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Last active September 2, 2015 13:25
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public class Cache : ICache
private ConcurrentDictionary<int, Response> cachedResponses = new ConcurrentDictionary<int,Response>(); //Use Redis in Production
public Response GetOrInvalidate(NancyContext ctx)
Response resp;
if(ctx.Request.Method == "GET")
if (!cache.TryGetValue(ctx.Request.Headers.IfNoneMatch.Value, out resp)
return null;
return resp;
return null;
public Invalidate(NancyContext ctx)
public Add(int Id, Response resp)
namespace Nancy.ETag
using System;
using Nancy;
public class MainModule : NancyModule
public MainModule(ICache cache, ISomeRepoOrServiceOrOtherLayerYouLove someRepoOrServiceOrOtherLayerYouLove)
Get["/{int:id}"] = x => {
return someRepoOrServiceOrOtherLayerYouLove.Get(;
Put["/{int:id}"] = x => {
var model = this.BindAndValidate<MyModel>();
return 204;
Before += ctx => {
return cache.GetOrInvalidate(ctx);
After += ctx => {
if (ctx.Request.Method == "GET")
var id = GenerateUniqueId();
ctx.Response.Headers.ETag = id;
cache.Add(id, ctx.Response); //Get response body
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