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Last active February 20, 2020 11:35
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C# command-line parser
/// <summary>
/// Simple command line toggles parser:
/// - toggles are identified with (any number of) '-' prefixes
/// - toggle can be with or without associated value
/// - toggles are case-insensitive
/// <example>--toggle_without_value -toggle value</example>
/// </summary>
public class ToggleParser
private readonly Dictionary<string, string> toggles;
public ToggleParser(string[] args)
toggles =
args.Zip(args.Skip(1).Concat(new[] { string.Empty }), (first, second) => new { first, second })
.Where(pair => IsToggle(pair.first))
.ToDictionary(pair => RemovePrefix(pair.first).ToLowerInvariant(), g => IsToggle(g.second) ? string.Empty : g.second);
private static string RemovePrefix(string toggle)
return new string(toggle.SkipWhile(c => c == '-').ToArray());
private static bool IsToggle(string arg)
return arg.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
public bool HasToggle(string toggle)
return toggles.ContainsKey(toggle.ToLowerInvariant());
public string GetToggleValueOrDefault(string toggle, string defaultValue)
string value;
return toggles.TryGetValue(toggle.ToLowerInvariant(), out value) ? value : defaultValue;
public class ToggleParserTest
public static IEnumerable<object[]> Arguments => new[]
new object[] { new[] {"-silent", "-session", "foobar"}, true, true, "foobar" },
new object[] { new[] {"-session", "foobar", "-silent"}, true, true, "foobar" },
new object[] { new[] {"-silent"}, true, false, string.Empty },
new object[] { new string[] {}, false, false, string.Empty },
new object[] { new[] {"--SeSSION", "foobar"}, false, true, "foobar" },
[Theory, MemberData(nameof(Arguments))]
internal void ToggleParser_ParsesToggles(string[] args, bool hasSilent, bool hasSession, string expectedSession)
// Act
var parser = new ToggleParser(args);
// Assert
parser.GetToggleValueOrDefault("session", string.Empty).Should().Be(expectedSession);
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