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Last active January 3, 2016 08:29
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Save jckantor/8436117 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Format a matrix as a table with optional row and column labels, with optional export to plain text, latex, html, or csv output.
function str = displaytable(A,rnames,cnames,fmt,tableformat,fname)
% DISPLAYTABLE Convert a matrix to a printable table.
% Formats a matrix as a table with row and column labels. The result is
% a string that will print as a formatted table. Useful labeling and
% annotating computational results.
% A: A matrix of numeric data.
% rnames: An optional cell array of strings for row headers, one for
% each row of A. If there is only one string, the a row number
% suffix is added to the string. An empty string produces no
% row headers.
% cnames: An optional cell array of strings for column headers, one
% for each column of A. If there is only one string, the a row
% number suffix is added to the string. An empty string
% produces no column headers.
% fmt: An optional data format (e.g., %8.3f) for displaying table
% data. The default is '%9.5g'.
% tableformat: An optional text string denoting table format. The default
% is 'mono'. Options are
% 'mono' -- monospaced font
% 'plain' -- tabs delimited columns
% 'latex' -- for latex
% 'html' -- for html
% 'csv' -- CSV formated file
% fname: An optional file name (with suffix) to store the result.
% 1. Annotate a simple result
% >> displaytable(pi,'Pi = ');
% Pi = 3.1416
% 2. Display a simple table
% >> A = magic(4);
% >> displaytable(A)
% 16 2 3 13
% 5 11 10 8
% 9 7 6 12
% 4 14 15 1
% 3. Display a table with row and column headings
% >> displaytable(A,'Row','Col')
% Col(1) Col(2) Col(3) Col(4)
% Row(1) 16 2 3 13
% Row(2) 5 11 10 8
% Row(3) 9 7 6 12
% Row(4) 4 14 15 1
% 4. Create a table of molecular weights (requires StoichTools)
% >> s = {'CH4','C2H6','C3H8'}';
% >> mw = molweight(s);
% >> displaytable(mw,s,'Mol. Wt.');
% Mol. Wt.
% CH4 16.043
% C2H6 30.07
% C3H8 44.097
% 5. Create a spreadsheet of molecular weights (requires StoichTools)
% >> displaytable(mw,w,'Mol. Wt.','','csv','MolWt.csv');
% I must have written a hundred adhoc versions of 'displaytable' in various
% projects. This is my attempt to get it right once and for all.
% Jeffrey Kantor
% December 13, 2011 -- Original
% December 18, 2011 -- reordered calling parameters to be more convenient.
% January 21-22, 2012 -- Updated documentation
A = full(A);
[I,J] = size(A);
% The default table style is monospaced.
if nargin < 5
tableformat = 'mono';
elseif ~ischar(tableformat)
error('Table format must be a string');
% Establish data format
if nargin < 4 || isempty(fmt)
fmt = '%9.5g';
% Parse the data format for width, decimal points, format
fmtparse = regexp(fmt,'%(\d+)\.*(\d+)*([deEfFgG])','tokens');
fmtparse = fmtparse{1};
fmtwidth = fmtparse{1};
fmtprec = fmtparse{2};
fmttype = fmtparse{3};
if isempty(fmttype)
error('Data format must be d, e, D, f, F,g, or G');
% Row and column headings are specified as cell arrays with string
% labels for each row and column, or by a single string that is
% expanded below to generate unique headings. An empty string removes
% the corresponding header.
if nargin < 3
cnames = {''};
elseif ischar(cnames)
cnames = {cnames};
elseif ~iscellstr(cnames) || (numel(cnames)>1 && numel(cnames)~= J)
error('Column headings not consistent with table data.');
iscolheader = ~isempty(cnames{1});
if nargin < 2
rnames = {''};
elseif ischar(rnames)
rnames = {rnames};
elseif ~iscellstr(rnames) || (numel(rnames)>1 && numel(rnames)~= I)
error('Row headings not consistent with table data.');
isrowheader = ~isempty(rnames{1});
% If a row or column heading is specified by a single string, it is
% expanded to generate unique headings by appending row or column
% numbers.
