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Created April 26, 2017 20:04
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Encryption service object as wrapper for Bcrypt Module
* @displayname Encryption Service Model
* @description This is a encryption Service Model
property name="bCrypt" inject="BCrypt@BCrypt";
property name="encryptAlgorithm";
property name="encryptEncode";
* Constructor
encryptionService function init(){
variables.encryptAlgorithm = "BLOWFISH";
variables.encryptEncode = "HEX";
return this;
* bCrypt
function bCrypt( string value ){
return variables.bCrypt.hashPassword( ARGUMENTS.value );
* bCryptMatches
function bCryptMatches( string provided,string stored ){
//Note: BCrypt needs to stay a transient or strange things happen
return variables.bCrypt.checkPassword( provided,stored );
} catch( "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException" e ){
return false;
* Creates a generic token
* @encryptionKey string If provided, the token will be encrypted before being returned
function createGenericToken( string encryptionKey ){
//create a simple token from a UUID
var tokenBase = lcase( replace( createUUID(), "-", "", "ALL" ) );
if( !isNull( encryptionKey ) ){
return encrypt( tokenBase, arguments.encryptionKey , variables.encryptAlgorithm, variables.encryptEncode );
} else {
return tokenBase;
* Encrypts a string using the default agorithm
* @value string The value to encrypt
* @key string The encryption key
function encryptValue(
required string value,
required string key
return encrypt( arguments.value, arguments.key, variables.encryptAlgorithm, variables.encryptEncode );
* Decrypts an encrypted string, when provided the string and key
* @encryptedString string The previously encrypted value
* @encryptionKey string The key used to decrypt
* @throwOnError boolean=false Whether to throw on a decryption error
function getDecryptedValue(
required string encryptedString,
required string encryptionKey,
required boolean throwOnError=false
return decrypt( arguments.encryptedString, arguments.encryptionKey , variables.encryptAlgorithm, variables.encryptEncode );
} catch( any e ){
if( arguments.throwOnError ){
} else{
return arguments.encryptedString;
return arguments.encryptedString;
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