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Joe Cheng jcheng5

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jcheng5 /
Last active September 3, 2024 22:16
Resources for "Shiny × AI" by Joe Cheng, at posit::conf(2024)

Experimental function to concatenate lots of HTML dependencies' JavaScript files into one single one.

A number of caveats apply:

  1. Strict mode: Many JavaScript files contain "use strict"; at the top of the file. This causes slightly different behavior in the JS engine. If the concatenated JS files have different expectations regarding strict mode, there could be problems.
  2. Hosted scripts: This script does not attempt to concatenate JS files that are hosted on CDNs. Instead, they're left in their original form. It's possible that files we do concatenate, either assume that a CDN-hosted script is loaded before it itself is, or, the opposite. combine_js has a parameter that lets you decide whether to put the combined script first or last, there's no way for us to decide automatically (assuming there's even a right answer).
  3. ES6 modules: We leave type="module" alone, because for ES6 modules the file boundarie
jcheng5 / app.R
Created April 5, 2024 18:34
crew + ExtendedTask while keeping track of who requested each result
run_task <- function(model, n, delay_secs) {
jcheng5 /
Created March 8, 2024 03:14
Color blindness helper in Shiny Express
# Live demo at
from PIL import Image
import nump
jcheng5 /
Last active February 2, 2024 16:24
Shiny for Python module for console you can write to
from shiny import App, reactive, render, ui, module
from shiny.session import Session
from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr
import asyncio
from shiny_console import Console, console_ui, console_server
# == Example usage =======================================
app_ui = ui.page_fluid(
jcheng5 / app.R
Last active June 23, 2024 18:51
Extended task example app
ui <- page_sidebar(
sidebar = sidebar(
numericInput("x", "x", 5),
jcheng5 /
Last active July 20, 2024 03:12
Debounce and throttle for Shiny for Python

Sketch of debounce/throttle decorators for Shiny for Python

Drop into your app directory to use in your own Shiny for Python app. See for an example of these decorators in action.

Why is this a gist instead of a PR? Because to implement this "properly" for Shiny for Python, this would need to be beefed up to include type annotations, support for async, and unit/integration tests, which would all be more effort than this has taken so far. (To be clear, we want to do all that, but in the meantime, here's this gist.)

jcheng5 /
Last active September 1, 2024 21:24
Accepting POST requests from Shiny

Accepting POST requests from Shiny

(This post was motivated by a talk by @jnolis at CascadiaRConf 2021)

Recent versions of Shiny have an undocumented feature for handling POST requests that are not associated with any specific Shiny session. (Note that this functionality is missing our normal level of polish; it's a fairly low-level hook that I needed to make some things possible, but doesn't make anything easy.)

In a nutshell, it works by replacing your traditional ui object with a function(req), and then marking that function with an attribute indicating that it knows how to handle both GET and POST:

assign("msg", local({
i <- 0
function(url, ...) {
i <<- i + 1
on.exit(i <<- i - 1)
if (i > 1) {
message("reentrancy detected!")
return("reentrancy detected!")
cat("") # Calls R_ProcessEvents()
jcheng5 / image_dimensions.R
Last active April 18, 2020 18:09
Determine file image size in R
jpeg_dimensions <- function(filename, bytes = 1024) {
bytes <- readBin(filename, "raw", n = bytes)
if (length(bytes) < 2 || bytes[[1]] != 0xFF || bytes[[2]] != 0xD8) {
stop("Couldn't decode jpeg")
ff <- which(bytes == 0xFF)
c0 <- which(bytes == 0xC0)