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Created May 31, 2017 17:19
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Simple merge sort demonstration with some explanation
def mergeSort(sorting, first, last):
"""Recursive merge sort function that takes the indices of the
first and last values that are being sorted in this pass and methodically
splits down the `sorting` list, until it can start remerging the halves.
Recursion is the only way that merge sort makes sense. It's pretty neat.
if first >= last:
# If the first and last pointers are the same or switched, we're done
return sorting
# Find the middle value
middle = (last+first) // 2
#print("Splitting & sorting the right half from {} to {}".format(first, middle)
sorting = mergeSort(sorting, first, middle)
#print("Splitting & sorting the left half from {} to {}".format(middle+1, last)
sorting = mergeSort(sorting, middle+1, last)
return mergeHalves(sorting, first, middle, last)
def mergeHalves(sorting, first, middle, last):
"""Merges two halves of the `sorting` list at the given points, and since
they should each be sorted, the merging just involves picking off which
of the next available items from the left or right half is smaller.
The merging stops when the end of one half has been reached. At that point we
know that the rest of the non-used-up half must be greater than all of the
used-up half.
Since the remains values are sorted, we just have to add them to the end of
the `sorted_list` array; i.e. no further work/ sorting required.
left_start = first
left_end = middle
left_i = left_start # Index for the position in the left half
right_start = middle + 1
right_end = last
right_i = right_start # Index for the position in the right half
print("Merging:\n ",
sorted_list = []
while left_i <= left_end and right_i <= right_end:
# Place in the smallest value
if sorting[left_i] < sorting[right_i]:
# Append the next item in the left half if it is smaller
left_i += 1
# Append the next item in the right half if it is smaller
right_i += 1
# Once the bounds are met for one half, fill in the rest
# => Note that either the left half has some values left OR the right half
# It can't be both.
sorted_list += sorting[left_i:left_end+1]
sorted_list += sorting[right_i:right_end+1]
print(" Merged result:\n ",
# Replace the relevant value in the list
sorting[first:last+1] = sorted_list
print(" List state (done up to index", last,
"):\n ",
return sorting
if __name__ == "__main__":
import random
print("Merge sort demo with Python. At each stage of merging, the "
"two parts of the list are shown, as well as the final "
"product and the entire list's state.")
mode = input("Would you like to contruct a list [C] or generate a random "
"one [R]? [C/R] ")
if mode == "C":
print("Enter numerical values, and then keyboard interrupt (Ctl-C) when "
"you're done.")
unsorted = []
while True:
unsorted += [int(input("Number: "))]
except KeyboardInterrupt:
elif mode == "R":
length = int(input("How long should the array be? "))
high = int(input("What's the max value? "))
unsorted = random.sample(range(high), length)
print("\n\nYour list:", unsorted, "\n\n")
print("The algorithm uses divide and conquer to sort the smallest possible "
"amount first and then work upwards (shown by the increasing size of "
"the parts to be merged.\n")
print("Merging two parts of the list is a simple sort where we take whichever "
"value is least from the front of both of the input lists (which are "
"already sorted, making it possible to take the value from the front)"
print("You can add some extra `print(...)` calls into the code and rerun "
"if you'd like to see the steps involved in breaking down the list "
"so that it's small enough to merge at each point.\n\n")
print("\n\nYour list:", unsorted, "\n\n")
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