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Last active February 22, 2024 15:14
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Template for lit-element class
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit'
//import { unsafeHTML } from 'lit/directives/unsafe-html.js'
export default class MyElement extends LitElement {
static properties = {
//configuration: {type: Object},
static get styles() { };
constructor() {
//this.configuration = {};
* The default implementation of createRenderRoot creates an open shadow root
* and adds to it any styles set in the static styles class field.
* To customize a component's render root, implement createRenderRoot and
* return the node you want the template to render into.
* Don't use the shadow-root node. The "styles" property will not be used.
* @returns
createRenderRoot() {
return this;
* Invoked when the component is added to the document's DOM.
* In connectedCallback() you should setup tasks that should only
* occur when the element is connected to the document. The most common
* of these is adding event listeners to nodes external to the element,
* like a keydown event handler added to the window. Typically, anything
* done in connectedCallback() should be undone when the element is
* disconnected — for example, removing event listeners on window to
* prevent memory leaks.
connectedCallback() {
* Invoked when a component is removed from the document's DOM.
* This callback is the main signal to the element that it may no
* longer be used; as such, disconnectedCallback() should ensure
* that nothing is holding a reference to the element (such as event
* listeners added to nodes external to the element), so that it is
* free to be garbage collected. Because elements may be re-connected
* after being disconnected, as in the case of an element moving in
* the DOM or caching, any such references or listeners may need to
* be re-established via connectedCallback() so that the element continues
* functioning as expected in these scenarios. For example, remove event
* listeners to nodes external to the element, like a keydown event
* handler added to the window.
* /
// Lifecycle of component:
/** Pre-Update:
* Constructor()
* -> requestUpdate()
* Update:
* -> performUpdate()
* -> shouldUpdate(changedProperties): boolean
* -> willUpdate()
* -> update()
* -> render(): html
/** Post-Update:
* -> firstUpdated()
* -> updated()
* -> updateComplete()
* The updateComplete promise resolves when the element has finished updating. Use updateComplete
* to wait for an update. The resolved value is a boolean indicating if the element has finished
* updating. It will be true if there are no pending updates after the update cycle has finished.
* Usage: this.updateComplete.then( () => { "do somthing..." })
* Called to determine whether an update cycle is required.
* Updates No. Property changes inside this method do not trigger an element update.
* Call super? Not necessary.
* @param {Dictionary} changedProperties
* @returns Boolean
* /
shouldUpdate(changedProperties) {
return true;
* Called before update() to compute values needed during the update.
* Updates? No. Property changes inside this method do not trigger an element update.
* Call super? Not necessary.
* @param {Dictionary} changedProperties
* @returns Boolean
* /
* Called to update the component's DOM.
* Updates? No. Property changes inside this method do not trigger an element update.
* Call super? Yes. Without a super call, the element’s attributes and template will not update.
* @param {Dictionary} changedProperties
* @returns Boolean
* /
* Called by update() and should be implemented to return a renderable
* result (such as a TemplateResult) used to render the component's DOM.
* Updates? No. Property changes inside this method do not trigger an element update.
* Call super? Not necessary.
* @param {Dictionary} changedProperties
* @returns Boolean
render() {
return html`ok`
* Called after the component's DOM has been updated the first time,
* immediately before updated() is called.
* Updates? Yes. Property changes inside this method schedule a new update cycle.
* Call super? Not necessary.
* @param {Map} changedProperties keys are the names of changed properties and values that are the corresponding previous values.
* /
firstUpdated(changedProperties) {
* Called whenever the component’s update finishes and the element's DOM has been
* updated and rendered.
* Updates? Yes. Property changes inside this method trigger an element update.
* Call super? Not necessary.
* @param {Map} changedProperties keys are the names of changed properties and values that are the corresponding previous values.
* @returns
* /
// Register component
customElements.define('my-element', MyElement);
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