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Created July 25, 2022 17:58
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counting words in c++
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/container/small_vector.hpp>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <robin_hood.h>
static constexpr inline char to_lower(char c) noexcept {
return ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ? c + ('a' - 'A') : c);
static constexpr inline bool is_space(char c) noexcept { return c <= ' '; }
namespace robin_hood {
template <typename T, std::size_t N>
struct hash<boost::container::small_vector<T, N>> {
constexpr size_t operator()(const auto &str) const noexcept {
return robin_hood::hash_bytes(, sizeof(T) * str.size());
} // namespace robin_hood
int main() {
using string = boost::container::small_vector<char, 32>;
using map = robin_hood::unordered_flat_map<string, int>;
string word;
robin_hood::unordered_flat_map<string, int> counts;
constexpr int bufsize = 1024 * 1024;
alignas(64) char buf[bufsize];
for (ssize_t n = 0; (n = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, bufsize)) && n >= 0;) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (is_space(buf[i])) {
if (!word.empty()) {
} else {
using elem_type = map::value_type;
auto ptr = std::make_unique_for_overwrite<elem_type *[]>(counts.size());
auto it = counts.begin();
auto dit = ptr.get();
while (it != counts.end())
*dit++ = &*it++;
std::sort(ptr.get(), dit, [](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) noexcept {
return lhs->second > rhs->second;
for (auto it = ptr.get(); it != dit; ++it) {
auto &count = **it;
fmt::print(stdout, "{} {}\n",
std::string_view(, count.first.size()),
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