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Last active November 24, 2015 23:40
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// ... autres fonctions du module
* Helper function that sends commands to Varnish.
* Utilizes sockets to talk to varnish terminal.
function _varnish_terminal_run($commands) {
if (!extension_loaded('sockets')) {
// Prevent fatal errors if people don't have requirements.
return FALSE;
// Convert single commands to an array so we can handle everything in the same way.
if (!is_array($commands)) {
$commands = array($commands);
$ret = array();
$terminals = explode(' ', variable_get('varnish_control_terminal', ''));
// The variable varnish_socket_timeout defines the timeout in milliseconds.
$timeout = variable_get('varnish_socket_timeout', VARNISH_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
$seconds = (int)($timeout / 1000);
$microseconds = (int)($timeout % 1000 * 1000);
foreach ($terminals as $terminal) {
list($server, $port) = explode(':', $terminal);
$client = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'));
socket_set_option($client, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, array('sec' => $seconds, 'usec' => $microseconds));
socket_set_option($client, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, array('sec' => $seconds, 'usec' => $microseconds));
if (@!socket_connect($client, $server, $port)) {
watchdog('varnish', 'Unable to connect to server socket @server:@port: %error', array(
'@server' => $server,
'@port' => $port,
'%error' => socket_strerror(socket_last_error($client))
$ret[$terminal] = FALSE;
// If a varnish server is unavailable, move on to the next in the list.
// If there is a CLI banner message (varnish >= 2.1.x), try to read it and move on.
if(floatval(variable_get('varnish_version', 2.1)) > 2.0) {
$status = _varnish_read_socket($client);
// Do we need to authenticate?
if ($status['code'] == 107) { // Require authentication
$secret = variable_get('varnish_control_key', '');
$challenge = substr($status['msg'], 0, 32);
$pack = $challenge . "\x0A" . $secret . "\x0A" . $challenge . "\x0A";
$key = hash('sha256', $pack);
socket_write($client, "auth $key\n");
$status = _varnish_read_socket($client);
if ($status['code'] != 200) {
watchdog('varnish', 'Authentication to server failed!', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
foreach ($commands as $command) {
if ($status = _varnish_execute_command($client, $command)) {
$ret[$terminal][$command] = $status;
return $ret;
function _varnish_read_socket($client, $retry = 2) {
// Status and length info is always 13 characters.
$header = socket_read($client, 13, PHP_BINARY_READ);
if ($header == FALSE) {
$error = socket_last_error();
// 35 = socket-unavailable, so it might be blocked from our write.
// This is an acceptable place to retry.
if ($error == 35 && $retry > 0) {
return _varnish_read_socket($client, $retry-1);
else {
watchdog('varnish', 'Socket error: @error', array('@error' => socket_strerror($error)), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
return array(
'code' => $error,
'msg' => socket_strerror($error),
$msg_len = (int)substr($header, 4, 6) + 1;
$status = array(
'code' => substr($header, 0, 3),
'msg' => socket_read($client, $msg_len, PHP_BINARY_READ)
return $status;
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