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Last active February 27, 2023 10:29
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Python version of the "Parking" exercise
from flask import Flask, request
import urllib.request
import json
import geopy.distance
app = Flask(__name__)
def parkings_Poitiers():
Get all parkings of Poiters, as list of dict objects
curl ''
curl ''
webURL = urllib.request.urlopen(
data =
encoding ='utf-8')
JSON_object = json.loads(data.decode(encoding))
records = JSON_object['records']
parkings = []
for d in records:
parking = {}
fields = d["fields"]
parking["name"] = fields["nom"]
if "geo_point_2d" in fields:
parking["lat"] = fields["geo_point_2d"][0]
parking["lon"] = fields["geo_point_2d"][1]
parking["capacity"] = fields["capacite"]
parking["vacancy"] = fields["places"]
return parkings
def index():
Return all parkings of the URL request
return parkings_Poitiers()
def parkings_near_of():
Return sorted parkings of the URL request, limited to a number of results
lat = float(request.args.get("lat"))
lon = float(request.args.get("lon"))
limit = int(request.args.get("limit"))
data = sorted(parkings_Poitiers(),
key=lambda parking: geopy.distance.geodesic(
(float(parking["lat"]), float(parking["lon"])),
(lat, lon)).km * 1000)
if limit:
return data[0:limit]
return data
if __name__ == "__main__":
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