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Last active January 1, 2016 01:19
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Save jclausen/8072280 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Basic Shell Script to Deploy Git Repository Using Middleman Local Repo Accepts -branch parameter
# Staging Server Deployment script for Cygwin
server_name="My Staging Server"
echo -e "Pulling latest repository updates from branch ${branch}...\n"
# Change to staging directory and update
# pull changes
PULLED=`cd $repo_dir && git pull`
echo $PULLED
echo -e "\nLocal Repository Sucessfully Updated.\n"
echo -e "\nApplying Changes to $server_name\n"
# Stash any local changes so pull operations can run
echo -e "Stashing Local Changes...\n"
stashed=`cd $dest_dir && git stash save 'predeployment stash'`
echo $stashed
echo -e "\nStashed!\n"
echo -e "\nMerging Updated Files in to $server_name site...\n"
merged=`cd $dest_dir && git pull origin ${branch}`
echo $merged
echo -e "\nMerged!\n"
echo -e "\nReapplying stashed changes...\n"
reapply=`cd $dest_dir && git stash apply stash@{0}`
echo reapply
echo -e "\nStashed changes reapplied!\n"
# Clean Up
echo -e "Cleaning stashes...\n"
cleared=`cd $dest_dir && git stash clear`
echo $cleared
echo -e "\nFinished\n"
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