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jchassoul / bibtex.png
Created May 16, 2018 02:04 — forked from max-mapper/bibtex.png
How to make a scientific looking PDF from markdown (with bibliography)
jchassoul / plugins?
Last active September 27, 2017 19:39
# TODO: MAE! please refactor into smaller independent functions (=
def new_sip_account(self, struct):
New sip account for asterisk real-time
# let's still support asterisk 11 for now!
message = 'nothing to see here'
erlang/treehouse [ make clean ] 5:08 PM
erlang/treehouse [ make all ] 5:08 PM
erlc -pa ~/work/structures/treehouse/deps/luerl/ebin -o ./ebin src/treehouse_app.erl
erlc -pa ~/work/structures/treehouse/deps/luerl/ebin -o ./ebin src/sim_master.erl
src/sim_master.erl:57: Warning: erlang:now/0: Deprecated BIF. See the "Time and Time Correction in Erlang" chapter of the ERTS User's Guide for more information.
src/sim_master.erl:57: Warning: random:seed/1: the 'random' module is deprecated; use the 'rand' module instead
src/sim_master.erl:93: Warning: random:uniform/1: the 'random' module is deprecated; use the 'rand' module instead
src/sim_master.erl:94: Warning: random:uniform/1: the 'random' module is deprecated; use the 'rand' module instead
src/sim_master.erl:97: Warning: random:uniform/0: the 'random' module is deprecated; use the 'rand' module instead
src/sim_master.erl:98: Warning: random:uniform/0: the 'rando
PROJECT = treehouse
PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = Spontaneously generate imps and spawn your resources.
DEPS = cowboy chumak luerl lager econfig uuid jiffy hackney
dep_cowboy_commit = master
DEP_PLUGINS = cowboy
# Copyright (c) 2014 Robert Virding
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,