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Created January 15, 2014 03:41
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Calculate the molecular weight of a species given a chemical formula.
function mw = molweight(varargin)
% MOLWEIGHT Computes the molecular weights for a set of chemical species.
% mw = molweight(formula)
% mw = molweight(species)
% mw = molweigth(r)
% Computes the molecular weight of a chemical species. The species may be
% specified as a chemical formula, a cell array of chemical formulas or
% as a structure array of atomic representations. If there are no output
% arguments then a table of molecular weights is displayed.
% 1. Molecular weight of methane
% mw = molweight('CH4')
% 2. Molecular weight of methane using a structure array
% r.C = 1;
% r.H = 4;
% molweight(r);
% 3. Molecular weights of set of compounds
% molweight({'CH4','O2','CO2','H2O'});
% Jeff Kantor
% December 18, 2010
% This file is part of larger project for developing Matlab based tools
% for undergraduate use in Chemical Engineering. The following data
% structure was adapted from that project.
persistent ppds;
if isempty(ppds)
element = @(str, atomicnumber, amu) amu;
ppds.M = element('any metal', 0, NaN);
ppds.X = element('any halogen', 0, NaN);
ppds.H = element('hydrogen atom', 1, 1.00794);
ppds.D = element('deuterium', 1, 2.01410178);
ppds.T = element('tritium', 1, 3.0160492);
ppds.He = element('helium', 2, 4.0026002);
ppds.Li = element('lithium', 3, 6.941);
ppds.Be = element('beryllium', 4, 9.012182);
ppds.B = element('boron', 5, 10.811);
ppds.C = element('carbon', 6, 12.011);
ppds.N = element('nitrogen atom', 7, 14.00674);
ppds.O = element('oxygen atom', 8, 15.9994);
ppds.F = element('flourine', 9, 18.99840);
ppds.Ne = element('neon', 10, 20.1797);
ppds.Na = element('sodium', 11, 22.989768);
ppds.Mg = element('magnesium', 12, 24.3050);
ppds.Al = element('aluminium', 13, 26.981539);
ppds.Si = element('silicon', 14, 28.0855);
ppds.P = element('phosphorus', 15, 30.97362);
ppds.S = element('sulfur', 16, 32.066);
ppds.Cl = element('chlorine atom', 17, 35.4527);
ppds.Ar = element('argon', 18, 39.948);
ppds.K = element('potassium', 19, 39.0983);
ppds.Ca = element('calcium', 20, 40.078);
ppds.Sc = element('scandium', 21, 44.95591);
ppds.Ti = element('titanium', 22, 47.88);
ppds.V = element('vanadium', 23, 50.9415);
ppds.Cr = element('chromium', 24, 51.9961);
ppds.Mn = element('manganese', 25, 54.93085);
ppds.Fe = element('iron', 26, 55.847);
ppds.Co = element('cobalt', 27, 58.9332);
ppds.Ni = element('nickel', 28, 58.69);
ppds.Cu = element('copper', 29, 63.546);
ppds.Zn = element('zinc', 30, 65.39);
ppds.Ga = element('gallium', 31, 69.723);
ppds.Ge = element('germanium', 32, 72.61);
ppds.As = element('arsenic', 33, 74.92159);
ppds.Se = element('selenium', 34, 78.96);
ppds.Br = element('bromine', 35, 79.904);
ppds.Kr = element('krypton', 36, 83.80);
ppds.Rb = element('rubidium', 37, 85.4678);
ppds.Sr = element('strontium', 38, 87.62);
ppds.Y = element('yttrium', 39, 88.90585);
ppds.Zr = element('zirconium', 40, 91.224);
ppds.Nb = element('niobium', 41, 92.90638);
ppds.Mo = element('molybdenum', 42, 95.94);
ppds.Tc = element('technetium', 43, 98);
ppds.Ru = element('ruthenium', 44, 101.070);
ppds.Rh = element('rhodium', 45, 102.9055);
ppds.Pd = element('palladium', 46, 106.42);
ppds.Ag = element('silver', 47, 107.8682);
ppds.Cd = element('cadmium', 48, 112.411);
ppds.In = element('indium', 49, 114.82);
ppds.Sn = element('tin', 50, 118.71);
ppds.Sb = element('antimony', 51, 121.75);
ppds.Te = element('tellurium', 52, 127.60);
ppds.I = element('iodine', 53, 126.90447);
ppds.Xe = element('xenon', 54, 131.29);
ppds.Cs = element('cesium', 55, 132.90543);
ppds.Ba = element('barium', 56, 137.327);
ppds.La = element('lanthanum', 57, 138.9055);
ppds.Ce = element('cerium', 58, 140.115);
ppds.Pr = element('praseodymium', 59, 140.90765);
ppds.Nd = element('neodymium', 60, 144.24);
