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Last active October 28, 2020 20:44
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A library for solving the 0-1 knapsack problem (inspired by )
/// An example implementation of the `KnapsackItem` protocol.
struct Example: KnapsackItem, CustomStringConvertible {
var name: String
var weight: Int
var value: Int
var description: String { name }
let problemSetting = ZeroOneKnapsackProblem(with: [
Example(name: "map", weight: 9, value: 150),
Example(name: "compass", weight: 13, value: 35),
Example(name: "water", weight: 153, value: 200),
Example(name: "sandwich", weight: 50, value: 160),
Example(name: "glucose", weight: 15, value: 60),
Example(name: "tin", weight: 68, value: 45),
Example(name: "banana", weight: 27, value: 60),
Example(name: "apple", weight: 39, value: 40),
Example(name: "cheese", weight: 23, value: 30),
Example(name: "beer", weight: 52, value: 10),
Example(name: "suntan cream", weight: 11, value: 70),
Example(name: "camera", weight: 32, value: 30),
Example(name: "t-shirt", weight: 24, value: 15),
Example(name: "trousers", weight: 48, value: 10),
Example(name: "umbrella", weight: 73, value: 40),
Example(name: "waterproof trousers", weight: 42, value: 70),
Example(name: "waterproof overclothes", weight: 43, value: 75),
Example(name: "note-case", weight: 22, value: 80),
Example(name: "sunglasses", weight: 7, value: 20),
Example(name: "towel", weight: 18, value: 12),
Example(name: "socks", weight: 4, value: 50),
Example(name: "books", weight: 30, value: 10),
computeResultsUpTo: 400)
let result = problemSetting(limit: 400)
let (totalValue, totalWeight) = (result.value, result.weight)
result.contents.forEach { print(" \($0)") }
print("For a total value of \(totalValue) and a total weight of \(totalWeight)")
// MARK: Overview
// This library solves the 0-1 Knapsack problem, aiming to pack a
// knapsack from an array of items which have a weight and a value, so
// that the sum of the values of the items in the knapsack is as high as
// possible and the sum of the weight of the items in the knapsack does
// not exceed a certain limit.
// This library provides a `KnapsackItem` protocol, allowing the user to
// extend any class, struct or enum to be used as items that may be part
// of the knapsack.
// In order to solve the problem, this library provides the
// `ZeroOneKnapsackProblem` class, whose purpose is to serve as a
// representation of the problem, and whose main functionality is to
// find a solution to the problem using the dynamic programming
// algorithm found at:
// and to return its result to the user, while internally storing its
// calculations into a result table to avoid re-calculating intermediary
// results when the size of the knapsack changes or when the item pool
// differs slightly.
// It uses a nested type (`Knapsack`) in order to represent a solution
// to the problem for a given limit.
// It provides the `solve(until:)` method to fill the result table with
// intermediary values for filling the knapsack for a given limit, and
// the `solution(for:)` method from fetching the solution to the problem
// for a given limit, as well as many convenience functions which
// allows to get the solution to the problem by combining the previous
// two methods if deferring the building of the result table and the
// fetching of the result is unnecessary, as well as variants of those
// methods which returns the solution as an `Array` of `Item`s instead.
// MARK: - Code
/// Holds an item for solving the Knapsack problem.
public protocol KnapsackItem {
/// The space taken by the item in the knapsack.
var weight: Int { get }
/// The item is more likely to be included when the ratio
/// between the value and the weight of the item is high.
var value: Int { get }
/// A class built for solving the 0-1 variant of the Knapsack
/// problem using dynamic programming and memoization.
/// The 0-1 Knapsack problem solver seeks to pack a knapsack from a list
/// of items whose total weight does not exceed a given limit, while
/// having the greatest total value in the knapsack.
/// - SeeAlso: `KnapsackItem`
final public class ZeroOneKnapsackProblem<Item: KnapsackItem> {
/// A list of items that can appear as
/// part of a solution to the problem.
/// - SeeAlso: `KnapsackItem`
public let items: [Item]
/// Holds the results to the Knapsack problem.
/// Each row represents an item from `items`.
/// Each column represents a maximum limit.
var resultTable: [[Int]]
/// The largest limit where the solution to the
/// Knapsack problem has already been computed.
public var solvedLimit: Int
/// Holds the optimal solution to the 0-1 Knapsack problem
/// for a given `problemSetting` and a given `limit`.
public struct Knapsack: KnapsackItem {
/// An object representing the problem of which `Result` is a
/// solution.
public let problemSetting: ZeroOneKnapsackProblem<Item>
/// The items stored in the knapsack.
public let contents: [Item]
/// The maximum weight that can be stored in the knapsack.
public let capacity: Int
/// The sum of the `weight`s of each `Item`.
/// - Complexity: O(1)
public let weight: Int
/// The sum of the `value`s of each `Item`.
