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Created August 2, 2013 16:53
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is_end_of_tag = (char)-> char is '>'
is_start_of_tag = (char)-> char is '<'
is_whitespace = (char)-> /^\s+$/.test char
is_tag = (token)-> /^\s*<[^>]+>\s*$/.test token
isnt_tag = (token)-> not is_tag token
class Match
constructor: (@start_in_before, @start_in_after, @length)->
@end_in_before = (@start_in_before + @length) - 1
@end_in_after = (@start_in_after + @length) - 1
html_to_tokens = (html)->
mode = 'char'
current_word = ''
words = []
for char in html
switch mode
when 'tag'
if is_end_of_tag char
current_word += '>'
words.push current_word
current_word = ''
if is_whitespace char
mode = 'whitespace'
mode = 'char'
current_word += char
when 'char'
if is_start_of_tag char
words.push current_word if current_word
current_word = '<'
mode = 'tag'
else if /\s/.test char
words.push current_word if current_word
current_word = char
mode = 'whitespace'
else if /[\w\#@]+/i.test char
current_word += char
words.push current_word if current_word
current_word = char
when 'whitespace'
if is_start_of_tag char
words.push current_word if current_word
current_word = '<'
mode = 'tag'
else if is_whitespace char
current_word += char
words.push current_word if current_word
current_word = char
mode = 'char'
else throw new Error "Unknown mode #{mode}"
words.push current_word if current_word
return words
find_match = (before_tokens, after_tokens,
start_in_before, end_in_before,
start_in_after, end_in_after)->
best_match_in_before = start_in_before
best_match_in_after = start_in_after
best_match_length = 0
match_length_at = {}
for index_in_before in [start_in_before...end_in_before]
new_match_length_at = {}
looking_for = before_tokens[index_in_before]
locations_in_after =
for index_in_after in locations_in_after
continue if index_in_after < start_in_after
break if index_in_after >= end_in_after
unless match_length_at[index_in_after - 1]?
match_length_at[index_in_after - 1] = 0
new_match_length = match_length_at[index_in_after - 1] + 1
new_match_length_at[index_in_after] = new_match_length
if new_match_length > best_match_length
best_match_in_before = index_in_before - new_match_length + 1
best_match_in_after = index_in_after - new_match_length + 1
best_match_length = new_match_length
match_length_at = new_match_length_at
unless best_match_length is 0
match = (new Match best_match_in_before, best_match_in_after,\
return match
recursively_find_matching_blocks = (before_tokens, after_tokens,
start_in_before, end_in_before,
start_in_after, end_in_after,
self.postMessage({type:"log", content: index_of_before_locations_in_after_tokens})
match = (find_match before_tokens, after_tokens,
start_in_before, end_in_before,
start_in_after, end_in_after)
if match?
if start_in_before < match.start_in_before\
and start_in_after < match.start_in_after
recursively_find_matching_blocks before_tokens, after_tokens,
start_in_before, match.start_in_before,
start_in_after, match.start_in_after,
matching_blocks.push match
if match.end_in_before <= end_in_before\
and match.end_in_after <= end_in_after
recursively_find_matching_blocks before_tokens, after_tokens,
match.end_in_before + 1, end_in_before,
match.end_in_after + 1, end_in_after,
return matching_blocks
create_index = (p)->
throw new Error 'params must have find_these key' unless p.find_these?
throw new Error 'params must have in_these key' unless p.in_these?
index = {}
for token in p.find_these
index[token] = []
idx = p.in_these.indexOf token
while idx isnt -1
index[token].push idx
idx = p.in_these.indexOf token, idx+1
return index
find_matching_blocks = (before_tokens, after_tokens)->
matching_blocks = []
index_of_before_locations_in_after_tokens =
find_these: before_tokens
in_these: after_tokens
recursively_find_matching_blocks before_tokens, after_tokens,
0, before_tokens.length,
0, after_tokens.length,
calculate_operations = (before_tokens, after_tokens)->
throw new Error 'before_tokens?' unless before_tokens?
throw new Error 'after_tokens?' unless after_tokens?
position_in_before = position_in_after = 0
operations = []
action_map =
'false,false': 'replace'
'true,false' : 'insert'
'false,true' : 'delete'
'true,true' : 'none'
matches = find_matching_blocks before_tokens, after_tokens
matches.push new Match before_tokens.length, after_tokens.length, 0
for match, index in matches
match_starts_at_current_position_in_before =
position_in_before is match.start_in_before
match_starts_at_current_position_in_after =
position_in_after is match.start_in_after
action_up_to_match_positions =
if action_up_to_match_positions isnt 'none'
action: action_up_to_match_positions
start_in_before: position_in_before
end_in_before: (match.start_in_before - 1 \
unless action_up_to_match_positions is 'insert')
start_in_after: position_in_after
end_in_after: (match.start_in_after - 1 \
unless action_up_to_match_positions is 'delete')
unless match.length is 0
action: 'equal'
start_in_before: match.start_in_before
end_in_before: match.end_in_before
start_in_after: match.start_in_after
end_in_after: match.end_in_after
position_in_before = match.end_in_before + 1
position_in_after = match.end_in_after + 1
post_processed = []
last_op = action: 'none'
is_single_whitespace = (op)->
return no unless op.action is 'equal'
return no unless op.end_in_before - op.start_in_before is 0
return /^\s$/.test before_tokens[op.start_in_before..op.end_in_before]
for op in operations
if ((is_single_whitespace op) and last_op.action is 'replace') or
(op.action is 'replace' and last_op.action is 'replace')
last_op.end_in_before = op.end_in_before
last_op.end_in_after = op.end_in_after
post_processed.push op
last_op = op
return post_processed
consecutive_where = (start, content, predicate)->
content = content[start..content.length]
last_matching_index = undefined
for token, index in content
answer = predicate token
last_matching_index = index if answer is yes
break if answer is no
return content[0..last_matching_index] if last_matching_index?
return []
wrap = (tag, content)->
rendering = ''
position = 0
length = content.length
break if position >= length
non_tags = consecutive_where position, content, isnt_tag
position += non_tags.length
if non_tags.length isnt 0
rendering += "<#{tag}>#{non_tags.join ''}</#{tag}>"
break if position >= length
tags = consecutive_where position, content, is_tag
position += tags.length
rendering += tags.join ''
return rendering
op_map =
equal: (op, before_tokens, after_tokens)->
before_tokens[op.start_in_before..op.end_in_before].join ''
insert: (op, before_tokens, after_tokens)->
val = after_tokens[op.start_in_after..op.end_in_after]
wrap 'ins', val
delete: (op, before_tokens, after_tokens)->
val = before_tokens[op.start_in_before..op.end_in_before]
wrap 'del', val
op_map.replace = (op, before_tokens, after_tokens)->
(op_map.delete op, before_tokens, after_tokens) +
(op_map.insert op, before_tokens, after_tokens)
render_operations = (before_tokens, after_tokens, operations)->
rendering = ''
for op in operations
rendering += op_map[op.action] op, before_tokens, after_tokens
return rendering
diff = (before, after)->
return before if before is after
before = html_to_tokens before
after = html_to_tokens after
ops = calculate_operations before, after
render_operations before, after, ops
diff.html_to_tokens = html_to_tokens
diff.find_matching_blocks = find_matching_blocks
find_matching_blocks.find_match = find_match
find_matching_blocks.create_index = create_index
diff.calculate_operations = calculate_operations
diff.render_operations = render_operations
self.addEventListener('message', (e) ->
result = diff(,
self.postMessage({type:"result", content: result})
, false);
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fbiville commented Aug 7, 2013

argh :P

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