ppds.Pm = element('promethium', 61, 145);
ppds.Sm = element('samarium', 62, 150.36);
ppds.Eu = element('europium', 63, 151.965);
ppds.Gd = element('gadolinium', 64, 157.25);
ppds.Tb = element('terbium', 65, 158.92534);
ppds.Dy = element('dysprosium', 66, 162.50);
ppds.Ho = element('holmium', 67, 164.92032);
ppds.Er = element('erbium', 68, 167.26);
ppds.Tm = element('thulium', 69, 168.93421);
ppds.Yb = element('ytterbium', 70, 173.04);
ppds.Lu = element('lutetium', 71, 174.967);
ppds.Hf = element('hafnium', 72, 178.49);
ppds.Ta = element('tantalum', 73, 180.9479);
ppds.W = element('tungsten', 74, 183.85);
ppds.Re = element('rhenium', 75, 186.207);
ppds.Os = element('osmium', 76, 190.2);
ppds.Ir = element('iridium', 77, 192.22);
ppds.Pt = element('platinum', 78, 195.09);
ppds.Au = element('gold', 79, 196.96654);
ppds.Hg = element('mercury', 80, 200.59);
ppds.Tl = element('thallium', 81, 204.3833);
ppds.Pb = element('lead', 82, 207.2);
ppds.Bi = element('bismuth', 83, 208.98037);
ppds.Po = element('polonium', 84, 209);
ppds.At = element('astatine', 85, 210);
ppds.Rn = element('radon', 86, 222);
ppds.Fr = element('francium', 87, 223);
ppds.Ra = element('radium', 88, 226.025);
ppds.Ac = element('actinium', 89, 227.028);
ppds.Th = element('thorium', 90, 232.0381);
ppds.Pa = element('protactinium', 91, 231.03588);
ppds.U = element('uranium', 92, 238.0289);
ppds.Np = element('neptunium', 93, 237.0482);
ppds.Pu = element('plutonium', 94, 244);
ppds.Am = element('americium', 95, 243);
ppds.Cm = element('curium', 96, 247);
ppds.Bk = element('berkelium', 97, 247);
ppds.Cf = element('californium', 98, 251);
ppds.Es = element('einsteinium', 99, 252);
ppds.Fm = element('fermium', 100, 257);
ppds.Q = element('charge', 0, 0);
ppds.e = element('electron', 0, 0);
assert(nargin > 0, 'molweight:input', ['No input. Expects a cell ', ...
'array of formulas or struct array of atoms.']);
assert(nargin < 2, 'molweight:input', 'Unexpected extra inputs.');
% Process function argument to produce a cell array of chemical
% formulas and structure array of atomic representations.
switch class(varargin{1})
case 'char' % Single formula
species = varargin;
r = parse_formula(species);
case 'cell' % Cell array of formulas
species = varargin{1};
r = parse_formula(species);
case 'struct' % Structure array
r = varargin{1};
species = hillformula(r);
error('molweight:input',['requires cell array of chemical ',...
'formulas or a structure array of atomic representations']);
% For each element of the structure array, compute a molecular weight
mw = zeros(size(r));
atoms = fields(r);
for n = 1:size(r(:))
for i = 1:length(atoms)
% The following check is needed to avoid add adding NaN in
% cases where M or X appear in atoms.
if r(n).(atoms{i}) > 0
mw(n) = mw(n) + ppds.(atoms{i})*r(n).(atoms{i});
% If no outputs, then display results
if nargout == 0
fprintf('%-25s %8s\n','Species','Mol. Wt.');
fprintf('%-25s %8s\n','-------','--------');
for n = 1:size(mw(:))
fprintf('%-25s %8.2f\n',species{n},mw(n));
function r = parse_formula(varargin)
% PARSE_FORMULA Parses a chemical formula to form an atomic representation.
% r = parse_formula(str)
% r = parse_formula({str1,str2,str3, ...})
% Parses chemical formulas and returns a structure array holding the an
% atomic representation of the chemical formulae. The input is a string
% or a cell array of strings.
% 1. Chemical formulas of varying complexity
% parse_formula('H2O'); % Water
% parse_formula('NaHCO3'); % Sodium Bicarbonate
% parse_formula('(CH4)8(H2O)46'); % Methane Clathrate
% parse_formula('CH3COOCH2CH3'); % Ethyl Acetate
% parse_formula('MnO4-'); % Negative Charge Ion
% parse_formula('dCH4'); % Returns error message
% 2. Create an structure array of atomic representations for a set of
% compounds
% r = parse_formula({'CH4','O2','CO2','H2O'});
% 1. Formulas are made of up of sequences of elements followed by
% integers indicating the number of included atoms. Omitted integers
% are assumed to be one.