/// - Complexity: O(n) where n is the number of items in `items`
public var value: Int { contents.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.value } }
init(solutionTo problem: ZeroOneKnapsackProblem<Item>,
containing items: [Item], capacity: Int, totalWeight: Int) {
assert(0...capacity ~= totalWeight)
self.problemSetting = problem
self.contents = items
(self.capacity, self.weight) = (capacity, totalWeight)
/// Sets up the class for solving the 0-1 Knapsack problem,
/// allocating enough space in the result table to compute
/// the result for limits less than or equal to maxLimit.
public init(with items: [Item], reserveCapacityFor maxLimit: Int? = nil) {
precondition((maxLimit ?? 0) >= 0)
precondition(items.allSatisfy { $0.weight >= 0 })
self.items = items
self.resultTable = (0...items.count).map { _ in
var res = [0]
if let maxLimit = maxLimit {
res.reserveCapacity(maxLimit + 1)
return res
self.solvedLimit = 0
// Convenience init
public extension ZeroOneKnapsackProblem {
/// Sets up the class for solving the 0-1 Knapsack problem,
/// computing the results for limits less than or equal to limit.
convenience init(with items: [Item], computeResultsUpTo limit: Int) {
self.init(with: items, reserveCapacityFor: limit)
solve(until: limit)
// Solver
extension ZeroOneKnapsackProblem {
func extendResultTable(by limit: Int) {
guard limit > solvedLimit else {
// No need to extend the result table, the table's first
// row already contains enough elements to build it.
// Don't forget to extend the null
// row of the result table as well.
resultTable[0] += [Int](repeating: 0, count: limit - solvedLimit)
solvedLimit = limit
/// Solves the 0-1 Knapsack problem for
/// limits less than or equal to limit.
public func solve(until limit: Int) {
guard limit > solvedLimit else {
// Already solved for the given limit.
extendResultTable(by: limit)
items.enumerated().forEach { fill(&resultTable[$0.0], $0) }
func fill(_ curr: inout [Int], _ pair: (Int, Item)) {
let (i, item) = pair
let prev = resultTable[i]
let unfilledIndices = prev.suffix(from: curr.endIndex)
for currentCapacity in unfilledIndices {
let valueWithoutItem = prev[currentCapacity]
let itemFitsInKnapsack = item.weight <= currentCapacity
guard itemFitsInKnapsack else {
// The item is too heavy to be included in the knapsack
// thus the value of the knapsack doesn't change.
// Add the item to the knapsack if doing so increases its
// value, and add the knapsack's value to the result table.
let valueWithItem = prev[currentCapacity-item.weight] + item.value
curr.append(max(valueWithoutItem, valueWithItem))
// Various methods for fetching results from the result table.
public extension ZeroOneKnapsackProblem {
/// Gets the solution to the problem if it has
/// already been solved for the given limit.
/// - Returns:
/// A knapsack representing the optimal solution to the problem
/// if it is already included in `resultTable`, `nil` otherwise.
/// - Complexity:
/// Constant time (O(1)) if the limit is not included in the result
/// table, linear time (O(n)) otherwise, where n is the number of
/// items.
func solution(for limit: Int) -> Knapsack? {
let hasBeenSolved = 0...solvedLimit ~= limit
guard hasBeenSolved else {
// You need to call solve(until: limit) first.
return nil
var remainingWeight = limit
// An iterator yielding a tuple whose right element goes through
// all the rows of the table but the last one, and whose left
// element is the row next to the left element's.
let tableRowIterator = zip(resultTable, resultTable.dropFirst())
var result = [Item]()
for (item, row) in zip(items, tableRowIterator).reversed() {
let valueWithItem = row.0[remainingWeight]
let valueWithoutItem = row.1[remainingWeight]
let isWorthAddingToKnapsack = valueWithItem != valueWithoutItem
guard isWorthAddingToKnapsack else {
remainingWeight -= item.weight
let knapsackIsFull = remainingWeight == 0
if knapsackIsFull {
let weight = limit - remainingWeight
return Knapsack(solutionTo: self, containing: result, capacity: limit, totalWeight: weight)
/// Gets the set of items included in the solution to the problem
/// if it has already been solved for the given limit.
/// - Returns:
/// A `Set` of `Item`s in the optimal solution to the problem if it
/// is already included in `resultTable`, `nil` otherwise.
/// - Complexity:
/// Constant time (O(1)) if the limit is not included in the result
/// table, linear time (O(n) where n is the number of
/// items in the item pool).
func result(for limit: Int) -> [Item]? {
solution(for: limit)?.contents
/// Gets the solution to the problem, calculating it if necessary.
/// - Precondition: `limit` must be positive.
/// - Returns:
/// A knapsack representing the optimal solution to the problem.
/// - Complexity:
/// Linear time (O(n)) where n is the number of items
/// in the item pool.
/// - SeeAlso: `solveAndGetSolution(for:)`
func callAsFunction(limit: Int) -> Knapsack {
solveAndGetSolution(for: limit)
/// Gets the solution to the problem, calculating it if necessary.
/// - Precondition: `limit` must be positive.
/// - Returns:
/// A knapsack representing the optimal solution to the problem.
func solveAndGetSolution(for limit: Int) -> Knapsack {
precondition(limit >= 0)
solve(until: limit)
return solution(for: limit)!
/// Gets the set of items included in the solution to the problem,
/// calculating it if necessary.
/// - Precondition: `limit` must be positive.
/// - Returns:
/// A `Set` of `Item`s in the optimal solution to the problem.
func solveAndGetResult(for limit: Int) -> [Item] {
solveAndGetSolution(for: limit).contents
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