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Created September 2, 2012 20:10
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Ember.js inputs with labels via a custom ContainerView instance
App.FieldView = Em.ContainerView.extend
tagName: ''
type: 'text'
label: null
value: null
size: '30'
required: null
requiredAttribute: (->
if @get('required') == 'true' then '' else null
childViews: 'labelView dataView'.w()
labelView: Em.View.extend
tagName: 'label'
attributeBindings: ['for']
forBinding: 'parentView.dataView.elementId'
textBinding: 'parentView.label'
requiredBinding: 'parentView.required'
defaultTemplate: Em.Handlebars.compile('{{view.text}}{{#if view.required}}<abbr title="Required">*</abbr>{{/if}}')
dataView: Em.TextField.extend
attributeBindings: 'type value size placeholder required'.w()
typeBinding: 'parentView.type'
sizeBinding: 'parentView.size'
valueBinding: 'parentView.value'
requiredBinding: 'parentView.requiredAttribute'
App.TextField = App.FieldView.extend()
App.TextArea = App.FieldView.extend
dataView: Em.TextArea.extend()
App.EmailField = App.FieldView.extend
type: 'email'
App.PasswordField = App.FieldView.extend
type: 'password'
App.NumberField = App.FieldView.extend
dataView: Em.TextField.extend
type: 'number'
attributeBindings: 'type value size placeholder min max step required'.w()
minBinding: 'parentView.min'
maxBinding: 'parentView.max'
sizeBinding: 'parentView.size'
valueBinding: 'parentView.value'
requiredBinding: 'parentView.requiredAttribute'
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jcf commented Sep 2, 2012

Renamed valueSize to just size.

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