% 2. Elements are the conventional one or two character abbreviations.
% The character is captialized. If present, the second character is
% lower case. In addition to the standard elements, the parser allows
% for
% Symbol Entity Interpretation
% e electron like an element with MW = 0
% D deuterium an element
% T tritium an element
% M any metal like an element, mw = NaN
% X any halogen like an element, mw = NaN
% Me methyl group (CH3) CH3 substituted for Me
% Et ethyl group (C2H5) C2H5 substituted for Et
% Bu butyl group (C4H9) C4H9 substituted for Bu
% Ph phenol group (C6H5) C6H5 substituted for Ph
% 3. Subgroups may be included between parenthesis or brackets followed
% by an integer indicating number of repetitions. Two levels of
% subgrouping are allowed.
% 4. A terminal lower case suffix denoting phases will be correctly
% parsed. The phase must be one of (aq), (l), (g), or (s).
% 5. The charge on an ionic species is appended as a + or - followed by
% an optional integer. Examples are H+, OH-, or Ca+2.
% 6. The bare electron e- is used in balancing chemical half reactions.
% 7. Error messages are generated for invalid fomulas
% 8. str can be a cell array of chemical formula. The results is a
% structure array. The elements of the output structure array are in
% one-to-one correspondence with elements of the cell array. For
% example
% r = parse_formula({'CH4','CH3OH','CHOOH'})
% r(1) holds the atomic formula for CH4, r(2) for CH3OH, and r(3) for
% Jeff Kantor
% December 18, 2010
assert(nargin > 0, 'parse_formula:input', ['No input. Expects a ', ...
'string or cell array of chemical formulas.']);
assert(nargin < 2, 'stoich:input', 'Unexpected extra inputs.');
switch class(varargin{1})
case 'char' % Single formula
str = varargin;
case 'cell' % Cell array of formulas
str = varargin{1};
error('parse_formula:input',['requires cell array of ',...
'chemical formulas.']);
assert(iscellstr(str), 'parse_formula:input', ...
'Formulas must be strings.');
% Trim any whitespace at front or back
str = strtrim(str);
% Remove phase information. This information is currently neglected. In
% a later version we may wish to incorporate phase into a more complete
% data structure for representing chemical formula.
prex = '|\((aq|g|l|s)\)$';
str = regexprep(str,prex,'');
% Substitute for some common chemical abbreviations
str = regexprep(str,'Bu','C4H9'); % Butyl
str = regexprep(str,'Et','C2H5'); % Ethyl
str = regexprep(str,'Me','CH3'); % Methyl
str = regexprep(str,'Ph','C6H5'); % Phenol
% Apply the main parser to every element of str
q = cellfun(@(s)parse_formula_(s,3),str,'Uniform',false);
% Union of all atomic species
atoms = {};
for i = 1:length(q(:))
atoms = union(atoms, fields(q{i}));
% Add all atomic species to all structures.
for i = 1:length(q(:))
for j = 1:length(atoms)
if ~ismember(atoms{j},fields(q{i}))
q{i}.(atoms{j}) = 0;
% Form the structure array to have the same shape as str
r = reshape([q{:}],size(str));
end % parse_formula
function r = parse_formula_(str,kdepth)
assert(kdepth > 0, 'parse_formula_:Recursion', ...
'Reached maximum recursion depth');
r = struct([]);
% Regular expression returning tokens for element and number
% sexpr matches single elements followed by a digit, or a +/-
% followed by a digit to denote charge
persistent srex; % Regexp pattern to match elements and charges
persistent grex; % Regexp pattern to match groups
if isempty(srex) || isempty(grex)
srex = ['(A[lrsgutcm]|B[eraik]?|C[laroudsemf]?|D[y]?|E[urs]|', ...
'F[erm]?|G[aed]|H[eofgas]?|I[nr]?|Kr?|L[iaur]|', ...
'M[gnodt]?|N[eaibdpos]?|Os?|P[drmtboau]?|R[buhenaf]|', ...
'S[icernbmg]?|T[icebmalh]?|U|V|W|X[e]?|Yb?|Z[nr])', ...
'(\d*\.\d+|\d*)', ...
grex = '|\(([^\)]*)\)(\d*\.\d+|\d*)|\[([^\]]*)\](\d*\.\d+|\d*)';
% Parse formula for chemical groups. This picks out anything that looks
% an element followed by a number, or a subgroup within parentheses.
% The tokens are returned in the cell array u. Each u{k} has two
% elements, the first is a string denoting the group, and the second is
% number string of repetitions.
