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Last active August 27, 2020 02:11
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import ClassyPrelude
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Profunctor.Product
import Data.Profunctor.Product.Default
import Data.Profunctor.Product.TH
newtype Wrap1 i = Wrap1 {unWrap1 :: i} deriving (Num, Functor, Generic)
newtype Wrap2 i = Wrap2 {unWrap2 :: i} deriving (Num, Functor, Generic)
instance Applicative Wrap1 where
pure = Wrap1
Wrap1 x <*> Wrap1 y = Wrap1 $ x y
instance Applicative Wrap2 where
pure = Wrap2
Wrap2 x <*> Wrap2 y = Wrap2 $ x y
newtype PP a b = PP {unPP :: a -> b} deriving (Profunctor, ProductProfunctor)
pp1 :: forall c. Show c => PP (Wrap1 c) String
pp1 = PP $ show . unWrap1
pp2 :: forall c. (Num c, Show c) => PP (Wrap2 c) String
pp2 = PP $ show . (* 2) . unWrap2
instance Show a => Default PP (Wrap1 a) String where def = pp1
instance (Num a, Show a) => Default PP (Wrap2 a) String where def = pp2
v1 :: (String, String)
v1 = unPP def (Wrap1 @Int 2, Wrap2 @Int 3)
-- Some product type that has potentially many fields relative to its type params, so manually spelling out
-- what to do with each field is laborious and using ProductProfunctor specifying in terms of what to do with
-- each field type is more succinct.
data Foo a b = Foo { x :: a, y :: b, z :: b } deriving (Generic, Show)
$(makeAdaptorAndInstance' ''Foo)
v2 :: Foo String String
v2 = unPP def $ Foo (Wrap1 @Int 2) (Wrap2 @Int 3) (Wrap2 @Int 4)
main :: IO ()
main = print v1 >> print v2
-- ("2","6")
-- Foo {x = "2", y = "6", z = "8"}
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