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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jciancio on github.
  • I am jciancio ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASC10_5lef_cq7hxWzoaAc7FJ_WWN_We_KEAba1J5KWiMAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

# tip = 40 * 0.20
# total = 40 + tip
# my_share = total /3
# puts my_share
# bill = 40
# num_of_people = 3
# tip_percent = 0.20
echo "This will create a 'wyncode' folder in your Desktop"
mkdir ~/Desktop/wyncode
for unit in 'ruby-basic' 'ruby-advanced' 'web-basic' 'web-advanced-and-javascript' 'rails-basic' 'rails-2' 'javascript-advanced-and-web-security' 'rails-advanced'
mkdir ~/Desktop/wyncode/$unit
echo "Created a folder for: $unit!"
$(function() {
$('#new-message-button').on('click', sendMessage);
$('.new-message').on('keydown', pressEnter);
$('#conversation').on('click', 'a', deleteMessage);
$('#lonely').on('click', getJoke);
function messageTemplate(author, message, timestamp) {
return ["<li class='message'>",
"<a class='delete' href='#'>Delete</a>",
jciancio / git worflow
Last active February 9, 2016 18:37
Git and Github Workflow
# Starting a new project
1. `mkdir project-name` or `rails new project-name`
2. `cd project-name`
3. `git init` - let git know we want to track the files in this directory
4. `git status` - lists all new or modified files to be commited (At this point all the files in your directory are
"new" so they should be red, meaning they need to be committed)
5. `git add .` - add all new/modified files in the current directory to the staging area (At this point, this is all your files,
in the future you may want to run `git add FILE_NAME` to add files separately based on your current workflow)
6. `git commit -m "inital commit" - this commits all the files in the staging area, meaning they are saved as a "version".
This means we are SAFE. We can return our file structure to this point if we need to.
Verifying that +jciancio7 is my blockchain ID.