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Created April 16, 2020 10:02
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data Session = Session { date :: Date, nightDay :: NightDay } deriving (Bounded, Eq, Generic, Ord)
instance Show Session where
show (Session date Night) = show date `snoc` 'n'
show (Session date Day) = show date
sessionParser :: (Stream a, Token a ~ Char) => Parsec () a Session
sessionParser = do
date <- dateParser
night <- optional (char 'n')
pure $ Session date (bool Day Night $ isJust night)
instance Read Session where
readPrec = do
x <- RP.look
case MP.runParser' sessionParser $ MP.State x (singleton $ MP.initialPos "") 0 MP.defaultTabWidth of
(_, Left _) -> fail "Bad session"
(MP.State _ _ processed _, Right s) -> do replicateM_ processed RP.get
pure s
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