligently sort through the temporary directory and will only copy images
that are 1920x1080. Since the filenames of the images can change, the script will also compare
SHA1 hashes of the existing so we don't copy duplicates.
Version: 1.0.2
Author: jcefoli
Creation Date: 3/14/2016
Only tested in Powershell 4 on Windows 10
Run from the Command Prompt (As Admin) like so:
Straight from GitHub:
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))"
Local Path (assumes you download the script to the C:\ root)"
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass C:\SaveSpotlightImages.ps1
$StartTime = Get-Date
### Defaults to "Windows Spotlight" folder in your Pictures ###
$imageRestorePath = "$env:systemdrive\Users\$Env:username\Pictures\Windows Spotlight"
#Clear terminal and add loading message
Write-Host ""
Write-Host " Working some magic. Please wait! "
Write-Host ""
#Load system.drawing Assembly
#Function to Get Image Metadata
function Get-Image{
process {
$file = $_
[Drawing.Image]::FromFile($_.FullName) |
$_ | Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty FullName ('{0}' -f $file.FullName)
#Create Temporary Directory
$checkDir = Test-Path $env:TEMP\bgtempimages
If ($checkDir -eq $False){
New-Item $env:TEMP\bgtempimages -Type directory | Out-Null
Else {
$fso = New-Object -ComObject scripting.filesystemobject
#Copy Assets from Windows Location to Temp Directory
Copy-Item $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets\* -Destination $env:TEMP\bgtempimages\
#Add .jpg Extension to Files
Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:TEMP\bgtempimages" | Rename-Item -newname { $_.Name + ".jpg" }
#Detect and Remove Rogue XML Files
$tempFileList = Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:TEMP\bgtempimages" | select FullName
ForEach ($file in $tempFileList) {
$isXML = [bool]((Get-Content $file.FullName) -as [xml])
if ($isXML -eq $True) {
Remove-Item $file.FullName
#Create Permanent Background Images Directory if it Doesn't Exist
$checkDir = Test-Path $imageRestorePath
If ($checkDir -eq $False){
New-Item $imageRestorePath -Type directory | Out-Null
Else {
#Folder Exists, so grab the SHA1 hashes of all the existing images so we don't copy duplicate backgrounds with different filenames
$existingImageObjects = Get-ChildItem -Path $imageRestorePath | select -expa Fullname
#Add all hashes in the permanent image directory to $existingHashesArray
$existingHashesArray = @()
ForEach ($filepath in $existingImageObjects ) {
$existingHashesArray += Get-FileHash -Path $filepath -Algorithm SHA1
#Detect images that are 1920x1080 (The background images we want to move)
$imageObjectsToCopy = Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:TEMP\bgtempimages" -Filter *.* -Recurse | Get-Image | ? { $_.Width -eq 1920 -or $_.Height -eq 1080 } | select -expa Fullname
#Get the Hashes of those 1920x1080 images and store in $newImageHashArray
$newImageHashArray = @()
ForEach ($filepath in $imageObjectsToCopy ) {
$newImageHashArray += Get-FileHash -Path $filepath -Algorithm SHA1
#Loop through Temp Images To Copy
$i = 0
$newImageHashArray | foreach {
if ($existingHashesArray.Hash -Contains $_.Hash){
#Found duplicate hash in existing directory, do not copy new image over
Else {
#New background found! Copy it over
Copy-Item $_.Path -Destination $imageRestorePath
$i = $i + 1
#Status output
$FinishTime = Get-Date
$TotalTime = ($FinishTime - $StartTime).TotalMilliseconds
if ($i -eq 0) {
Write-host "[Done] - No images copied. Took $TotalTime ms." -foregroundcolor "Yellow"
ElseIF ($i -eq 1){
Write-host "[Done] - Copied $i image. Took $TotalTime ms." -foregroundcolor "Green"
Write-host "[Done] - Copied $i images. Took $TotalTime ms." -foregroundcolor "Green"
#Delete Temp Folder
$fso = New-Object -ComObject scripting.filesystemobject
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spSlaine commented Feb 2, 2017

Jo - Was going to write my own script, but a quick search saved me the bother. I took a fork and changed it slightly around the default location of $imageRestorePath the use of $env:systemdrive & $env:username didn't result in my profile dir. My directory is c:\users{user}.{domain} as I had a local account with the same user name. before I joined the machine to the domain. I change my fork to use $env:USERPROFILE instead which removed. :)

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jcefoli commented Aug 31, 2017

That's a better solution! Nice find.

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I also did a fork from @spSlaine's in case you wanted to grab the vertical oriented images as well. I also updated the example text with information on how to write a VBS script to run the command windowless in case you wanted this to run as a scheduled task without the popup window.

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I got a similar client/server powershell script running on a domain which uses about the same method. Files are copied to a network share (1 folder for pictures and 1 folder for log files). On the server runs a scheduled task to start the powershell script every hour, if a more recent log file is detected the server recalculates the hash-file again. Clients run the there script at logon. The hash-file is pulled from the server is the local copy is older or not-existing. Only pictures with a new hash are uploaded to the server.

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Steven-N commented Dec 21, 2017

Broken because of

On line 64?

Seems to work otherwise...

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