if numel(rnames)==1 && I > 1 && isrowheader
rfmt = ['%s(%',num2str(length(num2str(J))),'d)'];
r = rnames{1};
for i = 1:I
rnames{i} = sprintf(rfmt,r,i);
if numel(cnames)==1 && J > 1 && iscolheader
cfmt = ['%s(%',num2str(length(num2str(J))),'d)'];
c = cnames{1};
for j = 1:J
cnames{j} = sprintf(cfmt,c,j);
% Setup table formating parameters
% prefix -- table prefix
% rowpfx -- prefix to each row
% rowsfx -- suffix to each row
% rowsep -- separator between rnames
% colsep -- separator between columns
% suffix -- table suffix
% rnamefmt -- sprintf format for row headers
% cnamefmt -- sprintf format for column headers
% datafmt -- sprintf format for data cells
trm = @(s)regexprep(s,'\s','');
colwidth = max(max(arrayfun(@(x)length(trm(sprintf(fmt,x))),A)));
rwidth = max(cellfun(@(x)size(x,2),rnames));
cwidth = max(colwidth,max(cellfun(@(x)size(x,2),cnames)));
dwidth = max(colwidth,max(cellfun(@(x)size(x,2),cnames)));
datafmt = ['%',num2str(dwidth),'.',fmtprec,fmttype];
switch tableformat
case {'mono'}
hline = '';
prefix = '';
rowpfx = '';
rowsfx = '';
rowsep = sprintf('\n');
colsep = ' ';
suffix = '';
rnamefmt = ['%-',num2str(rwidth),'s'];
cnamefmt = ['%',num2str(cwidth),'s'];
% datafmt = ['%',num2str(dwidth),'.',num2str(fmtprec),fmttype];
case {'plain','tab'}
hline = '';
prefix = '';
rowpfx = '';
rowsfx = '';
rowsep = sprintf('\n');
colsep = sprintf('\t');
suffix = '';
rnamefmt = ['%-',num2str(rwidth),'s'];
cnamefmt = ['%',num2str(cwidth),'s'];
% datafmt = ['%',num2str(dwidth),'.5g'];
case {'latex','tex'}
hline = sprintf('\\hline\r\n');
if isrowheader
prefix = sprintf('\\begin{tabular}{l%s}\r\n',repmat('r',1,J));
prefix = sprintf('\\begin{tabular}{%s}\r\n',repmat('r',1,J));
rowpfx = '';
rowsfx = '';
rowsep = sprintf(' \\\\\r\n');
colsep = ' & ';
suffix = sprintf('\\end{tabular}');
rnamefmt = ['%',num2str(rwidth),'s'];
cnamefmt = ['\\multicolumn{1}{c}{\\bf %s}'];
%datafmt = ['%',num2str(dwidth),'.5g'];
case 'html'
hline = '';
prefix = sprintf('<table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=4>');
rowpfx = sprintf('\n <tr bgcolor="#EFEFEF">');
rowsfx = sprintf('\n </tr>');
rowsep = '';
colsep = '';
suffix = sprintf('\n</table>');
rnamefmt = ['\n <td align="left">%s</td>'];
cnamefmt = ['\n <th align="center">%s</th>'];
datafmt = ['\n <td align="right">',datafmt,'</td>'];
case 'csv'
hline = '';
prefix = '';
rowpfx = '';
rowsfx = '';
rowsep = sprintf('\n');
colsep = ',';
suffix = '';
rnamefmt = ['"%s"'];
cnamefmt = ['"%s"'];
% datafmt = ['"%',num2str(dwidth),'.5g"'];
error('Unrecognized table format.');
% Start building the table
S = prefix;
% Column headers
if iscolheader
S = [S,hline,rowpfx];
if isrowheader
S = [S,sprintf(rnamefmt,' '),colsep];
for j = 1:J-1
S = [S,sprintf(cnamefmt,cnames{j}),colsep];
S = [S,sprintf(cnamefmt,cnames{J}),rowsfx,rowsep];
% Data table
S = [S,hline];
for i = 1:I
S = [S,rowpfx];
if isrowheader
S = [S,sprintf(rnamefmt,rnames{i}),colsep];
for j = 1:J-1
S = [S,sprintf(datafmt,A(i,j)),colsep];
S = [S,sprintf(datafmt,A(i,J)),rowsfx,rowsep];
% Add suffix
S = [S,hline,suffix];
% If no outputs, display to console
if nargout == 0
str = S;
% Print file
if nargin >= 6 && ~isempty(fname)
fid = fopen(fname,'w');
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