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Created April 13, 2016 19:56
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Get VDI dev setup

Setting up on VDI

Badun - Cygwin, git, zsh, vim

Download from

NVM for Windows

Download it from the github releases. The file you want is

Install Node

Open Badun and run

nvm install 5.10.1

then edit your .bash_profile

vim ~/.bash_profile

add (press: i):

nvm use 5.10.1

save and close (press: esc : w q) this will make it load node every time you open badun.

Private npm access

Now we need access to em-swift which is a private npm repo so run

npm adduser

Reference the setup doc for credentials.

Install the cli

Now you can install em-swift

npm install -g tsd @elliemae/em-swift-cli

You are ready to go once all the dependencies have installed.

Atom and Eslint

Atom is a great open source text editor with a very nice package management system. You can download it at

We want to add the linter and linter-eslint packages. To do so go to the preferences page (ctrl + ,) and open the install tab. Search for these pages by name. Atoms packages search is not the best so you may have to scroll a bit they both have a good number of downloads ~1,000,000 and ~200,000 respectively. Install both and you will need to restart atom or reload the view by going to the view menu -> developer -> reload or the hot keys (alt + ctrl + r).

If you get a eslint error referencing modules then you need to add:

"parserOptions": {
    "sourceType": "module"

to the top of your .eslintrc file.

You will most likely have errors like Rule 'no-empty-class' was removed and replaced by: no-empty-character-class you can ignore these.

A few other nice atom packages

  • pigments
  • highlight-line
  • minimap
  • autocomplete-paths
  • css-snippets
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