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Created October 13, 2017 06:02
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graphviz package generates graph with wrong arc direction.
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver nightly-2017-10-08 runghc --package graphviz
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Types.Graph as GV
import Data.GraphViz.Commands (GraphvizOutput(..), dirCommand, runGraphvizCommand)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- This generates an arc with the wrong direction. There should be an arc from 0 to 1 but this code produces
-- an arc from 1 to 0, contrary to the documentation of the fields of DotEdge, popular convention and fgl
-- convention.
let gv = GV.mkGraph [GV.DotNode (0 :: Int) [], GV.DotNode 1 []] [GV.DotEdge 0 1 []]
runGraphvizCommand dirCommand gv DotOutput "/tmp/"
pure ()
digraph {
graph [bb="0,0,54,108"];
node [label="\N"];
0 [height=0.5,
1 [height=0.5,
1 -> 0 [pos="e,27,36.104 27,71.697 27,63.983 27,54.712 27,46.112"];
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