[u,s,e] = regexp(str,[srex,grex],'tokens','start','end');
% Report any parsing errors. A parse error occurs if there are any
% characters not matched as tokens. We scan the start and end positions
% of the tokens to determine if there are any gaps.
g(1:length(str)) = '^';
for i = 1:length(s);
g(s(i):e(i)) = ' ';
assert(all(g ~= '^'), 'parse_formula:ParseError', ...
'Could not parse formula:\n %s\n %s\n', str, char(g));
% Extract atom tokens from the first part of each token
tok = cellfun(@(v)v{1},u,'Uni',false);
% Extract counts from the second part of each token, convert to
% doubles, empty counts set to 1
cnt = cellfun(@(v)v{2},u,'Uni',false);
cnt = str2double(cnt);
cnt(isnan(cnt)) = 1;
% Loop over tokens
for j = 1:length(u)
% See if token matches an element
if strcmp(tok{j},regexp(tok{j},srex,'match'))
% The token exactly matches an element.
% Change + or - tokens to 'Q'.
tok{j} = regexprep(tok{j},'+','Q');
if strcmp(tok{j}, '-')
tok{j} = 'Q';
cnt(j) = -cnt(j);
% Update atomic representation, adding a field if needed.
if isfield(r,tok{j})
r.(tok{j}) = r.(tok{j}) + cnt(j);
r(1).(tok{j}) = cnt(j);
% The token must be a group, so do a recursion to find
% an atomic represenation of the group.
q = parse_formula_(tok{j},kdepth-1);
% Updatethe atomic representation to include the group.
% Add fields if needed. Multiply by number of groups in the
% formula we're parsing.
f = fields(q);
for k = 1:length(f)
if isfield(r,f{k})
r.(f{k}) = r.(f{k}) + cnt(j)*q.(f{k});
r(1).(f{k}) = cnt(j)*q.(f{k});
end % parse_formula_
function species = hillformula(varargin)
% HILLFORMULA Produce a cell array of chemical formulas in Hill Notation.
% species = hillformula(r)
% species = hillformula(species)
% Construct a cell array of chemical formula strings in Hill notation.
% The input is either a cell array of chemical formulas or a structure
% array of atomic representations.
% 1. Construct formula for methane
% r.C = 1;
% r.H = 4;
% hillformula(r);
% 2. Roundtrip construction for methanol
% r = parse_formula('CH3OH');
% hillformula(r)
% 3. Convert formula to Hill notation
% sp = hillformula('H2SO4');
% 1. Starting with a chemical formula s1,
% s2 = hillformula(s1)
% projects the chemical onto a simpler representation s2. This is not
% unique, there may be multiple formulas (isomers) that result in the
% same string s2.
% 2. Starting with an atomic representation r1, the combination
% s = hillformula(r1)
% r2 = parse_formula(s)
% will return the same atomic representation.
% Author
% Jeff Kantor
% December 18, 2010
assert(nargin > 0, 'hillfomula:input', ['No input. Expects a ', ...
'cell array of formulas or struct array of atoms.']);
assert(nargin < 2, 'hillfomula:input', 'Unexpected extra inputs.');
% Process function argument to produce a cell array of chemical
% formulas and structure array of atomic representations.
switch class(varargin{1})
case 'char' % Single formula
r = parse_formula(varargin);
case 'cell' % Cell array of formulas
r = parse_formula(varargin{1});
case 'struct' % Structure array
r = varargin{1};
error('hillfomula:input',['requires cell array of chemical ',...
'formulas or a structure array of atomic representations']);
% Use hillformula_ to perform calculations for each element of array r
species = arrayfun(@hillformula_,r,'UniformOutput',false);
function str = hillformula_(r)
% Put fields in alphabetical order
atoms = sort(fields(r));
% The fields of r is union set of atoms present in the various chemical
% species. We obtain these fields and put them in Hill order.
if ismember('C',atoms) && (r.C > 0)
a = intersect({'C','H','D','T'},atoms);
b = setdiff(atoms,{'C','H','D','T'});
atoms = [a(:); b(:)];
% If Q is present, then Q always goes to the end of the line
if ismember('Q',atoms) && (r.Q ~= 0)
a = setdiff(atoms,{'Q'});
atoms = [a(:); 'Q'];
str = '';
for k = 1:length(atoms);
switch atoms{k}
case 'Q'
if r.(atoms{k}) <= -2
str = strcat(str,num2str(r.(atoms{k})));
elseif r.(atoms{k}) == -1
str = strcat(str,'-');
elseif r.(atoms{k}) == 1
str = strcat(str,'+');
elseif r.(atoms{k}) >= 2
str = strcat(str,'+',num2str(r.(atoms{k})));
if (r.(atoms{k}) > 0) && (r.(atoms{k}) ~= 1)
str = strcat(str,atoms{k},num2str(r.(atoms{k})));
elseif r.(atoms{k}) == 1
str = strcat(str,atoms{k});
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