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Last active January 5, 2018 03:36
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import numpy as np
# Confined to square matrices
n = 5
width = n
height = n
dim = n*n - 1
# Lie Bracket
def Lie_Bracket(A,B):
def E(i,j):
Matrix = [[0 for x in range(width)] for y in range(height)]
Matrix[i-1][j-1] = 1
return Matrix
# For instance, E(1,2) = [ 0 , 1 , 0]
# [ 0 , 0 , 0] (for n = 3)
# [ 0 , 0 , 0]
def H(k): # Part of the standard basis for sl(n,C)
Matrix = np.add( E(k,k) , np.negative( E(k+1,k+1) ) )
return Matrix
# For instance, H(2) = [ 0 , 0 , 0]
# [ 0 , 1 , 0] (for n = 3)
# [ 0 , 0 , -1]
def up_trig_order(l): # order : { 1, .., n(n-1)/2 } --> {(i,j) | n>=i>j} bijectively
# check if 0 < l < n(n-1)/2
if ( (0 >= l) | (l > n*(n-1)) ):
print "Error from the function 'order."
stage = 1
while l > (n - stage):
l = l - (n - stage)
stage = stage + 1
j = l + stage
def basis_order(m):
if m <= n*(n-1):
if (m%2) == 1:
dummy = (m+1)/2
return up_trig_order(dummy)
dummy = m/2
return (up_trig_order(dummy)[1], up_trig_order(dummy)[0])
elif m > n*(n-1):
dummy = m - n*(n-1)
return ('H', dummy)
# The standard basis -Beta- for sl(n,C): { E(i,j), H(k) | i!=j, 0<k<n}
# is ordered by the function "order" as follows..
# Print & Store (in Basis) the standard ordered basis:
Basis = ['I would like to start from Basis[1]']
for m in range(1,n*n): # 0 < m < n*n
if basis_order(m)[0] == 'H':
print "The %d-th vector in the standard ordered basis is " %m
print "Basis[%d] = H(%d) = " % (m,basis_order(m)[1])
Basis.append( H(basis_order(m)[1]) )
print( np.array(Basis[m]) )
print "\n"
print "The %d-th vector in the standard ordered basis is " % m
print "Basis[%d] = E(%d,%d) = " %(m, basis_order(m)[0] ,basis_order(m)[1])
Basis.append( E(basis_order(m)[0] ,basis_order(m)[1]) )
print( np.array(Basis[m]) )
print "\n"
# Print the Lie algebra structure wrt the ordered basis
# Lie_Algebra_Structure = [] # Store the Lie algebra structure wrt the ordered basis...
# for i in range(1,n*n):
# for j in range(1,n*n):
# # Store the Lie algebra structure wrt the ordered basis ...
# # ... Lie_Algebra_Structure[i][j] = np.array( Lie_Bracket( Basis[i] , Basis[j] ) )
# print "[ Basis[%d] , Basis[%d] ] = " %(i,j)
# print ( np.array( Lie_Bracket( Basis[i] , Basis[j] ) ) )
# Demonstrate the matrix of ad(X) w.r.t. "Basis" for each X in -Beta-.
# This only works for sl(n,C)
def matrix_ad(X): # Only for sl(n,C) wrt the basis above
# Test if X is an n by n matrix with zero trace.
# ...
result = []
column_temp = []
for column in range(1,n*n):
temp = Lie_Bracket( X , Basis[column] ) # we shall expand "temp" wrt the ordered basis
for row in range(1,n*n):
if row <= n*(n-1): # Working against the basis elements E(i,j)
i = basis_order(row)[0]
j = basis_order(row)[1]
insert = temp[i-1][j-1] # Only works for sl(n,C)
elif row > n*(n-1): # Working against the basis elements H(k)
i = row - n*(n-1)
insert = temp[i-1][i-1]
temp[i-1][i-1] = temp[i-1][i-1] - insert # Actually we don't need this step
temp[i][i] = temp[i][i] + insert
column_temp = []
result = np.array(result)
result = np.transpose(result)
return result
def Killing(X,Y):
return np.trace(,matrix_ad(Y)) )
# Print the adjoint representation wrt to "Basis"
for i in range(1,n*n):
print "matrix_ad(Basis[%d]) = " %i
print( np.array(matrix_ad(Basis[i])) )
Killing_Matrix = np.array( [[0]*dim]*dim )
for i in range(1,dim+1):
for j in range(1,dim+1):
Killing_Matrix[i-1][j-1] = Killing(Basis[i],Basis[j])
# ---
def int_det(X):
# This function naively and slowly computes the determinant of any
# given integer valued square matrix X.
# Here, "int()" is crucial because while integer operations have
# unlimited accuracy in 'pure' python, numpy integer operations
# will overflow! This bug has taken me a day to find..
# You may check.. >>> type(X[0][0]) ... <type 'numpy.int64'>
result = int(0)
if len(X) == 1:
return int(X[0][0])
for i in range(len(X)):
if X[i][0] != 0:
result = result + ((-1)**i) * int(X[i][0]) * int_det(cofactor(X,i,0))
print"%ld" %result
return result
def cofactor(X,i,j): # X: integer valued matrix
# Output: The (i,j)-th cofactor of X
result = np.delete(X,i,0) # axis-0: delete rows
result = np.delete(result,j,1) # axis-1: delete columns
return result
# # ---
# def is_prime(integer):
# if integer < 2:
# return False
# for i in range(2 , int(np.sqrt(integer))+1):
# if integer % i == 0:
# return False
# return True
# def prime(k): # Output: the k-th prime
# i = 1
# found = 0
# while found < k:
# if is_prime(i) == True:
# found = found + 1
# i = i + 1
# return i - 1
# # ---
### Input a prime list ###
f = open("prime-list.txt","r")
data =
print "len(data) = %d" %len(data)
k = 1
primelist = ['null']
block = []
for i in range(len(data)):
if data[i] != ",":
length = len(block)
for j in range(length):
primelist[k] = primelist[k] + ( (10**j) * block[(length-1)-j] )
print "primelist[%d] = %d" %(k,primelist[k])
k = k+1
block = []
def factor(integer,primelist):
# e.g. factor(60) = [2,1,1] ,which means 60 = 2^2 * 3^1 * 5^1
# e.g. factor(100) = [2,0,2] ,which means 100 = 2^2 * 3^0 * 5^2
result = ['null'] # The 0-th result is 'null' by convention
i = 1
while (integer**2 != 1) & (integer != 0): # Then factorization starts
times = 0
while integer % primelist[i] == 0:
integer = integer / primelist[i]
times = times + 1
if result[i] != 0: ##
print "The %d-th prime appears %d (= result[%d]) times." %(i,i,result[i]) ##
i = i + 1
return result
# ---
print "\n The matrix of Killing Form is "
# print(np.array(Killing_Matrix))
for i in range(len(Killing_Matrix)):
for j in range(len(Killing_Matrix)):
print"%d " %Killing_Matrix[i][j],
print "\r"
print "and its determinant is %d = " %int_det(Killing_Matrix)
# print str(factor(int_det(Killing_Matrix),primelist))
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jcguu95 commented Jan 3, 2018

This file was intended to compute the determinant of the Killing form matrix of the Lie algebra sl(3,C). It has been generalized to sl(n,C). However, determinant overflows when n > 4. [ver. 3]

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